
Omi kerong has spread to 8 places, spreading faster and more covertly, but it does not mean more moderate

On January 8, Tianjin reported that two cases of positive infection of Omicrong were detected, and the epidemic in Tianjin had spilled over to Anyang, Henan, and Dalian, Liaoning.

Up to now, 8 cases of Aomi Kerong have been found in Tianjin, Henan Anyang, Liaoning Dalian, Guangdong Guangzhou, Guangdong Shenzhen, Jiangsu Wuxi, Hunan Changsha, and Zhejiang. Among them, the first 4 places have found local cases of Omi kerong, and the imported cases of Omilon have been found in Tianjin and the next 4 places.

Omi kerong has spread to 8 places, spreading faster and more covertly, but it does not mean more moderate

The Olmikeron strain has spread to more than 100 countries and regions around the world, and has replaced the Delta strain in the United Kingdom, the United States and other places to become the main local epidemic strain. Among the many new coronavirus variants that have been discovered so far, the main ones that have attracted public attention are Alpha, Delta and Omicron, and each new globally circulating new coronavirus variant will refresh the record number of confirmed cases.

Alpha variant: Better at hiding, the virus is more contagious than the early coronavirus

Alpha was the first variant to be discovered, sending a wave of infection in the UK in December 2020 and subsequently spreading across Europe. It became the dominant mutant strain in the United States in April 2021 and quickly became the main mutant strain worldwide.

Alpha variants are particularly contagious. According to the New York Times on June 7, 2021, Gregory Towers, a virologist at the University of London, compared alpha-infected cells with cells infected with early coronavirus variants and found that alpha-infected cells are better at hiding and more difficult to disturb the human immune system. At the same time, the case of alpha infection reacts more strongly, the patient coughs incessantly, and the mucus with the virus will flow out of the mouth and nose, which also makes the virus more contagious.

Delta strain: 50% more contagious than alpha, twice the risk of hospitalization for cases

Delta has triggered a global epidemic in many countries, causing the spread of more than 500,000 confirmed cases in India.

The Delta strain was first identified in India at the end of 2020 and is the main variant that caused the second wave of the pandemic in India in April 2021. It spread across the globe and raged in India, the United Kingdom and other countries. According to GISAID data, as of 26 July 2021, Delta accounted for 84% of infections in Asia, 97% of infections in the UK and 80% of infections globally.

Delta is more contagious than any previous VARIANT of COVID-19, 50% more contagious than Alpha and twice as contagious as the original coronavirus. According to the Washington Post on July 23, 2021, Public Health England found that cases infected with Delta were at higher risk of hospitalization, twice as high as the alpha variant strain.

Omikeron Mutant: Faster spread and less dangerous, but that doesn't mean milder

Delta has not yet fully subsided, and Aumiqueron has struck with greater contagion. On November 26, 2021, the World Health Organization listed the new coronavirus variant B.1.1.529 as a "need for attention" variant and named it "Omikron". In just over a month, the Aumechjong strain has spread to more than 100 countries and regions around the world, replacing Delta, the "old overlord" of the new crown world, in evolution.

On 20 December 2021, WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus introduced "consistent evidence" that the Omiljung strain spreads faster than the Delta strain. The European Medicines Agency issued a statement on 11 January 2022 saying that although Omilon appears to be more contagious than other variants, studies from South Africa, the United Kingdom and some EU countries have shown a lower risk of hospitalization after contracting the Omiljun strain. The risk of the Olmikeron strain is only between one-third and half that of the Delta strain.

"It's true that Opmiqueron doesn't look as serious as Delta, especially among vaccinated populations, but that doesn't mean it's mild." Tedros said on Jan. 6 that "as with previous mutants, Omikron is hospitalizing people and killing people." ”

On January 13, Zhang Wenhong, director of the Department of Infectious Diseases at Huashan Hospital affiliated to Fudan University, said on Weibo that compared with the previous Delta variant, the Omicron variant is faster and more hidden, but it still has lethality that cannot be ignored. "Vaccines and drugs will be the core scientific and technological support for us to survive the pandemic and return to normal life in the future, and China's scientific and technological forces, like the epidemic prevention forces, have been working tirelessly to smoothly tide over the pandemic and save our people from the fear of infectious diseases." Zhang Wenhong said.

Editor: Wang Zhen

Omi kerong has spread to 8 places, spreading faster and more covertly, but it does not mean more moderate

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