
"Meal", "The First Snow Since Winter", "Delayed Service Exchange Meeting"

author:Golden Sunshine Literature
"Meal", "The First Snow Since Winter", "Delayed Service Exchange Meeting"

Serve meals

Third Grade: Xin Jiayi

The teacher gave us a task, let us go home to do a housework, I want to go and do not know what to do; or serve the meal, the meal is simple.

On Saturday morning, I finished my math homework and just in time for dinner. I shouted, "Mom, don't serve the bowl, let me serve it." Mom thought for a while but agreed, saying, "Don't take the bowl off and burn you." ”

I looked at the row of bowls on the table and thought: Which one should I serve first? Mother's first? She was so busy every day to serve her first. No, just beat me up every day, first daddy's? But his bowl was too big for me to hold. First sister's? No, she just argues with me every day, or give herself a first. I took it.

The second, the first to the mother's bar, but the mother is not as gentle as the father, the first to the father, but the father is not as cute as the sister, or the sister's bar, first let her eat well.

The third one is still the mother's bar, but the father is better than the mother to me, or the mother's bar, the mother's bowl is lighter. I took my mother's, and my mother was still stir-frying.

The last one, Duan Daddy's, I felt too hot halfway down the road and loosened a bit, but the bowl fell down and shattered without a fight. I must have been scolded, and I bowed my head. Mom saw it and said, "It's all right, just hold another bowl." "This time a bowl of rice arrived safely.

Mom's dish was also fried, but my mother didn't let me serve it, she still served it herself. Now we can eat with peace of mind.

I was happy and sad to serve food today; but my mother didn't nag me, which was my biggest and most unexpected pleasure.

"Meal", "The First Snow Since Winter", "Delayed Service Exchange Meeting"

The first snow since the beginning of winter

The day before yesterday, it was overcast and cold.

Listen to my mother: "The weather forecast says that there is snow these days, it is still very cold, wear a little more." ”

It really snowed yesterday. At first, it was a few pieces sporadic, and if you didn't pay attention, you couldn't see it. I noticed the snow and shouted, "Mom, it's snowing, come and see!" "Mom said where is the snow, obviously it's your dandruff, and then Mom took a closer look at it and it was really snow."

When I woke up this morning, there was a layer of snow on the trees, on the roof, on the road, thin but white, like a blanket on the earth.

It was getting colder, and when it was cold, I shrunk my neck into the bed, hid my hand in the quilt, and it took a lot of effort for my mother to pull me out of the bed. When I came to class, I found that the road was icy, light and slippery. People walking on the road slipped and fell again after a while. Cyclists have to prop themselves up with their feet to walk, and motorists are fine but must walk slowly.

The snow this time is so beautiful!

"Meal", "The First Snow Since Winter", "Delayed Service Exchange Meeting"

Delayed service exchange meeting

The teacher asked us to discuss deferred service, and the teacher divided the discussant into three roles: teacher, parent, and student.

The exchange meeting began, and the parents sat in the middle, sitting on the left who did not like the delayed service, and sat on the right who liked the delayed service.

The conversation began. The teacher first invites the parent representative to speak. Parents like delayed service, and one parent said: "I like delayed service because the child can't have some questions, can ask the teacher, and there is a good learning environment." ”

Later, I asked students who liked extended service to say, and some students said: "The reason why I like delayed service is that I can let the teacher help me with homework, and I don't have to take homework." ”

Next, I asked students who did not like delayed service to say: "Some teachers occupy the time of delayed service, and the delayed service endorsement tasks and homework have increased. ”

The teacher said: "Most teachers do not like delayed service. Because the teacher's working time has increased by 2 hours, some leaders like to extend the service, which allows the teacher to tutor the students in school, which is conducive to the improvement of teaching performance. ”

Later, the teacher asked us all to go back to our seats to write the essay, and it turned out that the teacher let us discuss the purpose of writing the essay!

Through this extended service exchange meeting, everyone has their own opinions and ideas, and the harvest is really not small!

"Meal", "The First Snow Since Winter", "Delayed Service Exchange Meeting"

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