
Exclusive Interview with | Feng Zhenglin: Firm Confidence, Innovative Achievements Greet the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China with excellent results

author:Civil Aviation News of China

Firm confidence, innovative performance

Greeted the 20th National Congress of the Party with excellent results

——Interview with Feng Zhenglin, Secretary of the Party Group and Director of the Civil Aviation Administration

From January 10 to 11, the 2022 National Civil Aviation Work Conference and the National Civil Aviation Safety Work Conference were held in Beijing. This is an important meeting held in the critical period when the civil aviation industry promotes the recovery and development of the industry, promotes the implementation of the "14th Five-Year Plan" development plan of civil aviation, and enters the construction of a civil aviation power in many fields. In 2021, how will China's civil aviation show strong resilience in the face of adversity? In 2022, what considerations does the Civil Aviation Administration have in implementing and implementing the 14th Five-Year Plan? How will the construction of smart civil aviation be promoted? What are the key tasks of civil aviation? During the work meeting, the reporter of the Civil Aviation News of China interviewed Feng Zhenglin, secretary of the party group and director of the Civil Aviation Administration, with these questions.

Show strong tenacity Chaotic clouds flying across are still calm

1. Reporter: The work report at the 2022 National Civil Aviation Work Conference mentioned that "in the past year, the civil aviation industry has faced the intertwined and superimposed impact of difficulties such as epidemic prevention and control, operating losses, and safety pressures, insisted on seeking progress in stability, and showed strong resilience in adversity. How is it understood to "show great resilience in the face of adversity"?

Feng Zhenglin: Last year, the instability and uncertainty of the world's economic and trade environment increased, China's economic development environment underwent profound and complex changes, the new crown epidemic continued to evolve and repeat, the depth and sustainability of the impact on the civil aviation industry exceeded expectations, civil aviation has missed the Spring Festival, summer transportation, National Day and other traditional production seasons, "the peak season is not strong, the off-season is weaker". The global epidemic has led to an increase in demand for cargo transportation, an increase in the import risk of overseas cargo and navigation, and an increasingly systematic and hidden nature of civil aviation safety risks, which are all "adversities" for the development of civil aviation in 2021.

Under such multiple pressures and difficulties, under the strong leadership of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, the civil aviation industry has maintained the strategic determination of "flying through chaotic clouds and still calmly", turned passive into active, and completed a series of major tasks involving the overall situation. We have systematically planned, regarded the creation of a good atmosphere for celebrating the centenary of the founding of the party as the primary political task, insisted that "the brain should be tight, the heart should be thin, the eyes should be bright, the feet should be diligent, the face should be red, and the hands should be hardened", deepening the understanding of the five attributes of safety work, and achieving continuous safe flight for 136 months and 98.76 million hours of transport aviation, which is about to reach 100 million hours. We have worked hard to practice our internal skills, in view of the changes in flight plans under the epidemic, we have timely introduced relevant refund and change policies, and have successively released two batches of 22 "I do practical things for the masses" task list, 16 directly oriented to passenger service needs. Carry out special actions to improve airport service facilities, and the normal flight rate of the whole year exceeded 87%, maintaining more than 80% for four consecutive years. We have actively responded, coordinated the promotion of epidemic prevention and control and industry recovery and development, optimized the transportation production organization under the normalization of epidemic prevention and control, launched a package of six countermeasures to promote the recovery and development of civil aviation, and reduced the cost of the industry by nearly 10 billion yuan throughout the year, with remarkable results. We have strengthened the foundation and strengthened the capital, increased infrastructure investment, and completed fixed asset investment of 115 billion yuan in the whole year, an increase of 6.4% year-on-year, exceeding 100 billion yuan for two consecutive years.

With the hard work of all civil aviation personnel, we have firmly adhered to the safety bottom line and the epidemic prevention line, highlighted the comparative advantages of service quality, hit a new high in fixed asset investment, achieved remarkable results in deepening reform, comprehensively and strictly governed the party to develop in depth, and made important contributions to China's economic and social development and the overall situation of epidemic prevention and control. Whether it is from the perspective of the situation of civil aviation safety production or from the data indicators of infrastructure investment and service quality improvement, it is within expectations or even exceeded. Although the production indicators of civil aviation transportation are declining, the total turnover, passenger traffic and cargo and mail transportation volume of civil aviation in the whole year increased by 7.3, 5.5 and 8.2 percentage points year-on-year, and has recovered to 66.3%, 66.8% and 97.2% in 2019, respectively. Compared with the world's civil aviation, this achievement is still among the best. Especially in the case of the annual industry loss of 84.3 billion, our airlines have not been crushed, and the backbone team has maintained basic stability and stabilized the basic plate of civil aviation development, which is the main embodiment of "strong tenacity".

