
The investigation | spend tens of thousands of yuan to have a very general effect, revealing the business behind the "net red" exploration store

In the face of a fried sauce noodle, a blogger of a tan shop said that it was "too expensive" and "impossible to eat"; two days later, the fried sauce noodles became "the taste of mother's cooking" in his mouth... Recently, the "net red" master visited the store, which caused concern, and even some media said that "the store is getting more and more fake".

The reporter's investigation found that the price difference in the tandian industry was huge and the bloggers were various. Some merchants said that after spending nearly 10,000 yuan to visit the store, the business effect of the store is still not ideal. Exploring the store, in a sense, is becoming a "probe data".

The investigation | spend tens of thousands of yuan to have a very general effect, revealing the business behind the "net red" exploration store

Cartography Song Creek


Spent nearly 10,000 yuan, the effect is "quite general"

"The effect is average." Recalling the promotion of his store's visit, pang Yun, the manager of the restaurant, sighed so much. He said that he summed up and observed the customer flow of restaurants for several consecutive months and found that the business effect after hiring shop explorers was not as good as expected. "Before and after visiting the store master, the growth in operating income was not obvious."

The investigation | spend tens of thousands of yuan to have a very general effect, revealing the business behind the "net red" exploration store

The effect advantage expressed by a blogger with hundreds of thousands of fans

The restaurant where Pang Works is a Chinese shabu-shabu shop that has been open for about two years. Previously, suffering from a relatively flat business, the store allocated a budget and asked the shopkeepers to come to publicize. "We contacted ourselves online and looked for a few talented people. One of them made a video price of 3,000 yuan, another had hundreds of thousands of fans, and the price of exploring the store was 6,000 yuan. Pang Yun said that before each shop visitor comes, he needs the restaurant to communicate with him about the type of meals in the store, the price of the package, the characteristics of the store, etc., and then agree on the date and details of the shooting at the store.

"There are many kinds of people, some come in luxury cars, some are taxis. We offer meals for free. Pang Yun introduced that during the shooting, there was a blogger who almost shot the whole process himself, while another talent needed him to cooperate with the camera introduction on the side, simulating the scene of ordinary customers coming to dinner.

As for the business effect after visiting the store, it is difficult to say. He said that after spending tens of thousands of yuan, the effect was not ideal. "There's a shopkeeper with about 200,000 followers. Of the guests I received, there was only one who really drew in from him. Pang Yun said that shoppers will almost hang group purchase coupons in their video content, so the store can also grasp the source of customers.

Today, Pang Yun also has a newer understanding of the store. "This drainage method is a double-edged sword. Do a good job, do not do well may be closed. He said that when looking for shoppers, the store will give priority to local talents, but there are not many customers who are really willing to cross the district or travel farther to eat. More importantly, drainage is only superficial, and in the end it depends on the taste strength of the dish to win.


"Ordinary people" can also take orders, and the prices are various

The reporter found that today's Internet celebrities are mainly divided into two modes: "going it alone" and relying on the platform and the company's "receiving orders". Even if there are only a few dozen or hundreds of fans, you can also take orders to visit the store, and the price of different types and platforms is very large.

"The shop number I made myself, I didn't sign the company, nor was it a company account." On a short video platform, a shopkeeper introduced himself. The page shows that the talent has more than 400,000 followers, and of the 420 works she has published, the recommended works account for 360. The types of shop visits include Chinese food, Western food, shopping, hot pot, scenic spots, etc., and the proportion of shop works in the total number of works has reached about 85%.

The reporter contacted the shop master, who said that the price of the shop was 6,000 yuan, and the specific cooperation could either directly dock with herself, or take the official cooperation channel of the platform, "but the official channel price will be higher, and it is recommended to take the official channel if you need an invoice." She said that after confirming that there is a need to visit the store, it is best to set the file about 10 days in advance in order to arrange a specific shooting date.

Another shop blogger with more than a million followers, the price of the shop soared to more than 10,000 yuan. "Directly go to the individual, 14,000 yuan per program; if you take the platform cooperation, 23,000 yuan." The blogger said that the quotation will fluctuate according to different months, "the first phase of the person is 14,000 yuan, and the price is the quotation in January." ”

The investigation | spend tens of thousands of yuan to have a very general effect, revealing the business behind the "net red" exploration store

In addition to individuals, there are also some shop-finding bloggers who are attached to third-party online marketing companies. The specific operation mode is that the demand side finds the company, explains the specific needs of the store, and then the marketing company contacts the corresponding bloggers according to the needs. The price of visiting the store given by the marketing company is much lower.

