
More than 40% of cancer deaths can be avoided! 23 internationally recognized carcinogenic factors to avoid

author:Beijing Satellite TV: I'm a big doctor

Nowadays, although the standard of living is constantly improving, the number of cancer victims has not decreased. Experts said that with the gradual intensification of China's population aging, the process of industrialization and other processes continue to accelerate, coupled with the accumulation of chronic infections, unhealthy lifestyles and other risk factors, the situation of cancer prevention and control is more severe!

Relevant data show that not only the cancer burden continues to rise, but also in the past ten years, the incidence of cancer has maintained an increase of about 3.9% per year, and the mortality rate has maintained an increase of 2.5% per year!

More than 40% of cancer deaths can be avoided! 23 internationally recognized carcinogenic factors to avoid

But you know, more than 40% of cancer deaths can be avoided – according to a study published in The Lancet – Global Health, 45.2% of cancer deaths in Adults aged 20 or older in China can be attributed to 5 categories and 23 modifiable risk factors. In other words, avoiding these carcinogenic factors can greatly reduce the mortality rate of cancer!

First, 4 kinds of carcinogenic behaviors, many people still do it every day

1. Smoking

Studies have shown that cigarettes contain 93 kinds of clearly toxic substances, more than 60 kinds of clear carcinogens, such as benzopyrene, formaldehyde, arsenic, cadmium, other radioactive substances, etc., can cause more than 40 kinds of cancer.

Compared with non-smokers, the incidence of lung cancer in smokers increased by 22 times; the incidence of laryngeal cancer increased by 8 times; the cancer of the mouth and pharynx increased by 4 times; the cancer of the esophagus and stomach increased by 3 times; the cancer of the bladder and pancreas increased by 2 times...

More than 40% of cancer deaths can be avoided! 23 internationally recognized carcinogenic factors to avoid

2, second-hand smoke, may be more dangerous than smoking

On the one hand, second-hand smoke has more carcinogens, and its tar and nicotine content is 3 times that of smokers; carbon monoxide is 5 times; nitrosamines are 50 times...

On the other hand, the hazards of second-hand smoke last longer, and the smoke of first-hand smoke may last for 5-10 minutes, but the smoke of second-hand smoke spreading in the air may last for 30-60 minutes, or even longer.

More than 40% of cancer deaths can be avoided! 23 internationally recognized carcinogenic factors to avoid

3. Drink alcohol

In 2020, about 740,000 new cancer cases worldwide can be attributed to alcohol consumption, and About 280,000 cases in China include oral cancer, laryngeal cancer, squamous cell carcinoma, colorectal cancer, liver cancer and so on.

Acetaldehyde produced by alcohol metabolism can not only bind directly to DNA, resulting in DNA mutations, but also cause cell death in the body, induce chronic inflammation, and increase the probability of cancer. And 60% of Asians are deficient in acetaldehyde invertase, so the risk of carcinogen is higher!

More than 40% of cancer deaths can be avoided! 23 internationally recognized carcinogenic factors to avoid

4. Lack of exercise

According to German scientists, the number of immune cells in the human body will increase with the increase of our physical activity, that is, people who do not exercise, relatively poor resistance, are more likely to give cancer cells the opportunity to invade.

The data also shows that if we sit for two more hours a day, the risk of lung, bowel and uterine cancer increases by 6%, 8% and 10%, respectively.

More than 40% of cancer deaths can be avoided! 23 internationally recognized carcinogenic factors to avoid

Second, the diet "3 more 4 less" ≈ feed cancer cells

A "cancer" word three "mouth", diet and health are closely related! And many people have the problem of "3 more than 4 less" in their diet, the intake of what to eat is insufficient, and they should not eat too much, and the relative risk of disease is higher

1. Insufficient intake: fruits, vegetables, dietary fiber, calcium

(1) Fruits and vegetables

Fruits and vegetables are essential for our daily supplement of water, vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber, antioxidant substances and other essential diets, and insufficient intake, the lack of these nutrients, are all cancer triggers.

Globally, it is estimated that about 19% of gastrointestinal cancers, 31% of ischemic heart disease and 11% of strokes are caused by too little intake of fruits and vegetables.

More than 40% of cancer deaths can be avoided! 23 internationally recognized carcinogenic factors to avoid

It is recommended to eat 300 to 500 grams of fresh vegetables and 200 to 350 grams of fruits every day, of which dark vegetables should account for more than half of the total vegetable intake. In addition, the richer the variety of fruits and vegetables, the better, it is best to eat them every day.

(2) Dietary fiber

In the absence of dietary fiber, the metabolic substances produced after the decomposition of high-fat, high-protein foods in the human body will stay on the colonic mucosa for a long time, thereby increasing the risk of colon cancer.

(3) Calcium

Calcium deficiency not only increases the risk of osteoporosis, but also tends to increase intestinal lesions.