China's civil aviation has shown strong resilience in the face of adversity, but also fully reflects the achievements of our years of civil aviation power construction, China's civil aviation has strong development strength and anti-risk ability, once again confirmed that the eight basic characteristics of civil aviation power involving the field of transport aviation five characteristics are in the growth stage or maturity period, but also fully show that China's civil aviation recovery and development has a solid foundation.

2. Reporter: Among the three major events mentioned in the work report for the civil aviation industry in 2021, the first is to solidly carry out party history study and education. What is the effect of the study and education of party history in the civil aviation system?

Feng Zhenglin: Not long ago, we held a summary meeting on the study and education of party history in the civil aviation system, which systematically sorted out the work and results of the party history study and education since its launch. Since the launch of the party history study and education, the party group of the Civil Aviation Administration and the party organizations at all levels of the whole system have resolutely shouldered their political responsibilities, firmly grasped the objectives and requirements of "studying history clearly, learning history to increase credibility, learning history to revere morality, and studying history to practice" and "learning party history, enlightening the mind, doing practical things, and opening a new bureau", and promoted party members and cadres to deeply study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech on July 1 and the spirit of the Sixth Plenary Session of the Nineteenth Central Committee of the Party by holding reading classes, theoretical center group study, cadre training classes, etc., to learn and understand the party's innovative theories and implement the prescribed actions.

At the same time, we innovated self-selected actions, the bureau party group launched 22 practical tasks for the masses in two batches, and the bureau's subordinate units have launched a total of 2586 practical tasks, and the current completion rate is more than 90%. We have filmed special films such as "1949 "Two Airlines" Uprising", published books such as "China Daxing" and "A Hundred Years of Great Undertaking -- China's Civil Aviation under the Leadership of the Communist Party of China", carried out the theme of "Centennial Party History, Civil Aviation Imprint -- Civil Aviation People Report to the Party Flag", and carried out the action of "Clearing the List of Hidden Dangers of Problems" and so on. It has enhanced the consciousness and firmness of in-depth study and implementation of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, enhanced the initiative of practicing people's aviation for the people, enhanced the internal motivation of carrying forward the great spirit of party building and inheriting the red gene, and gathered the magnificent strength to overcome difficulties and promote the construction of a civil aviation power in the new era. The strong resilience of China's civil aviation just mentioned in the face of adversity is the fundamental embodiment of the tangible results achieved in the study and education of party history in the civil aviation system.

This year will usher in the 20th National Congress of the Party, the whole industry will be more closely united around the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, in-depth study and implementation of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, vigorously carry forward the great spirit of party building, the great enthusiasm for loving the party and the country and civil aviation stimulated by the study and education of party history into practical actions to do a solid job in civil aviation work, and strive to promote the high-quality development of civil aviation and the construction of a strong civil aviation country in the new era.

Sketch a grand blueprint The time to fight in the sky is right

3. Reporter: We have noticed that before the work meeting, the Civil Aviation Administration of China held a special press conference to release the "14th Five-Year Plan", the theme of which was "Solidly promote the 14th Five-Year Development Plan of Civil Aviation and greet the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China with excellent results." What considerations does the Civil Aviation Administration have in implementing and implementing the 14th Five-Year Plan?

Feng Zhenglin: Using the five-year plan to lead economic and social development is an important experience of the party in governing the country. The grand blueprint drawn up in the 14th Five-Year Plan for realizing this is by no means something that can be easily achieved by beating a gong and beating a drum, but must "jump up and pick peaches", have the courage to fight in the long sky, and not be afraid of hard work. To implement and implement the "14th Five-Year Plan" well, the key is to understand and grasp the five aspects of "better playing the role of civil aviation strategic industry, closely following the overall work ideas of '12334' civil aviation, focusing on the construction of a strong civil aviation country in many fields, adhering to the main line of smart civil aviation construction, and continuing to deepen reform and innovation".

