
39 week pregnant women expelled by the national women and babies? The hospital debunked the rumors: it was suffering from a Class C infectious disease, and it was safely discharged after being transferred to the hospital for treatment

Recently, some online platforms have issued articles claiming to be the patient's family members, with the title of "driving away 39-week pregnant women" and other topics, saying that "the hospital will drive them out on the grounds that colds will be infected."

China Welfare Association International Peace Maternal and Child Health Hospital

Today's information note:


The pregnant woman was diagnosed with influenza B after admission,

for Class C infectious diseases,

There is a certain risk of dissemination.

The full text of the situation

39 week pregnant women expelled by the national women and babies? The hospital debunked the rumors: it was suffering from a Class C infectious disease, and it was safely discharged after being transferred to the hospital for treatment

According to reports, in order to ensure the safety of the pregnant woman and maintain the safety of other pregnant women in the hospital, after consultation with experts of the Shanghai Public Health Clinical Center, in the case of assessing the safety of pregnant women and fetuses, and with the consent of pregnant women and their families, the hospital obstetrician was sent to accompany the hospital, transferred from 120 ambulance to the Municipal Public Health Center, and did a good job of transfer.

It is reported that after the transfer, the national women and children have been in communication with the Municipal Public Health Center to understand the situation of the mother and baby, and have carried out a return visit, and the mother and baby are safe and have been discharged. The hospital said it would cooperate with the district where the mother lived and continue to pay attention to the health of the mother and child.

Source: Orient Net

Reporter: Liu Yilin

Video: Jiang Meiqing

Editors: Xia Xiaoxia, Junjun

Reviewer: Qian Chengcan

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