On the one hand, calcium can absorb and bind harmful and metabolic substances such as trans fatty acids in the intestine; on the other hand, it has a certain regulatory effect on cell division and growth and reproduction, which can reduce the risk of cell disease.

More than 40% of cancer deaths can be avoided! 23 internationally recognized carcinogenic factors to avoid

2, excessive intake: red meat, processed meat products, pickles

(1) Red meat

The reason why it is not good to eat too much red meat, on the one hand, is because the fat content in red meat is high, and long-term intake of too much is easy to increase the risk of obesity and inflammation, and stimulate intestinal lesions; on the other hand, too much red meat will lead to the production of high levels and different types of antibodies, increasing the risk of colorectal cancer and so on. Therefore, red meat is also classified as a Class 2A carcinogen.

Tip: Excessive intake of red meat is harmful to the body, and appropriate consumption does not need to worry - according to the dietary guidelines for Chinese residents, the recommended intake of livestock and poultry meat per person per day is 40-75g, and the weekly intake is 280-525g. When cooking, try to use low temperature methods such as steaming, boiling, and stir-frying.

More than 40% of cancer deaths can be avoided! 23 internationally recognized carcinogenic factors to avoid

(2) Processing meat products and pickled vegetables

Processed meats such as sausages, ham, and bacon and pickles all have a large amount of nitrate, and when it binds to protein, it will form the carcinogen nitrosamine, which will interact with DNA and induce tumor formation.

The study found that eating 50 grams of processed meat per day increased the risk of bowel cancer by 18 percent. Usually, you have to eat less or even not eat.

More than 40% of cancer deaths can be avoided! 23 internationally recognized carcinogenic factors to avoid

Third, 8 kinds of viruses and bacterial infections, especially difficult to "deal with"

1. Helicobacter pylori - stomach cancer

Helicobacter pylori is the first source of cancer in human stomach cancer. Data show that people infected with Helicobacter pylori are 4-6 times more likely to develop stomach cancer than ordinary people!

It can parasitize the gastric mucosa, hidden in the small concave of the stomach, and will produce toxins during growth and reproduction, destroy the gastric mucosa, and cause a series of gastric diseases, including gastritis, gastric ulcers, stomach cancer, etc.

More than 40% of cancer deaths can be avoided! 23 internationally recognized carcinogenic factors to avoid

Prevention: Pay attention to dietary hygiene, tableware disinfection, meal sharing, eating less raw food, etc. can effectively reduce the infection rate of Helicobacter pylori; and it is recommended to conduct gastric cancer screening once a year from the age of 40, including gastroscopy, Hp detection, etc.

2. Hepatitis B virus (HBV), hepatitis C virus (HCV) - liver cancer

According to surveys, 80%-90% of liver cancer in China is related to hepatitis B and C.

After infection with HBV and HCV, it will cause liver damage and induce hepatitis; if the damage continues, hepatitis will be repeated, and the liver will be prone to hardening, and finally lead to liver cancer.

Therefore, after infection, we must actively carry out antiviral therapy to reduce the onset of hepatitis, avoid cirrhosis, and reduce the risk of liver cancer.

More than 40% of cancer deaths can be avoided! 23 internationally recognized carcinogenic factors to avoid

Prevention: Vaccination against hepatitis B is the most effective way to prevent hepatitis B virus infection; and prevention of hepatitis C virus should avoid sharing toothbrushes, towels, razors and other supplies.

It is recommended that the general population have a physical examination once a year, including five items of liver function and hepatitis B.

3. Human papillomavirus (HPV) - cervical cancer

Hpillomavirus can cause a variety of cancers, such as cervical cancer, vulvar cancer, oral cancer, anal cancer, vaginal cancer, etc., and the most closely related of them is cervical cancer.

It is important to note that there are hundreds of types of HPV, but only 13 high-risk and 5 medium-risk types can cause cancer. Relevant data show that up to about 75% of women have been infected with HPV in their lifetime, and more than 80% of HPV infections can be cleared by the human immune system, but those higher-risk viruses that cannot be cleared may cause persistent infections and increase the risk of cervical cancer.

More than 40% of cancer deaths can be avoided! 23 internationally recognized carcinogenic factors to avoid

Prevention: HpV vaccination as early as possible, and pay attention to sexual life and menstrual hygiene can be effectively prevented; it is best to screen for cervical cancer every year, mainly by HPV examination, TCT examination, and colposcopy.

4. EBV - nasopharyngeal carcinoma, lymphoma

Epstein-Barr virus is a herpes virus that is commonly present all over the world, not only nasopharyngeal carcinoma, lymphoma, but also in recent years, there have been studies that have proved that stomach, lung, breast and cervical cancers are also related to it.

