
Building the most beautiful winter Olympic city Yanqing develops sustainable industries to help the people eat "ice and snow rice"

On January 13, the Information Office of the State Council held a press conference on the green winter Olympics and sustainable development of the Beijing Winter Olympics and The Winter Paralympic Games. Yu Bo, mayor of Yanqing District of Beijing, said at the meeting that the Winter Olympics have brought great changes to the development of the surrounding areas of the competition area, played a great role in pulling, and promoted Yanqing to accelerate the construction of the most beautiful Winter Olympic City. From the perspective of sustainable development, we have formulated the implementation plan and task list for post-game utilization and industrial development from a high starting point and high standards, and all work is advancing in an orderly manner. At present, the Yanqing Olympic Park has been approved by the International Olympic Committee and will be opened on May Day. Yanqing Haituo mountain area has been selected as the first batch of national ski resort tourism, next we will accelerate the construction of the most beautiful Winter Olympic City, so that the dividends of the Winter Olympic Games can benefit the people of Yanqing to the greatest extent, and become a model for the use of the heritage of the Winter Olympics.

Building the most beautiful winter Olympic city Yanqing develops sustainable industries to help the people eat "ice and snow rice"

Source: Guangming Network

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