
"The world looks forward to a successful 'green event'"

Venue construction low-carbon environmental protection; "green electricity" lights up the Olympic arena; hydrogen fuel vehicles to ensure travel... With the implementation of various plans and visions for the preparation of the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics, a vivid animation of the green Winter Olympics is slowly unfolding. Adhering to ecological priority, resource conservation and environmental friendliness, China's practice of green Olympics has been widely praised by international people and foreign media.


Set a new benchmark for sustainable development for international competitions

The "City of The Two Olympics" is accompanied by green, and the construction of Beijing Winter Olympic venues focuses on sustainability, making extensive use of the venues of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. "From summer to winter events, the transformation of the Beijing Olympic venues fully meets the needs of the competition." François Manson, editor-in-chief of the Belgian financial magazine "Into Belgium", noted that after the transformation, the "Water Cube" of the swimming event of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games has become the "Ice Cube" of the ice sports field of the Beijing Winter Olympic Games, and "the Beijing Winter Olympics has set a benchmark in the reuse of Olympic venues, and such a sustainable development concept is worth learning from other countries."

After the successful bidding for the Beijing Winter Olympics and the Winter Paralympic Games, the industrial relics of Shougang Park were renovated and transformed into the office area of the Beijing Winter Olympic Organizing Committee, the ice project training base of the national winter sports team, and the only snow sports competition venue in the Beijing winter olympics in the Beijing area of the Beijing Winter Olympics. Brazilian international relations scholar Thiago Mendes, who visited Shougang Park, said: "The park provides a comfortable and environmentally friendly working and training environment for staff and athletes, and Beijing has practiced the concept of green Olympic Games. ”

The Russian Olympic Committee has set up a news column on its official website called "The Road to Beijing" to introduce the preparations for the Beijing Winter Olympics, including the construction, use and operation mode of the Winter Olympic Village. When introducing the athletes' apartments, in addition to affirming the advanced equipment and complete facilities, the relevant articles also praised the green environmental protection concept embodied in the construction process, "After the Winter Olympics, the apartments and other facilities in the Winter Olympic Village will be reused." Anna Bazanova, associate professor of the Russian People's Friendship University, said that China adheres to the green concept of preparing for the Beijing Winter Olympics, and the venues and facilities are scientific and environmentally friendly, and they can continue to be used after the Winter Olympics, which not only reflects the circular development, but also sets an example for other countries.

The National Speed Skating Hall adopts a saddle-shaped single-layer cable net structure, and the roof weight is only 1/4 of the traditional roof, which greatly reduces the amount of material used in the venue; the Shougang Ski Jumping Platform uses a large number of high-strength steel and weathering steel, and the use of new materials saves the amount of steel used, which is equivalent to reducing carbon emission by about 950 tons; Yanqing Winter Olympic Village adopts prefabricated decoration, and recycling can be realized after the game... Mansour, deputy editor-in-chief of Egypt's Pyramid Newspaper, was amazed by this, saying: "The Winter Olympic venues have passed strict green building certification, and it is not easy to achieve clean, low-carbon and environmental protection in terms of building materials and process design. ”

"The most impressive thing about the Beijing Winter Olympics is that China put forward the concept of green Olympic Games and placed it in a prominent position of the four Olympic concepts." Zhu Jae-woo, a professor at Kyung Hee University in South Korea, said that China has made great efforts to create a green Winter Olympics, and "the Beijing Winter Olympics have opened up new heights and set a new model in green Olympics."

"The optimization and integration of a number of green technologies has set a new benchmark for sustainable development for international competitions." Robert Kuhn, chairman of the Kuhn Foundation in the United States, said that the green energy-saving measures adopted by the Beijing Winter Olympics have contributed to the global response to climate change and the promotion of sustainable development.

Carbon reduction and energy saving——

A window to showcase China's clean energy technologies

Low-carbon Olympics, energy first. The vacuum tube collector installed on the roof can ensure more than 70% of the domestic heat supply in the Winter Olympic Village; the solar photovoltaic power generation system set on the roof of the National Speed Skating Hall can provide clean energy for the venue; the energy control center built in the venues in Beijing and Yanqing can monitor the electricity, gas, water and heat usage of the venues in real time to reduce energy consumption... Thai olympic committee vice president Walin Tamsu pasiri said the initiatives "fully reflect China's commitment to environmentally friendly events, which contain an appreciative concept of resource conservation, environmental friendliness and ecological balance".

