
After all the opportunities and struggles of Constantius, I became the supreme ruler of the Roman Empire

This article is divided into 4 parts

Part 1 speaks

The struggle of Constantine's heirs

Part 2

The IQ tactics of Constantius

Part 3 speaks

Constantius won the Battle of Mesa

Part 4

Constantius quelled civil strife


Previous ArticleWe talked about the death of Constantine and The enemy of Constantius, Shapur, but this time we talk about how Constantius became the supreme ruler of the Roman Empire.

The struggle of Constantius begins with the growing contradictions between their brothers.

Three years after Constantine gave the corresponding status to several heirs, the heirs began to be dissatisfied with the territories they had been given. The most dissatisfied of these people was Constantine the Younger, who asked several other successors to cede territory to him, but none of them agreed.

After all the opportunities and struggles of Constantius, I became the supreme ruler of the Roman Empire

Enraged, this little Constantine led a rabble-rouser through the Julian Alps like a robbery, invading the territory of Constantines(one of his heirs). When Constantine heard the news, he immediately sent a vanguard army to resist, and then he also ordered his troops to lead the army to the battlefield.

But before Constantine could reach the battlefield, the little Constantine was already hanging. Why? The main reason was that the little Constantine was too eager to succeed, did not know the tactics, only knew how to be tough, and was slaughtered by the vanguard sent by Constantines.

After the death of Constantine the Younger, all his territory went to Constantine.

At this point, Constantine owned two-thirds of the Roman Empire.

After all the opportunities and struggles of Constantius, I became the supreme ruler of the Roman Empire

I believe that everyone sees this, and they will definitely think that Constantus is the future emperor, but if you think so, you are wrong, because Constantine was assassinated after 10 years.

Why is that? Because Constantus was lazy and incompetent, he slowly lost the hearts of the people. Against this background, a usurper named Magnentius appeared.

The usurper used his shrewd abilities to get the army to proclaim him emperor, and then he ordered the slaughter of Constantus, and after Constantus's death, the whole western part of the Roman Empire began to be in chaos, because people found it so easy to overthrow the emperor.

After all the opportunities and struggles of Constantius, I became the supreme ruler of the Roman Empire


Next, let's talk about the IQ tactics of the future emperor, Constantius.

At this time, he left the Persian war with Shapur to the care of his generals, and he himself went to the western part of the Roman Empire with a large army.

At that time, he announced to the public that the ghost of the dead Constantine, holding the body of his brother, told him that he must take revenge, and this time the revenge will be successful. The first enemy he faced was Vitraño, the younger brother of Magnentius.

After all the opportunities and struggles of Constantius, I became the supreme ruler of the Roman Empire

Constantius adopted an IQ tactic in the face of this man, which was simple and crude to say that Vitraño's army Vitraño was not a legitimate emperor, but an orthodox emperor himself, and under all kinds of deception and temptation, the army chose to abandon their master, and then recognized Constantius as emperor.


After talking about Constantius's IQ tactics, let's talk about the big battle he will face next. When Magnentius heard that Constantius was coming to destroy himself, he quickly organized a large army of Gauls, Spaniards, Franks, and Saxons (who were enemies of the Roman Empire).

After all the opportunities and struggles of Constantius, I became the supreme ruler of the Roman Empire

The two armies then met on a plain in Lower Pannonia, and since the armies on both sides were extremely effective and experienced, neither side was willing to strike first.

After a long stalemate between the two armies on this plain, Constantius declared that he would only pay attention to the Sibalis River (where Constantine had previously won victories) and built various forts on his position.

The situation at this time was more favorable to Magnentius, because at this time the entire Roman Empire felt that he would win, and if it went on as normal, it was true that he would win.

Unfortunately, one of his generals defected to Constantius.

When Magnentius heard the news, he was furious, and then he led his army to the city of Mesa, where his generals were located.

When Magnontius's army began to attack the city, Constantius's army appeared, and the two sides fought a protracted battle outside the city.

After all the opportunities and struggles of Constantius, I became the supreme ruler of the Roman Empire

The end result of this great war was that Constantius won, but in fact, the war did not have a winner in the eyes of historians.

Because this war caused the Roman Empire to lose too many troops, if the Roman Empire did not have this civil war at that time, and the troops used in this battle were invested in foreign wars, then today's historical pattern would have completely changed.


After talking about the Battle of Mesa, we will talk about how Constantius resolved the civil strife of the Roman Empire, and although Magnentius was defeated, he still had a little army, and this army still had a little ability to harm people.

Constantius's army finally succeeded in slaughtering Magnontius's army with various schemes, and Magnontius, seeing that his power was gone, drew his sword and cut himself off.

After all the opportunities and struggles of Constantius, I became the supreme ruler of the Roman Empire

At this point, this article will be the end of the content, we will see you tomorrow.


A history of the decline and fall of the Roman Empire

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