
Taste | How many kinds of mushrooms have you eaten in Daxing'anling?

author:Department of Culture and Tourism of Inner Mongolia

In the Daxing'anling Forest Area in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, The Heavens have given this side an inexhaustible cornucopia, which continuously transports rich and diverse products every year, "the scales are in the water, the fragrant mushrooms are in the forest, the rare birds are in the sky, and the strange beasts are in the mountains", which is the true portrayal of the Daxinganling area in Inner Mongolia, where treasures are everywhere and the world is difficult to find.

Taste | How many kinds of mushrooms have you eaten in Daxing'anling?

The vast Xing'anling Mountains are stacked with mountains, forests are wild, and there are many forests in the east and grasslands in the west. Here winter is long without summer, the unique climatic conditions have created the unique animal and plant resources of Daxing'anling, and there are thousands of species of wild plants growing here, which are full of mountains, colorful and fragrant flowers. Among them, many wild plants have high economic value. There are natural and pollution-free mountain vegetable edible fungi. Most of the wild mountain vegetables are bracken, yellow cauliflower, old parsley, artemisia sprouts, mountain leeks, and edible fungi include fungus, mushrooms, monkey heads and ganoderma lucidum.

Taste | How many kinds of mushrooms have you eaten in Daxing'anling?

There are many rare treasures in the Daxing'an Mountains, and mushrooms must be an indispensable delicacy on the table. After the autumn, mushrooms spring up like mushrooms, multiplying in circles, emitting a unique forest fragrance. Mushrooms are delicious and rich in minerals and vitamins such as protein, calcium, iron, etc., and are foods with high nutritional value. Chicken stew with mushrooms is a famous dish in The Northeast, which is made with small yellow mushrooms from the region and free-range chicken. The long-simmered chicken is particularly soft and tender, and the mushrooms are full of flavor, which is especially suitable for eating in winter to achieve the effect of activating blood and dispelling cold and preventing the invasion of wind and cold.

Taste | How many kinds of mushrooms have you eaten in Daxing'anling?

This year's rain is more, there are many types of mushrooms, there are red and purple pine mushrooms, white as jade birch mushrooms, grass mushrooms, as well as color like chicken blood camphor mushrooms, etc., the following for everyone to take stock of the common wild edible mushrooms and nutritional value in the forest area. How many wild mushrooms have you eaten?

Taste | How many kinds of mushrooms have you eaten in Daxing'anling?

Small yellow mushroom

Taste | How many kinds of mushrooms have you eaten in Daxing'anling?

Photography / Liu Dong

Small yellow mushroom color bright yellow, small shape, scattered in the pine forest, very difficult to pick, small yellow mushroom contains protein than the general vegetables several times, is internationally recognized "very good protein source", regular consumption can improve human immunity, the human metabolism, enhance gastrointestinal function has a unique effect, and has the effect of beauty, weight loss, is a very good mountain treasure delicious and nourishing food.

Small white mushrooms

Taste | How many kinds of mushrooms have you eaten in Daxing'anling?

Natural small white mushroom is a high-grade mushroom, it is thick and delicate meat, tender and delicious meat, small white mushroom body white, mushroom shape beautiful, delicious taste, nutrition, health value is high, rich in protein, amino acids, vitamins and a variety of mineral elements, is conducive to improving human immune function, with cough, insecticidal, anti-inflammatory stomach and other effects. As one of the newly developed and successful rare edible mushroom species in recent years, small white mushrooms are becoming increasingly popular.

Purple flower face

Taste | How many kinds of mushrooms have you eaten in Daxing'anling?

Photography / Yang Jinglin

Purple flower face is very picky about the growth environment, it needs black peat soil, needs a warm and humid natural environment, so far has not heard of can be artificially planted, it is a fine mushroom, and the local fine scale fish, natural fungus and natural growth of monkey heads together, known as the "four treasures" of the deep mountains.

Fungus fungus

Taste | How many kinds of mushrooms have you eaten in Daxing'anling?