To better play the role of civil aviation as a strategic industry, this is the strategic positioning of civil aviation's "14th Five-Year Plan". At present, the integration of civil aviation and regional economic and social development is getting higher and higher. Only by combining the development of civil aviation with local demands, optimizing the layout of the civil aviation industry, improving the strategic carrying capacity of the civil aviation industry, making overall use of the superior resources of all parties, and forming a new situation of coordinated development in which the civil aviation industry and the regional economy and society are deeply integrated, mutually supportive and mutually promoted, can we better serve the construction of a new development pattern. Closely following the overall work idea of "12334" civil aviation, this is the guiding ideology of the 14th Five-Year Plan of civil aviation. During the "13th Five-Year Plan" period, civil aviation adhered to the overall work idea of "one-two-three-three-four" civil aviation, and achieved the best results in history in terms of safety, normalcy, service and development. According to the phased characteristics of the development of civil aviation in the "14th Five-Year Plan", the party group of the Civil Aviation Administration of China adheres to the combination of inheritance and innovation, and determines the overall work idea of the "14th Five-Year Plan" as "practicing one concept, promoting the two wings flying together, adhering to the three bottom lines, building and improving the three systems, and opening up four new situations". On the basis of deeply understanding and grasping the ideological connotation and work logic of the overall work ideas, we must grasp the main theme line, clarify the main direction of attack, focus on the point of force, find the breakthrough point, and implement the overall work ideas into the whole process of the development of the "Fourteenth Five-Year Plan" through solid work. Focusing on the construction of a strong civil aviation country in multiple fields is the strategic layout of the "14th Five-Year Plan" of civil aviation. Entering the "Fourteenth Five-Year Plan", China's civil aviation has embarked on a new journey from a single air transport power to a multi-field civil aviation power, which is a new historical orientation for the development of China's civil aviation industry, which also means that the "Fourteenth Five-Year Plan" is the beginning of a new stage of development and the first five years of laying a solid foundation for the construction of a multi-field civil aviation power. Focusing on the construction of a multi-field civil aviation power, we must not only focus on consolidating the status of a strong air transport country and continuously strengthening the maturity of the basic characteristics of the transport aviation field; we must also accelerate the completion of the shortcomings of the general aviation industry in the construction of a multi-field civil aviation power, and strive to promote the continuous growth, development and growth of the basic characteristics of the general aviation field; we must also lay out the construction of a comprehensive civil aviation power in advance, strengthen the ability of independent innovation, and continuously enhance the international discourse power and influence of China's civil aviation.

Firmly grasping the main line of smart civil aviation construction is the strategic focus of the 14th Five-Year Plan for civil aviation. The construction of smart civil aviation is the most active and dynamic factor affecting the future development of civil aviation, which determines the quality of our "14th Five-Year Plan" civil aviation development quality and the height of the strategic process of civil aviation power in many fields. In the process of compiling the "14th Five-Year Plan", we will take smart civil aviation as the main line throughout the "14th Five-Year Plan", and will fully implement the development strategy of smart civil aviation construction as the traction as the core strategy for the development of civil aviation in the 14th Five-Year Plan period. If we grasp the main line of smart civil aviation construction, we will grasp the key to the implementation of the "14th Five-Year Plan"; if we achieve the predetermined goal of smart civil aviation construction, we will be able to better drive the realization of the development goals set in the plan. Persisting in breaking down development obstacles through reform and innovation is the fundamental driving force for realizing the 14th Five-Year Plan for civil aviation. During the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, the civil aviation development environment is difficult, the constraints are large, and the goals are high, in the face of these difficulties and challenges, only by further deepening the reform of civil aviation, accelerating the transformation of concepts, improving the mechanism, improving the system, and optimizing the methods, and building a governance system and governance capabilities that are more suitable for the strategic needs of civil aviation power, can we complete the development goals of the 14th Five-Year Plan at a high level.

4. Reporter: In the past two years, the initiative of civil aviation units to promote the construction of smart civil aviation has been unprecedentedly high, and during this year's work meeting, many delegates also had a heated discussion on the topic of "smart civil aviation construction". In the next step, in what ways will civil aviation further promote the construction of smart civil aviation?

