
Liao-Cantonese conflict full details! Han Dejun fractured out of control, provoked a fight and Weems hugged and wrestled

On January 13, Liaoning and Guangdong once again staged the Liao-Guangdong War, but in the third quarter of the tournament, there was an unfriendly scene between the two sides, Han Dejun and Weems clashed, it was because Weems hit Han Dejun with his hand when he attacked with the ball, the latter fell to the ground and was very dissatisfied, directly rushed forward and entangled with Weems, the two sides wrestled together, and the scene was once in chaos.

Liao-Cantonese conflict full details! Han Dejun fractured out of control, provoked a fight and Weems hugged and wrestled
Liao-Cantonese conflict full details! Han Dejun fractured out of control, provoked a fight and Weems hugged and wrestled

Because the live camera was silenced and switched at that time, it was impossible to fully review the entire conflict process, and the follow-up fans uploaded a video of the whole process of the conflict, which directly proved that the conflict was already a brawl incident. The video shows that Han Dejun got up and rushed directly to Weems, and directly hit Weems, who directly counterattacked after being attacked, resulting in direct chaos in the scene. Fortunately, at the critical time, the rest of the players on both sides were calm enough, did not join the battle, but each dissuaded his teammates, Zhao Jiwei hugged Han Dejun tightly with a small body, and then Yang Ming also rushed to let Han Dejun calm down. On the Guangdong side, head coach Du Feng directly intervened to appease Weems's out-of-control emotions, and the incident barely continued to escalate. After the game, Yang Ming revealed that Han Dejun's condition was a broken nose.

Liao-Cantonese conflict full details! Han Dejun fractured out of control, provoked a fight and Weems hugged and wrestled

Based on the fact that both sides were fighting each other at that time, the final referee ruled that both parties were expelled from the game reasonably and in line with the league's rules. Considering the bad impact of the incident, it is believed that the follow-up CBA League official will give a fine, and even the amount of the fine will not be less, and it will be banned according to strict handling. Whether it is Han Dejun or Weems, the ban of the two has a great impact on their respective teams, which shows that the fight is a very uneconomical thing, which cannot solve the problem and affects the team.

Liao-Cantonese conflict full details! Han Dejun fractured out of control, provoked a fight and Weems hugged and wrestled

However, it should be noted that the reason why Han Dejun was completely out of control at that time was because of the bleeding of the face, the stimulation of the blood made Han Dejun completely unable to control his emotions, and Weems was out of control after being beaten, it can be said that this kind of situation is difficult to be completely calm in the game, and the blood will enhance people's violentness.

In addition, every Liao-Yue duel in the past has been a high-intensity confrontation, but there will basically be no brawl, after all, the players of the two teams have a good relationship, most of them are national team teammates, this time will directly escalate into a brawl, which is very rare.

Liao-Cantonese conflict full details! Han Dejun fractured out of control, provoked a fight and Weems hugged and wrestled
Liao-Cantonese conflict full details! Han Dejun fractured out of control, provoked a fight and Weems hugged and wrestled

It is worth mentioning that the CBA game on January 13, there are other conflict events, the showdown between Shanghai and Beijing Control, the two coaches Li Chunjiang and Marbury, have twice scolded, staged a hot coach conflict incident, and even rose to the level of national scolding. This incident also has a big bad impact on the CBA league.

It is expected that on January 14, the relevant personnel of the CBA League will be busy and will issue a number of fines, and there will be corresponding penalties for Weems, Han Dejun, Marbury and Li Chunjiang, waiting for the official disposal of the alliance!

(Lin Xiaoxiang)

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