Photography / Lian Song

Wood ear mushroom (also known as black matsutake mushroom) is one of the unique mountain treasures of the Arshan region, its flesh is delicate, the taste is very chewy, containing a variety of essential amino acids and vitamins. It has a high nutritional content, has been favored by people for hundreds of years, is currently one of the wild mushrooms that can not be artificially cultivated, its natural growth environment requirements are quite harsh, the annual production is scarce, so the price is expensive, known as the "black gold" on the table.

Chicken blood mushroom

Taste | How many kinds of mushrooms have you eaten in Daxing'anling?

Chicken blood mushroom is commonly known as red mushroom, pine umbrella, because the color is red, shaped like chicken blood and named. Chicken blood mushroom contains a large number of natural polysaccharides, this substance into the human body will improve human cell activity, prevent cell carcinogenesis, has a good preventive effect on human cancer, in addition to containing some polyols, this substance can promote insulin secretion, can prevent the occurrence of diabetes.

Bowl mushrooms

Taste | How many kinds of mushrooms have you eaten in Daxing'anling?

Bowl mushroom, also known as yellow mushroom, shaped like a small bowl, so named bowl mushroom, the meat is delicate, contains a variety of essential amino acids and vitamins, the yield is high, ordinary people love to eat, is recognized as a delicacy.

Hazel mushrooms

Taste | How many kinds of mushrooms have you eaten in Daxing'anling?

Hazel mushrooms are generally born on hazelnut hills in shallow mountains, so they are named "hazel mushrooms". Hazelnut mushrooms are smooth, tender, delicious and nutritious, and regular consumption of wild hazelnut mushrooms can prevent dry skin and fight against certain respiratory and digestive tract infections. The effect of hazelnut mushroom is not limited to this, hazelnut mushroom can be used to cultivate valuable medicinal materials - tianma, that is, in the artificial cultivation of gastrodia to use its symbiotic relationship, improve the yield and quality of gastrodia, with the same effect as gastrodia to dispel wind, strengthen bones, calm and other effects.

Porcini mushrooms

Taste | How many kinds of mushrooms have you eaten in Daxing'anling?

Porcini mushrooms are the "big brothers" of wild edible mushrooms, with a large umbrella cap diameter of 20 cm and a thickness of 5 cm. When drying, the fresh fragrance is fragrant, placed on the balcony, and the room is full of incense. It is generally dried and eaten, stewed with meat, with a particularly fresh and fragrant taste, soft taste and rich nutrition.

Prairie white mushroom

Taste | How many kinds of mushrooms have you eaten in Daxing'anling?

Hulunbuir grassland white mushroom, produced in Hulunbuir grassland, is a more precious variety of umbrella fungus. Due to the warm and humid summer climate of Hulunbuir Grassland and the long light time, the white mushroom has a good growth environment, the fungus is thick, the texture is tender, and it has an aroma and delicious taste. White mushrooms have a variety of ways to eat, can be made into sauce, stuffing, stir-frying, shabu-shabu, etc., can also be cold and dry for a long time.

Lion's Head Mushroom

Taste | How many kinds of mushrooms have you eaten in Daxing'anling?

Named because of its resemblance to a monkey's head, it is a traditional Chinese dish, tender, fragrant, delicious and delicious, and is one of the four famous dishes (monkey head, bear paw, bird's nest, shark fin), known as "mountain treasure monkey head, seafood shark fin". Wild Lion's Mane mushrooms generally grow in pairs and have good medicinal value.

Daxinganling forest area has hundreds of kinds of mushrooms, even a species of mushrooms, but also divided into many small species, the color is also different, Daxinganling also has many precious mushrooms, roadbed mushrooms, gray top white mushrooms, broom mushrooms, etc., here first introduce several kinds of common people also often eat mushrooms, if you know more, welcome to leave a message to share. I think the best time is to wander in the autumn of Xing'anLing, pull a bamboo basket, go deep into the jungle, look for fresh mushrooms hidden in the grass, if you want to experience the fun of picking mushrooms, come through the Xing'an Mountains of Inner Mongolia.

Taste | How many kinds of mushrooms have you eaten in Daxing'anling?

Editor-in-Charge: Harihan

Taste | How many kinds of mushrooms have you eaten in Daxing'anling?

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