
The way a person speaks reveals his personal cultivation

The way a person speaks reveals his personal cultivation

Beautiful language is a good medicine that can save others and can also save oneself; messy language is like a brush that disturbs the hearts of others and also disturbs one's own hearts, so that neither side can benefit.

When we were young, we learned adults to talk, so we would call Mom and Dad; when we grew up, smart people continued to learn to talk, so this kind of person's popularity became better and better, and life became better and better.

However, some people just learn to speak, but when they grow up, they do not continue to learn, so they feel uncomfortable when they hear everyone talking.

There is a saying that goes like this:

"Live to be old, learn to be old."

In fact, speaking is also a kind of learning, we have been learning all our lives, how to speak well. Great people must speak Chinese well, and ordinary people must also speak their own truth well.

The way a person speaks reveals the person's cultivation.

The way a person speaks reveals his personal cultivation


Uttering evil words destroys one's own image

"A good word is warm in three winters, and a bad word hurts people in June."

A person's way of speaking will not only expose his own cultivation, but also expose his own tutoring.

Sometimes you feel that you have scolded others bitterly, you feel comfortable in your heart, you feel that you have taken revenge, in fact, this is just a story of mutual defeat, others have not received benefits, you have not received benefits.

Maybe others have broken their hearts, but you have ruined your image.

The way a person speaks reveals his personal cultivation

Once I saw a scene like this on the road:

A man driving a luxury car and a sanitation worker got into an argument, when the man who drove the luxury car pointed at the worker, felt that the worker was dirty, and did not let the person go near him.

Obviously, he hit this sanitation worker himself, but this person who drove a luxury car still had to ignore people, and he always felt that he had money and power, and he could cover the sky with one hand.

Then came a lady, who said to the man who drove the luxury car: "From what you said, I know that you are a person without a tutor, you are a person with no image, no matter how big the car you drive, you can't make up for the emptiness and poverty in your heart." ”

Yes, a person's spiritual wealth does not mean that more money can be compensated.

The way a person speaks reveals his personal cultivation

Speaking evil words to a weak person, destroying your own image, but also exposing your own cultivation, but also tired of your parents, because everyone feels that your parents did not teach you well, it is your tutoring that is not good enough, so you will become such a person.

Many people will also think of your children and grandchildren, thinking that if one day you become an elder, then the people you have educated are also arbitrary, and they are also imageless, and they are also disturbing public order on the road, and they are also a non-cultivated offspring.

Therefore, it is not only your own image that is destroyed by bad words, but sometimes the image of your own family is destroyed, and when bad words hurt people, you must know how to think twice before acting.

The way a person speaks reveals his personal cultivation


Gentle tone, but can defend their rights

Some people speak very softly, but they can defend their rights.

These people will not argue with others, but when they encounter some things, they will never back down, when their rights are deprived by others, such people will stand up to defend their rights, and sometimes see the people around them being deprived of their rights by others.

So they will also be unfair to others, such people are gentle people, but they are gentle people with strength, but also, people who like to be close, and there are some excellent people around them.

Sometimes we don't have to be loud when we speak, but our will must be firm, we must speak reasonably, reason is really strong, reasonable and well-founded is also really hard, and only then can we make others happy and convinced of us.

The way a person speaks reveals his personal cultivation

Often in the TV series to see some people to others to speak particularly gentle, but let others dumb, in fact, when you speak to others more gentle, even if you say things, let others feel uncomfortable.

But in the face of such a gentle person as you, this person will not lose his temper with you, because the other party thinks that your tone is OKAY, and the other party is not embarrassed to give you a fire.

Chinese has a saying:

"Hit people without smiling tigers."

If you seem gentle enough on the surface, and you speak with a lot of words, every sentence is reasonable, and the other party does not dare to say anything to you.

The way a person speaks reveals his personal cultivation

So sometimes when encountering some things, some people will say to each other, let the other party be tougher, let the other party speak in a tougher tone, most of the time there is no need for this, the world is still relatively peaceful.

Therefore, it is necessary to be reasonable, shouting is useless, and sometimes others will think that you are an uncultivated person, even if you say it is very reasonable, but others see your posture, they think you are not a person.

In the same way, the effect of saying it in different tones is not the same, so the tone of speech should also be exquisite.

The way a person speaks reveals his personal cultivation


One mouth can win a lot of people

At the time of the War of the Seven Kingdoms, there was a Chu State, and there was a person in the Chu State named Zhang Zi, who was clever in his tongue, and through one of his own mouths, he won his own career, and you got the respect of others.

When you learn to speak, in fact, you will be surrounded by a lot of people, although you have not given these people some substantial help and dedication, but these people are willing to let you give advice, but also willing to listen to your language.

In universities, I often hear some professors give lectures, and these professors may only talk about some philosophical things, and they may only talk about courses that seem to have no effect, but everyone likes to listen, because the speech is particularly interesting, so everyone likes it.

The way a person speaks reveals his personal cultivation

The teachers spoke particularly interestingly, and at the same time, it was also exposed that the teacher had a good cultivation, every time he spoke so well, every time he said it was so reasonable, so that many students were impressed, and the students felt that this teacher was particularly attractive.

After leaving the campus, the society is also like this, when speaking must let others feel particularly reasonable, but also with a good tone to talk to others, what you say is reasonable, the tone is good, so many people are willing to listen to you.

A good tone can make others like to listen to your words, reasonable sentences can make a person continue to listen to your words, so a good tone and reasonable sentences are essential, this is the learning of speaking.

The way a person speaks reveals his personal cultivation

If a person wants to learn to speak, it may only take a year, that is, when we are young, imitate adults to speak, open their mouths and call Mom and Dad.

But a person to learn to speak well, it is necessary to use a lifetime to exercise, we also have to learn to keep pace with the times, we also have to learn to say different things to different people, we also have to enrich our own connotation, so that the words we say have connotation, others will also feel that we are particularly cultivated.

A person's cultivation is manifested in the temperament of speaking, and sometimes it is also manifested in the rationality of speaking, and these two must be combined.

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