
The heart rate is only half of ordinary people, but the woman's weight loss is reduced to the ICU? Excessive weight loss, be careful of these 5 consequences

Just so-called: men can not lose in the career line, women can not lose in the figure line.

Nowadays, many people are always obsessed with weight loss, especially female friends, who are eager to have an A4 waist and a bucket waist.

Therefore, in order to have a proud body, so they will lose weight by all means, we often hear from the news that some girls suffer from anorexia or some other diseases due to excessive dieting.

The heart rate is only half of ordinary people, but the woman's weight loss is reduced to the ICU? Excessive weight loss, be careful of these 5 consequences

The heart rate is only half of the average person? 80 pounds of girls lose weight for a long time do not eat staple foods live in the ICU

Recently, a 19-year-old girl from Yichang, Hubei Province, suddenly fainted at home during the winter vacation. Subsequently, the doctor found that the girl's multiple organs were functionally degraded due to malnutrition, so she rushed to the ICU for treatment and observation.

After consultation, it was learned that the girl had been maintaining her figure through dieting, and she thought that carbohydrates would store fat, so she chose to refuse to eat, and even did not eat staple foods for a day, and usually ate some meal replacements.

After a semester, the girl dropped from more than 80 pounds to 55 pounds, but she always had no strength, and often lost her hair, and her heart rate was only half that of normal people.

At present, the girl's life characteristics have remained stable and she has been transferred to the general ward, but she still needs to drip and take oxygen.

The heart rate is only half of ordinary people, but the woman's weight loss is reduced to the ICU? Excessive weight loss, be careful of these 5 consequences

What harm will excessive weight loss bring to the body?

There is nothing wrong with loving beauty, but on such a weight loss road, more and more people will go astray because of weight loss, and anorexia will occur, endangering the health of various organs of the body.

The question is, what harm will excessive weight loss bring to the body?

The heart rate is only half of ordinary people, but the woman's weight loss is reduced to the ICU? Excessive weight loss, be careful of these 5 consequences

1. Irregular menstruation

Many female friends have no weight loss before menstruation time and menstrual volume are normal, but once they start to lose weight, it will lead to abnormal menstruation in women.

The main reason for this situation is because of excessive dieting and other bad weight loss methods, resulting in a lack of certain nutrients inside the female body, which in turn leads to endocrine abnormalities, long-term, but also easy to lead to the body amenorrhea, so it is recommended that everyone should pay attention to it.

The heart rate is only half of ordinary people, but the woman's weight loss is reduced to the ICU? Excessive weight loss, be careful of these 5 consequences

2. Gallstones

Many women who want to lose weight will only eat some vegetables and fruits in their diet, and do not eat staple foods, which is actually very bad for the body and it is easy to get gallstones.

The main reason is that the rate of weight loss in a short period of time is too fast, resulting in a sharp reduction in the body's energy supply, accelerated fat consumption in the tissue, and over time will affect the normal secretion of bile, resulting in stasis of the gallbladder, viscosity of bile, and eventually leading to gallstones.

The heart rate is only half of ordinary people, but the woman's weight loss is reduced to the ICU? Excessive weight loss, be careful of these 5 consequences

3. Osteoporosis

When some people decide to lose weight, they will become picky eaters, often do not eat this, that do not eat, so it is easy to make the body unable to get enough nutrition in time.

If it lasts for a long time, it will lead to the loss of more calcium in the body. Because the calcium in the human body in daily life mainly comes from diet.

Therefore, long-term picky eating will appear obvious osteoporosis, so for weight loss must pay attention to a balanced diet.

The heart rate is only half of ordinary people, but the woman's weight loss is reduced to the ICU? Excessive weight loss, be careful of these 5 consequences

4. Stomach sagging

Why does weight loss cause stomach sagging?

Because many people use hunger for a long time after losing weight, typical stomach sagging symptoms will occur.

If there is often a loss of appetite in ordinary life, over time it is easy to lead to anorexia in the body, and the stomach of such people is often in a state of flatulence, with a feeling of bloating and pain.

The heart rate is only half of ordinary people, but the woman's weight loss is reduced to the ICU? Excessive weight loss, be careful of these 5 consequences

5. Cause hair loss

Many female friends are also accompanied by a small phenomenon in the process of weight loss, that is, serious hair loss, why is this?

Hair growth requires some trace elements and some essential fats, but if you lose weight, it may be due to the lack of these nutrients in the body, serious words will cause hair loss, so when losing weight, you can not blindly diet, picky eating, pay attention to conditioning.

The heart rate is only half of ordinary people, but the woman's weight loss is reduced to the ICU? Excessive weight loss, be careful of these 5 consequences

When will the appearance anxiety caused by deformed aesthetics end?

Nowadays, under the leadership of deformed aesthetics, many women always think that their figure and appearance are unqualified, resulting in the use of various extreme measures.

But in fact, being big doesn't mean you're necessarily obese, you can look thin; and being light is not necessarily healthy, it's more likely to be uncontrolled weight.

Therefore, self-confidence is the biggest magic weapon of beauty, if you meet the standards of a healthy body, in fact, there is no need to worry, it is superfluous.

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