Mian Abra, a senior reporter of Pakistan Today, said that Beijing has handed over a green answer sheet through scientific and technological innovation and energy conservation and emission reduction. "The Beijing Winter Olympics achieved 100% green electricity supply, like a window, showing people the accumulation and wide application of China's technology in the field of clean energy in recent years."

Russian journalist Anna Ignatenko said in an article published on the website of the Russian newspaper that in the ice venues of the Beijing Winter Olympics, China used a new carbon dioxide refrigerant for the first time on a large scale, almost achieving zero carbon emissions; the application of technologies such as ice rink chemical dehumidification systems and LED photovoltaic lighting effectively reduced the energy consumption during the construction and operation of the Beijing Winter Olympic venues, fully embodying the concept of environmental protection.

Lee Sang-hoon, chief representative of the Beijing Representative Office of the Korea Institute for Foreign Economic Policy, believes that for the first time in the history of the Olympic Games, the Beijing Winter Olympics will achieve full coverage of green electricity in venues, and large-scale introduction of clean energy, waste and wastewater treatment and other scientific and technological achievements have been transformed and applied... "These are the embodiments of China's adherence to the concept of green Olympics and the practice of sustainable development." ”

The well-known French architect Bernard de Moulin recently participated in the Beijing Winter Olympics promotion conference held at the Chinese Cultural Center in Paris, France. He said the "green" of the Beijing Winter Olympics is reflected in the details, such as the application of hydrogen fuel for relay torches and the use of degradable tableware. The Venues of the Beijing Winter Olympics are not only magnificent and modern, but also green, low-carbon and sustainable in their construction and renovation. "New technologies and new ideas have added wonderful footnotes to the Beijing Green Winter Olympics, and I believe it will definitely bring surprises to the world."

Green Travel——

Spread the concept of low-carbon life to the world

In order to promote green and low-carbon travel, the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics advocates the "135" green and low-carbon travel mode, that is, walking within 1 kilometer, cycling within 3 kilometers, and taking public transportation for about 5 kilometers. In addition, Beijing has also created a "Winter Olympics Green Low-Carbon Public Transport Network", during which spectators can easily reach the stadium through public transportation such as high-speed rail, subway, and bus during the Winter Olympics.

Mansour said that Beijing's planned "Winter Olympics green and low-carbon public transportation network" is scientific and pragmatic, and people can travel efficiently, conveniently and greenly accordingly, effectively alleviating the traffic pressure during the Winter Olympics.

Abra believes that the Beijing Winter Olympics have created a low-carbon travel experience covering the "last kilometer" for athletes, coaches, referees, media journalists, etc. around the world with the help of green, environmentally friendly, fast and convenient public transportation modes such as high-speed rail, subway, bus, and shared bicycles.

According to Andrew Schwartz, an associate professor at Willamett University in the United States, the "135" green and low-carbon travel initiative is a vivid example of China's commitment to promoting the construction of ecological civilization, "which can not only effectively reduce carbon emissions, but also spread the concept of low-carbon life to the world, which is conducive to improving human well-being."

Nowadays, walking around Zhangjiakou City, people will occasionally see hydrogen fuel cell buses with the "F" logo printed on the end of the license plate passing by. During the Beijing Winter Olympics, more than 200 hydrogen buses will provide transportation connection guarantees for the Yanqing Competition Area. Compared with traditional fossil energy vehicles, these hydrogen buses can reduce carbon dioxide emissions by about 70 kilograms per 100 kilometers. Volker Chapke, honorary president of the Prussian Association in Berlin, Germany, said that the use of hydrogen energy buses reflects China's green Olympic concept. "Promoting the use of clean energy is in the present and beneficial in the long run." The world is looking forward to a successful 'green event'!"

(Beijing, Brussels, Rio de Janeiro, Moscow, Cairo, Seoul, Washington, Bangkok, Islamabad, Paris, Berlin, January 13, reporters Yang Xun, Chen Shangwen, Liu Shuoyang, Ren Yan, Bi Mengying, Sui Xin, Huang Peizhao, Ma Fei, Li Zhiwei, Sun Guangyong, Cheng Shijie, Liu Lingling, Hua Fang)

People's Daily ( 2022-01-14 03 edition)

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