
Strong rain and snow in Hubei, Tibet, cold air "one after another" disturbed the north

author:Bright Net

China Weather Network News Yesterday (January 12), the rain and snow weather in Tibet and Yunnan has entered the strongest period, and today's heavy snowfall in Tibet will continue, and some parts of Hubei have also joined the rain and snow team, of which there are still blizzards in the southeast of Tibet. In the northern region, under the action of cold air "cleaning", the fog and haze weather in Shandong, Henan and other places has weakened and dissipated since then.

There will be blizzards in southeastern Tibet, and the south will have frequent "punch cards" this week.

Yesterday, with the deepening of the eastward movement of the south branch trough, coupled with the uplifting effect of the terrain, some parts of Tibet and Yunnan encountered obvious rain and snow weather, and some areas had strong snowfall, such as light snow or sleet in southeastern Tibet, northwestern Yunnan, northern Sichuan Plateau, central and eastern Shandong, and moderate to heavy snow (3 to 6 mm) in Aba Prefecture, Sichuan.

According to the forecast, the rain and snow weather in the above areas is still relatively strong today, and the local precipitation has a certain extreme. Not only that, precipitation will continue to develop and expand to the east, affecting Sichuan, Chongqing, Guizhou, Guangxi, Hunan, Hubei and other places, and the public needs to pay attention to prevention.

Specifically, today, there is light to moderate snow or sleet in parts of northeastern Inner Mongolia, northeastern Heilongjiang, eastern Jilin, eastern Tibet, southern Qinghai, southern Shaanxi, Jianghan, western and southern Sichuan, and eastern Chongqing, among which there is heavy snow in parts of southeastern Tibet and southwestern Hubei, and blizzard (10 to 15 mm) in southeastern Tibet. There is light to moderate rain in parts of southeast Tibet, northern Hunan, southwestErn, Hainan Island, most of Taiwan Island, etc., of which there is heavy rain (25 to 30 mm) in parts of southeast Tibet and northwest Yunnan.

Strong rain and snow in Hubei, Tibet, cold air "one after another" disturbed the north

Tomorrow, there will be light snow or sleet in parts of northeastern Inner Mongolia, western Heilongjiang, southeastern Tibet, central Anhui, and eastern Hubei. There was light rain in parts of southeastern Tibet, southern Hubei, most of Hunan, most of Jiangxi, central and eastern Guizhou, most of Guangxi, Hainan Island, and eastern Taiwan Island.

Strong rain and snow in Hubei, Tibet, cold air "one after another" disturbed the north

Looking forward to the later period, from the 15th to the 17th, there will be light to moderate rain in eastern Hubei, southern Anhui, Guizhou, Hunan, Jiangxi, Zhejiang, Fujian and northern Liangguang, and heavy rain in some areas.

Cold air frequently "disturbs" the north The fog and haze in Henan, Shandong and other places have gradually dissipated

Since entering the "Three Nines", although the cold air in the northern region of China tends to be active, the individual forces are relatively weak, and during the intermittent period of cold air, the fog and haze weather in Hebei, Henan, Shandong and other places "sees the needle in the seam", and the Central Meteorological Observatory has issued a fog warning for many consecutive days. However, starting yesterday during the day, under the "sweeping" of a new cold air, the fog and haze in the above areas gradually weakened and dissipated, and this morning compared with the previous two days, the visibility situation in various places improved significantly.

Yesterday morning, the fog in Xiangtan, Hunan Province, was thick. (Photo/ Zhang Meili)

In terms of temperature, from the night of the 14th to the 16th, there will be a cold air coming, which will bring significant cooling to Inner Mongolia, Northeast China and South China, but this is not because of how strong the cold air is, mainly because the above areas are warmed up obviously before the cold air comes, so the reserved cooling space is greater.

In the southern region, this week will be frequently affected by rain and snow, the sense of wet and cold is enhanced, and the maximum temperature during the day will fluctuate significantly with the increase or decrease of rain. For example, Wuhan, the capital of Hubei Province, yesterday was still "sunny" singing, the maximum temperature is about 12 ° C, tomorrow under the influence of rain and snow weather, the maximum temperature will plummet to 3 ° C, as if riding a roller coaster.

The meteorological department reminds that under the influence of cold air and rainy weather, the temperature in the north and south of China will have some fluctuations, and the public needs to pay attention to the nearby forecasts and early warning messages issued by the local meteorological station, add clothes in time, and beware of colds.

Source: China Weather Network

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