
GK listed two main forces, core C position and signboard bearer are not wanted, this is ready to do what!

With the opening of the transfer period, the major teams have successively announced their own listing lists. Some teams are listed in a house-splitting style, and some teams are very cautious, listing only one or two people. And GK's list of listings, to be honest, is somewhat surprising. Because it seems that GK only lists two players, but these two players are very unsimple. Other teams are listed, either as substitutes or as the main force that has been replaced, which basically will not affect their original lineup and strength. Although there are only two players listed on the GK side, they are both core C positions, and GK's signboard is responsible. I really can't guess what GK really wants to do?

GK listed two main forces, core C position and signboard bearer are not wanted, this is ready to do what!


GK listed two players, few, but surprising.

GK listed two main forces, core C position and signboard bearer are not wanted, this is ready to do what!

GK Listing List

GK's list of listings is actually not much, and the two players are also a decent number. But seeing the names of these two players was very surprising. We all know that GK is actually doing well and in good shape. In the World Champions League, it was rushed to the finals, and the entire squad was very perfect. The players are all years old, which can be said to be the future. The listing of two players this time means that GK has to dismantle its own lineup and reorganize, which is also to make them risk a lot.

The German costume replaces Menglan, but he performs well when he is in danger!

GK listed two main forces, core C position and signboard bearer are not wanted, this is ready to do what!


The first player listed on GK is the archer position of the suit. In the autumn competition, Menglan could not play the starting game because of his age problem, which led to GK needing a shooter, and The German service belonged to the imminent order, replacing Menglan's vacancy. Throughout the autumn competition to the stage of the Challenger Cup, the performance of the German costume was very outstanding and recognized by everyone. There are two possibilities for the lack of listing. One is that Decoy wants to seek new opportunities. The other is that Menglan may be coming back, and Defu has to go to the transfer.

Pengpeng is also listed, is GK ready for a big blood change?

GK listed two main forces, core C position and signboard bearer are not wanted, this is ready to do what!


Another player listed on GK is Pengpeng who plays the wild position. Pengpeng can be said to be the façade of GK and the vital presence of jGK. Pengpeng debuted in GK, won five kills as soon as he got on the field, and then constantly transformed himself for the sake of the team, and later became the leader of GK, which is the core pillar of the entire jk. Now that GK is listed on Pengpeng, people are very incomprehensible, is GK really ready for a big blood change this time?

Listing the two major C bits, what is GK doing?

GK listed two main forces, core C position and signboard bearer are not wanted, this is ready to do what!

Seeing GK's listing list, the first reaction was that it was very unexpected. These two players are the core C position of GK, the most core pillar of GK, and a guarantee for GK to achieve good results. Nowadays, the listing of the two of them together is also incomprehensible. If the two of them do transfer successfully, what about GK? Defu is gone, and perhaps you can look forward to the return of Menglan. So if Pengpeng is gone, who will take over from The Wild? In addition, there are command questions, rhythm problems, and so on, a series of chain reactions, which will have a huge impact, and we can't help but ask, what is GK doing?

GK listed two main forces, core C position and signboard bearer are not wanted, this is ready to do what!

In the competition throughout the competition year, GK actually did quite well, but it was difficult to win the championship. Now that GK has made such a big change, listing all the two main players, there are many meanings. We don't know, what is the reserve of GK? I don't know, which player does GK target during this transfer period? We only know that under the existing conditions, if these two players leave, it will have a great impact on GK. In particular, Pengpeng, as one of the pillars of GK at this stage, is also a spiritual core of the entire team. If Pengpeng is gone, what should GK do? For Defu and Pengpeng, with their strength, it is really not difficult to transfer, because no matter which team they go to, they can afford a starting position. Or that sentence, listing does not mean that the transfer is successful, what will happen to Defu and Pengpeng in the end? Let's wait for the final transfer result.

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