
In autumn, this "alkaline" food is in season, anti-hunger and delicious, steaming on the pot, fresh flavor into the flavor of chopped pepper steamed taro production method operation tips:

author:Companion with food

In autumn, this "alkaline" food is in season, anti-hunger and delicious, steamed on the pot, fresh and fragrant.

Taro, another great delicacy of the rhizome family, it is not surprising on the outside, but the inside is delicate, sweet and sticky, even Su Dongpo has written "fragrant ambergris is still white, the taste is more complete than milk" to praise taro. In addition to the delicious taste, the nutritional value of taro can not be underestimated, it is rich in starch, the minerals and vitamins contained in it are also very high, as well as our essential calcium, zinc, potassium and other elements, in many vegetables is a very high-quality "alkaline" ingredients, so people who usually like to eat taro are naturally not in the minority.

In autumn, this "alkaline" food is in season, anti-hunger and delicious, steaming on the pot, fresh flavor into the flavor of chopped pepper steamed taro production method operation tips:

It's time to eat taro in autumn! For a long time, taro appeared as a staple food with a strong sense of fullness, and it is recorded in the "History and Cargo Breeding Biography": "Under the Wuwen Rushan Mountain, there are squatting birds under it, and there is no hunger until death." This can see the hunger-filling effect of taro, and autumn coincides with the ripening of taro on the market, when the taro is particularly rosin powdery, tender and delicious. I remember when I was a child, the taro just came down, the family steamed some first, brought to the table one by one in the hand, peeled off the skin, white tender taro meat dipped in sugar to eat, the taste is soft, sticky and sweet, feel more nourishing than milk. In addition to this steamed way of eating, taro actually has many ways to eat, with meat stew, boiling sugar water, mixing taro puree, cooking taro cake, etc., all of which are good taste.

In autumn, this "alkaline" food is in season, anti-hunger and delicious, steaming on the pot, fresh flavor into the flavor of chopped pepper steamed taro production method operation tips:

National Day is coming, although the holiday mode has been opened, but Xiaobian saw that there are still many people on the Internet who are willing to choose to stay at home, accompany their families to spend this leisurely holiday, and eating and drinking during the holiday is always the topic around us, can reasonably arrange some light and nutritious food, it is also a good choice, next for everyone to share a home-cooked steamed dish, chopped pepper steamed taro, as long as it takes 5 minutes to learn a delicious steamed dish, delicious flavor, the taste is very smooth and delicate, the method is super simple, I can eat happily with my family without going far away, so if you like it, you may wish to show your hand at home.

In autumn, this "alkaline" food is in season, anti-hunger and delicious, steaming on the pot, fresh flavor into the flavor of chopped pepper steamed taro production method operation tips:

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="4" > the preparation method of steamed taro with chopped pepper</h1>

Ingredients: 400 g taro, 50 g red pepper.

Ingredients: 2 g chives, 1/3 tablespoon light soy sauce, 1 teaspoon chicken essence, 2 teaspoons sesame oil, a pinch of salt.

In autumn, this "alkaline" food is in season, anti-hunger and delicious, steaming on the pot, fresh flavor into the flavor of chopped pepper steamed taro production method operation tips:

The first step, the taro skin is attached to some mud lumps and whiskers, peeling is very inconvenient, we first put the taro into the water to soak for 3 to 5 minutes, the soil will fall on its own, and then wash and peel the taro, directly cut into taro pieces, the size depends on personal preference.

In autumn, this "alkaline" food is in season, anti-hunger and delicious, steaming on the pot, fresh flavor into the flavor of chopped pepper steamed taro production method operation tips:

In the second step, the red pepper is washed and shaved, the pepper seeds are removed, the pepper is chopped into small pieces and put into a bowl, add soy sauce, chicken essence, sesame oil, a little salt and stir evenly to make a minced pepper sauce, the soy sauce itself is salty, if the salt is put in as appropriate, avoid being too salty, otherwise a salty pressure is delicious.

In autumn, this "alkaline" food is in season, anti-hunger and delicious, steaming on the pot, fresh flavor into the flavor of chopped pepper steamed taro production method operation tips:

The third step, add an appropriate amount of water to the steamer, boil over high heat, put the taro pieces into a deep dish, put the pot with a lid, steam on high heat for 15 to 20 minutes, the cooking time should be determined according to the size of the taro pieces, you can cut the taro as quickly as possible, steaming up to save some time.

In autumn, this "alkaline" food is in season, anti-hunger and delicious, steaming on the pot, fresh flavor into the flavor of chopped pepper steamed taro production method operation tips:

The fourth step, steam until the taro block 8 mature, that is, with chopsticks can be pierced, but not yet completely pierced, the prepared sauce is evenly poured on the taro block, cover continue to steam the taro over high heat until cooked thoroughly.

In autumn, this "alkaline" food is in season, anti-hunger and delicious, steaming on the pot, fresh flavor into the flavor of chopped pepper steamed taro production method operation tips:

In the fifth step, wash and cut the chives into green onions, steam the taro and turn off the heat, remove the lid, sprinkle the cut green onions into the plate, and the steamed dish will be ready.

In autumn, this "alkaline" food is in season, anti-hunger and delicious, steaming on the pot, fresh flavor into the flavor of chopped pepper steamed taro production method operation tips:

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="17" > tips:</h1>

Taro itself carries some mucus, for some friends who are prone to skin allergies, it is best to wear a pair of plastic gloves on your hands when handling taro to prevent direct contact with taro mucus and cause itching.

Do not choose canned pickled peppers for the sake of convenience, the kind of pickled peppers are spicy and sour, which will make the taste of taro sour and spicy, not suitable for making this dish, compared to red peppers also have a spicy taste, but very light, steamed after the spicy taste will disappear, will not affect the fresh flavor of the dish.

In autumn, this "alkaline" food is in season, anti-hunger and delicious, steaming on the pot, fresh flavor into the flavor of chopped pepper steamed taro production method operation tips:

I am with food as a companion, very happy to meet everyone here, welcome to pay attention, share more daily food for everyone, but also please correct more, thank you for reading, I wish you a happy life, we will see you in the next issue.

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