Usually, the EBV that enters the human body will lurk in B lymphocytes for a long time, and the virus does not copy and only expresses a small number of genes, that is, it has no effect on the human body;

But when the body's immune function is low, the latent Epstein-Barr virus is activated, causing infection, and in coordination with other factors, it may eventually cause nasopharyngeal cancer or other diseases.

More than 40% of cancer deaths can be avoided! 23 internationally recognized carcinogenic factors to avoid

Prevention: It is mainly transmitted through saliva, and paying attention to oral and dietary hygiene can effectively reduce the risk of infection.

5. Hive virus (HIV) - Kaposi sarcoma, B-cell lymphoma

HIV can attack the body's immune system, while infected cells release exosomes into the bloodstream, which activates cancer cells.

The data show that the incidence of Kaposi sarcoma in AIDS patients is 20%-30%; the incidence of B-cell lymphoma is 5%-10%.

Tip: Blocking HIV transmission includes mother-to-child blockade, norms for blood donation and transfusion, and safe sex.

6. Human herpes virus type 8 - Kaposi's sarcoma

Human herpesvirus type 8 can cause hyperplasia and transformation of epithelial cells, endothelial cells and lymphocytes, and eventually lead to tumor formation.

Tip: Try not to share daily necessities such as toothbrushes, washbasins, towels, nail clippers, etc. with others; at the same time, strengthen your own immunity.

More than 40% of cancer deaths can be avoided! 23 internationally recognized carcinogenic factors to avoid

7. Liver flukes - liver cancer

Liver flukes are one of the parasites with the highest infection rate in China, mostly found in freshwater fish and shrimp.

Liver flukes can parasitize the human hepatobiliary system, produce toxins and some secretions, damage liver cells, bile duct epithelial cells, cause repeated inflammation of the liver, necrosis fibrosis, may develop cirrhosis, and even lead to liver cancer.

More than 40% of cancer deaths can be avoided! 23 internationally recognized carcinogenic factors to avoid

It should be noted that the process of liver flukes injuring the liver is often chronic, and it may take ten years or eight years or even longer to show liver lesions. Therefore, people who often eat sashimi, sashimi porridge, etc. can go to the hospital for a check-up, and the daily food is as good as possible to cook and then eat.

4. Abnormal metabolism

Is a "booster" of cancer occurrence

1. Excess weight

According to WHO, about 500,000 new cases of adult cancer worldwide each year are caused by overweight or obesity, accounting for about 3.6% of the world's total cancer cases!

Obesity can cause bowel cancer, breast cancer, ovarian cancer, liver cancer, etc., more than 13 kinds of cancer.

Experts say that such people usually have metabolic disorders, hormone imbalance problems, and fat accumulation will put the body in a chronic inflammatory state, which will induce the growth of cancer cells.

More than 40% of cancer deaths can be avoided! 23 internationally recognized carcinogenic factors to avoid

2. Diabetes

In clinical studies, the risk of cancer in diabetic patients is more than 50% higher than that of normal people! Among them, the risk of liver cancer is 97% higher, the risk of pancreatic cancer is 85% higher, and the risk of colorectal cancer is 40% higher...

Diabetic patients with too high sugar, free fatty acids are easily used by cancer cells, providing nutrition and energy for the reproduction of cancer cells; coupled with the fact that the immune system function of diabetics is more or less damaged, the risk of cancer is relatively higher.

More than 40% of cancer deaths can be avoided! 23 internationally recognized carcinogenic factors to avoid

Fifth, the two carcinogenic factors in the environment

Preventable for everyone

1. PM2.5 pollution

There is sufficient evidence that some members of the public are exposed to outdoor air pollution and can cause lung and bladder cancer. And the longer the exposure, the greater the chance. The key to daily prevention is to:

(1) N95 and KN90 masks can be used on smog days;

(2) Install fresh air systems or air purifiers at home; you can also plant a little green plant;

(3) Go out and come back to wash your mouth and nose logistically;

(4) Turn on the range hood while cooking.

More than 40% of cancer deaths can be avoided! 23 internationally recognized carcinogenic factors to avoid

2. Ultraviolet radiation

Ultraviolet rays can penetrate deep into the skin, directly to the dermis layer of the skin, destroy elastin fibers and collagen fibers, not only easy to make the skin darken, aging, over time may cause photoaging and even cause skin cancer.

Tip: WHO recommends limiting midday exposure to the sun – the sun has the strongest UV rays from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., and avoiding going out as much as possible during these hours.

In addition, sunscreen umbrellas, sunscreen clothing, sunscreen, and sunglasses cannot fall when the sun is shining.

More than 40% of cancer deaths can be avoided! 23 internationally recognized carcinogenic factors to avoid

As long as the prevention and control of 23 carcinogenic factors, more than 1 million people in China can avoid dying of cancer every year! So I hope everyone can actively practice it.

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