
In 2022, the first Mercury retrograde hit, how the 12 constellations escaped bad luck

In 2022, the first Mercury retrograde hit, how the 12 constellations escaped bad luck

Just a few days after the beginning of the year, the upsetting water retrograde began

Take precautions, first take stock of the water retrograde of the entire 2022

In 2022, a total of 3.5 water retrogrades will occur, of which the first three water retrogrades will show the characteristics of leapfrog retrograde, all of which are retrograde from the wind direction constellation to the earth sign, respectively:

Timeline of water reversal in 2022

January 14 - February 4

Mercury retrogrades from Aquarius to Capricorn

May 22 - June 3

Mercury retrogrades from Gemini to Taurus

September 10 - October 2

Mercury retrogrades from Libra to Virgo

December 29 - January 2023

Mercury is retrograde in Capricorn the whole time

Students who have paid attention to the 2021 water retrograde will surely find that the three water retrogrades in the entire 21 years all occur in the wind direction constellation, and 2022 is a transitional year, and the future 2023 water retrograde will all occur in the earth sign.

This year's 3 water retrogrades, the macro theme falls on the reflection on interpersonal relationships, whether it is with partners, partners, parents and children, or with colleagues, with leaders, with the circle of friends, etc., this year's water retrograde is bound to cause everyone's interpersonal relationship changes, as well as the adjustment of communication and communication methods in the process of interpersonal communication.

Due to the regional changes of the water retrograde, many people will also feel that the uncontrollability brought by the water retrograde in 2022 is stronger, for example, some people may have created a sudden situation in the workplace for you in the first ten days, just after you cope with the seven seven eight eight, the water retrograde area shifted, and began to have a cold war with the partner; of course, some people have no feelings in the first half, and when the water retrograde is almost over, they begin to encounter various out-of-season branches... Therefore, this year's water retrograde period is best based on seeking stability.

About this Mercury retrograde

Phase I

January 14, 7:41 p.m. - January 26, 11:05 p.m.

Water retrograde area: Aquarius 10°20'~0°

Focus areas of influence: Interpersonal Relationships, Group & Social Relations, Networking, Electronics, etc

Hardest hit areas: Aquarius, Leo

Phase II

January 26, 11:05 a.m. - February 4, 12:13 p.m.

Water Retrograde Area: Capricorn 29°59'~24°22'

Focus areas of influence: Career & workplace order, relationships with peer leaders, personal reputation, status and income, etc

Hardest hit areas: Capricorn, Cancer

Affected areas: thinking logic, communication expression, transportation, communication, paperwork, memory, electronic devices, etc.

Gemini and Virgo Since the guardian star is Mercury, every water retrograde needs to be paid attention to.

Special precautions for this Mercury retrograde 12 constellation

Aries: Pay attention to interpersonal changes and frictions in the workplace, which may lead to job hopping or job changes and other troublesome things, need to precipitate and summarize, should not be too impulsive, if it is not necessary to start work on multiple lines, it is best to distinguish the priority and secondary recently, and focus on one or two tasks first. Some people may receive job offers from old owners and old friends.

Taurus: Easy to clash with the leadership boss, repeated modification of labor, should pay attention to the progress of the work. Pay attention to safety on business trips or returning home for the New Year, go out early to be afraid of delays, and travel plans may be forced to be postponed.

Gemini: It is easy to be entangled and neurotic, the brain is not clear, it is best to sort out the information received recently or the knowledge learned, and many adjustments to the direction of the career are best dragged out until the end of the water retrograde. Pay attention to the safety of the property in the second half of the water retrograde, and beware of partners turning their faces and not recognizing people and betraying you.

Cancer: This water retrograde mainly affects your finance and cooperative relationship, partnering with people to run companies or projects, as well as financial disputes with people, debt relationships with Cancer will feel stronger, it is best to reflect on the cooperation model to the mainland, it is not appropriate to blindly follow the trend of investment, overdraft, lending, etc. It is easy to quarrel with the other half, pay attention to calm communication. There is compound shipping.

Leo: During this water retrograde, you should pay special attention to the communication style and attitude with the people around you, such as when dealing with partners, partners, customers, etc., try to find a balance between your own ideas and the expectations of others, and don't talk harshly on the head. Years ago, the daily work was chaotic, pay attention to details, and confirm progress and important information in a timely manner. Pay attention to work and diet.

Virgo: Workplace conditions are full of situations, such as flight delays, equipment damage, colleague departures, etc. will disrupt your plan, it is best to plan B in advance, pay attention to the combination of work and leisure, do not overload multi-line work, good state is the basis for ensuring the smooth progress of the work. In the second half of the water reversal, it is easy to quarrel with partners and children, and the old accounts are turned over. Speculation is unstable, and it is advisable to adopt a conservative strategy.

Libra: It is difficult to land ideas, it is easy to hesitate or lose the desire to share in love, misjudgment, etc., affecting the stability of feelings. Pay attention to family affairs in the second half of the water retrograde.

Scorpio: Opened a "family is broken" mode, not only easy to have conflicts with the elders, but also face problems such as house repair, moving, or neighbor decoration to make your whole person scold and grin. In work and study, pay attention to logical analysis, collation and induction, especially pay attention to the details of contract documents, travel arrangements, etc., and pay attention to timely preservation and backup of important documents.

Sagittarius: blocked thinking, poor communication, easy to fall into anxiety, work, study tasks progress slowly, may wish to take stock review mainly. Pay attention to travel safety, especially for novices who are not very skilled in driving skills. There is a risk of financial ruin in the second half of the water reversal.

Capricorn: Thirteen salaries, year-end bonuses face shrinkage and late issuance, and recently we must pay attention to avoid impulsive shopping and investment, if you are not satisfied with the current income or life layout, this is a good time to think about how to adjust the direction and layout of your career.

Aquarius: This water retrograde will make you suddenly have a lot of thoughts about your own state and plans, or face certain changes in your career life, such as parting ways with your partner, quitting your job, and so on. Your emotions and mentality are unstable, you may wish to take advantage of the holiday to be alone to understand these things, take the initiative to adjust, quit the old and welcome the new.

Pisces: The recent sleep quality is not very good, many deceased people have come to mind in the past, beware of the outbreak of hidden dangers buried in the past, as well as villains, archives, important materials, etc. Please keep them properly. Take care to manage your friendships, this water retrograde will be a good opportunity for you to screen and redefine your social circle.

Finally, I sent the 2022 waterproof reverse charm

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In 2022, the first Mercury retrograde hit, how the 12 constellations escaped bad luck

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