
Winter wind chills and colds do not be afraid, a bowl of onion white ginger soup to solve

author:The autumn wind blows in gusts

"Ren Zhai Zhi Zhi Zhi. The book says: "Cold wind evil, fever headache, cough heavy, saliva thick and sticky." ”

Colds and colds: chills, fever or no fever, no sweating, headache, itchy nose, heavy nasal congestion, sneezing, runny nose, cough, spitting white, sore and painful limbs.

Winter wind chills and colds do not be afraid, a bowl of onion white ginger soup to solve

Regardless of the kind of cold, during the illness should avoid eating all nourishing, greasy, sour food, such as pork and mutton, chicken and duck, glutinous rice, ginseng, ejiao, longan, seafood, etc.

Today to introduce to you a green onion white ginger soup, wind chills and mild colds can be boiled at home, the effect is remarkable.

Winter wind chills and colds do not be afraid, a bowl of onion white ginger soup to solve


Green onion white (with whiskers) 30 to 50 grams, ginger 10 grams, brown sugar to taste.


Wash the white onion and cook the juice with the ginger, remove the residue, add brown sugar to an appropriate amount, and serve warm. Once a day, cover the quilt with sweat after taking the soup.


Dispel the wind and the cold.

It is suitable for external wind chills, which can alleviate symptoms such as no sweating, headache, body pain, nasal congestion and so on.

Winter wind chills and colds do not be afraid, a bowl of onion white ginger soup to solve

Pregnant women have a cold during the period, there are good drug contraindications, you can try this model, in the clinic is also often recommended for cold and cold light people to take, the effect is good.

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