"There are many types and levels of shop-exploring bloggers on our side. There are dozens of hundreds of fans of the 'vegetarian', there are also thousands of fan bloggers, 10,000 fans of bloggers, and more than 100,000 fans of bloggers. "The person in charge of an online marketing company said that his company mainly does the short video platform and the small red book platform to explore the store business, and the price is relatively affordable." Generally speaking, bloggers do not charge money for the store, and the merchant is only responsible for providing free meals; the price of a thousand fan bloggers and ten thousand powder bloggers to do a program is 500-1000 yuan, and the price of a blogger with 100,000 fans is about 1500 yuan. ”

The person in charge of the marketing company said that the price difference in the Tandian market is very different, and there are many bubbles. "Actually, a lot of times it's not that expensive." He said that the fee is settled in advance, the merchant gives the company a fee, and after completing the visit, the company will give the blogger a fee. After the blogger visits the store, the work can generally be released in 2 to 3 days, "the specific arrival time, how many people need to arrive at the store, to communicate in advance, bloggers often have a schedule." ”


Pay attention to background data, someone temporarily "catch up"

"I'm not ready to explore the store, the industry stinks, I think the industry is going downhill." Last month, a blogger in a shop revealed in his live broadcast room. "The industry stinks" may be an exaggeration, but the reporter's investigation found that the current shop business will not have a guarantee of practical effect in the field of signing contracts, often only issuing background data, but some bloggers are rushing to "brush data".

According to the person in charge of the aforementioned network marketing company, a paper or electronic contract will be signed before visiting the store, but the content of the contract is mostly about the process, cost and precautions of the two parties, and "it will not agree on how the actual effect will be." As for the question of whether there will be an increase in store consumption after visiting the store, it said that after visiting the store, it can be compared with the turnover of the past normal time, "it has a certain effect." We'll show you the amount of exposure, views, or readings in the background of the blogger's account, which is actually an effect. ”

"If you need an agreement, we have a generic one here, and the effect is determined by the comprehensive content of the product and the quality of the video." A shop-exploring blogger with about 450,000 followers said. She emphasized the data advantages of her visit to the store, "My exposure is relatively stable. The base exposure ranges from 300,000 to 500,000, and many videos range from 500,000 to 10 million. ”

Unlike some shop bloggers who emphasize exposure data, some bloggers say that they can distribute it on multiple platforms to maximize the "effect" of the store. "Including Little Red Book, Kuaishou, Weibo, Reviews, Video Numbers, etc." The blogger stressed that these multi-platform distribution of shop content is free of charge.

However, these data on paper are sometimes "water injected". "In the past, there were some shop-exploring bloggers, and after the release of the work, the actual viewing and reading effect was not good, so they would find some third-party companies to brush the data." A person in charge of a network information consulting company introduced. Especially when it comes to some order amounts are relatively large and merchants have a more real effect on data, some bloggers will "rush to make good-looking data in a hurry".

"Brush volume, in this industry is definitely there." The head of the network marketing company of the tandian business said. However, because the relevant departments and platforms have now increased the control and identification of the amount of brushing, the brushing behavior has converged a lot compared with previous years. "It can't be denied that there is none, but now the amount of brushing is becoming more and more hidden and less and less."


Shop visits can not be short-sighted, do a good job of commodity value

"In some industries, short-sighted behavior is very common. To open a store, companies must first hype or make up a concept, rather than thinking about how to build a product well and get consumer recognition. And some shop bloggers and shop masters also give money to promote, and they are quick to become popular and lose credibility. Lai Yang, executive vice president of the Beijing Business Economics Association, said that whether it is a business operation or a shop blogger doing promotion, the essence behind it is the problem of how to sustain its credibility. The most important thing is to pay attention to the quality of their own products and services.

Lai Yang analyzed that the concept of "traffic is king" in the era of self-media and that it is necessary to engage in hype and promotion is to put the cart before the horse. "For a merchant or enterprise to do a good job, the most fundamental thing is to have unique value and distinctive products, rather than spending money to buy traffic," he said. The fundamental basis of the blogger is also the value to consumers and their own reputation. "Some bloggers or talents are quite reliable at first, but after the 'fire' rises, it gradually becomes pure commercial promotion." Give money to do promotion, personal brand also declined, not worthwhile. ”

"The data of the shop can be made and packaged. For example, find some 'zombie powder' and do some relevant data, which seems to be very good, but the actual effect is not ideal. Lai Yang suggested that whether it is a company or a business, the foundation of success is the intrinsic consumer value, "must be a real high-quality product, as well as a high-quality promotion reputation." "Otherwise, relying on hype or promotion, the effect is only temporary, it is a short-term virtual fire, and it is of little significance."

Source Beijing Daily Client | Reporter Li Songlin, Editor Song Xi

Editor: Wang Haiping

Process Editor Tai Shaofeng

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