
south. Goldin Nan Goldin | The Complete Works (Part 1)
south. Goldin Nan Goldin | The Complete Works (Part 1)
south. Goldin Nan Goldin | The Complete Works (Part 1)

south. Goldin

Nan Goldin

Born in 1953

American photographer

What had a huge impact on Nan Goldin's life was the suicide of her sister at the age of 11--- she was bitter because of her natural sexuality and eventually chose to lie on the train tracks in the suburbs.

It was 1965, when teen suicide was still a taboo topic, and Nan Goldin never seemed to come out of that shadow, trying to free herself, so she chose a chaotic life that was completely different from her peers at an early age.

At the age of 13, she left home, took drugs, dated older men, mingled in the circle of bad social people, and also entered the circle of same-sex and transgender groups. Later, she has been trying to quit drugs and abuse drug addiction.

In her photographs, often with the themes of same sex and transgenderness, she shoots with an understanding eye and a purpose of solidarity, and they have the shadow of her sister.

Today, Nan Goldin is known as one of the representatives of private photography, she photographed her friends, but also took selfies after being abused by her boyfriend, such a form of photography is still regarded as avant-garde until now. She was more widely influenced, influenced by Andy Warhol's early films and Guy Bourdin in terms of expression, but at the same time incorporating Helmut Newton-style direct metaphorical eroticism. It's also important to note that the New Wave and post-punk musical vibe of the late '70s was a spice to Nan Goldin's work.

Nan Goldin's subcultural qualities are sought after by many literary youths, but she has also been in the vortex of controversy: the pain of the original family is not an excuse for drug use, and it is reprehensible to "literarize" drugs while supporting same-sex and inter-liners.

south. Goldin Nan Goldin | The Complete Works (Part 1)
south. Goldin Nan Goldin | The Complete Works (Part 1)
south. Goldin Nan Goldin | The Complete Works (Part 1)
south. Goldin Nan Goldin | The Complete Works (Part 1)
south. Goldin Nan Goldin | The Complete Works (Part 1)
south. Goldin Nan Goldin | The Complete Works (Part 1)
south. Goldin Nan Goldin | The Complete Works (Part 1)
south. Goldin Nan Goldin | The Complete Works (Part 1)
south. Goldin Nan Goldin | The Complete Works (Part 1)
south. Goldin Nan Goldin | The Complete Works (Part 1)
south. Goldin Nan Goldin | The Complete Works (Part 1)
south. Goldin Nan Goldin | The Complete Works (Part 1)
south. Goldin Nan Goldin | The Complete Works (Part 1)
south. Goldin Nan Goldin | The Complete Works (Part 1)
south. Goldin Nan Goldin | The Complete Works (Part 1)
south. Goldin Nan Goldin | The Complete Works (Part 1)
south. Goldin Nan Goldin | The Complete Works (Part 1)
south. Goldin Nan Goldin | The Complete Works (Part 1)
south. Goldin Nan Goldin | The Complete Works (Part 1)
south. Goldin Nan Goldin | The Complete Works (Part 1)
south. Goldin Nan Goldin | The Complete Works (Part 1)
south. Goldin Nan Goldin | The Complete Works (Part 1)
south. Goldin Nan Goldin | The Complete Works (Part 1)
south. Goldin Nan Goldin | The Complete Works (Part 1)
south. Goldin Nan Goldin | The Complete Works (Part 1)
south. Goldin Nan Goldin | The Complete Works (Part 1)
south. Goldin Nan Goldin | The Complete Works (Part 1)
south. Goldin Nan Goldin | The Complete Works (Part 1)
south. Goldin Nan Goldin | The Complete Works (Part 1)
south. Goldin Nan Goldin | The Complete Works (Part 1)
south. Goldin Nan Goldin | The Complete Works (Part 1)
south. Goldin Nan Goldin | The Complete Works (Part 1)
south. Goldin Nan Goldin | The Complete Works (Part 1)
south. Goldin Nan Goldin | The Complete Works (Part 1)
south. Goldin Nan Goldin | The Complete Works (Part 1)
south. Goldin Nan Goldin | The Complete Works (Part 1)
south. Goldin Nan Goldin | The Complete Works (Part 1)
south. Goldin Nan Goldin | The Complete Works (Part 1)
south. Goldin Nan Goldin | The Complete Works (Part 1)
south. Goldin Nan Goldin | The Complete Works (Part 1)
south. Goldin Nan Goldin | The Complete Works (Part 1)
south. Goldin Nan Goldin | The Complete Works (Part 1)
south. Goldin Nan Goldin | The Complete Works (Part 1)
south. Goldin Nan Goldin | The Complete Works (Part 1)
south. Goldin Nan Goldin | The Complete Works (Part 1)
south. Goldin Nan Goldin | The Complete Works (Part 1)
south. Goldin Nan Goldin | The Complete Works (Part 1)
south. Goldin Nan Goldin | The Complete Works (Part 1)
south. Goldin Nan Goldin | The Complete Works (Part 1)
south. Goldin Nan Goldin | The Complete Works (Part 1)
south. Goldin Nan Goldin | The Complete Works (Part 1)
south. Goldin Nan Goldin | The Complete Works (Part 1)
south. Goldin Nan Goldin | The Complete Works (Part 1)
south. Goldin Nan Goldin | The Complete Works (Part 1)
south. Goldin Nan Goldin | The Complete Works (Part 1)
south. Goldin Nan Goldin | The Complete Works (Part 1)
south. Goldin Nan Goldin | The Complete Works (Part 1)
south. Goldin Nan Goldin | The Complete Works (Part 1)
south. Goldin Nan Goldin | The Complete Works (Part 1)
south. Goldin Nan Goldin | The Complete Works (Part 1)
south. Goldin Nan Goldin | The Complete Works (Part 1)
south. Goldin Nan Goldin | The Complete Works (Part 1)

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Copyright | Floating graph network

Edited | Huang Yi cat

south. Goldin Nan Goldin | The Complete Works (Part 1)

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