Feng Zhenglin: Not long ago, we held the second meeting of the leading group for the construction of smart civil aviation to summarize the construction of smart civil aviation in 2021 and deploy the next step. Judging from the effect of smart civil aviation construction last year, we take "smart travel, smart air traffic control, smart airport, and smart supervision" as the important core starting point, and the top-level architecture of smart civil aviation construction is becoming clearer, the mechanism standard is becoming more and more perfect, and the scene application is becoming more and more abundant, which not only improves passenger satisfaction, but also optimizes the operation efficiency of the industry. For example, some passengers personally experienced the "one stop ticket purchase, one card customs clearance, seamless connection", the whole process of brushing face customs clearance, and "easy security inspection" services launched by the airport, and praised civil aviation online. The "three-center project" of civil aviation management was officially put into operation, and the air traffic control operation support ability and overall coordination ability were greatly improved, which was well received by the civil aviation industry. In addition, Shenzhen, Zhengzhou, Wuhan and other airports continue to promote the electronic waybill, and the ongoing implementation of China's civil aviation smart supervision services to provide basic support for the industry's smart supervision and services, etc., have laid a solid foundation for the follow-up acceleration of smart civil aviation construction and the promotion of high-quality development of the industry.

This year, the roadmap for the construction of smart civil aviation will be issued soon, which means that the construction of smart civil aviation will officially enter the large-scale construction stage from the top-level design stage. The civil aviation industry will do a good job in the implementation of the road map, closely focusing on the four important core grasps of "smart travel, smart air traffic control, smart airport, and smart supervision", so as to realize the goal of "one face of travel, one single logistics, one customs clearance inspection, one network operation, and one platform for supervision", promote all aspects of the construction of smart civil aviation as a whole, and accelerate the upgrading and leap from "people are convenient for their travel, goods are free to flow" to "people enjoy their travel, and goods flow freely".

In particular, it should be emphasized that the construction of smart civil aviation is not a simple addition to the application of a large number of new technologies, but a complex system engineering, involving a series of deep-seated changes such as thinking mode, behavior mode, operation mode, business model and supervision mode, and it is necessary to pay attention to and strengthen the soft scientific research of smart civil aviation construction, tackle the problem of card neck, and deepen research around major issues such as business process reengineering, organizational adjustment, human resource allocation optimization, decision-making method mechanism improvement, data sharing and data governance in the construction of smart civil aviation. Promote theoretical innovation in practice, provide guidance for the construction of smart civil aviation, and achieve a clearer direction, clearer goals and more evaluatable effects for the construction of smart civil aviation.

Continuous innovation performance boosts confidence and courage

5. Reporter: In 2022, China's economy is facing new downward pressure, the external environment is becoming more complex and severe and uncertain, and the recovery and development of civil aviation is still facing severe challenges. You stressed at the work meeting that it is necessary to face up to difficulties and strengthen confidence, and confidence is more important. For the recovery and development of civil aviation in 2022, how will the civil aviation industry strengthen confidence?

Feng Zhenglin: 2022 is a key year for the development of civil aviation in the "14th Five-Year Plan", which is related to the recovery and development of civil aviation, and it is also related to the construction of a strong civil aviation in many fields. In the face of arduous and heavy reform and development tasks, and in the face of many uncertainties under the epidemic, the party group of the Civil Aviation Administration of China deeply studied and understood the spirit of the Central Economic Work Conference, listened to the opinions of all parties inside and outside the industry, carefully analyzed the changes in civil aviation transport production under the normalization of epidemic prevention and control, and made a basic judgment that the development situation of civil aviation next year is "first low and then high". In the absence of repeated fluctuations in the epidemic, China's civil aviation industry is expected to embark on the overall track of reversing losses and increasing profits and resuming development in 2022.

Confidence in the recovery and development of civil aviation comes from many aspects. First, although the epidemic is still the biggest disturbing factor for the recovery and development of civil aviation in 2022, with the continuous improvement of the new crown vaccination rate, the clinical application of special drugs, and the continuous improvement of China's ability to scientifically coordinate epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development, especially the state will give strong policy support to the recovery and development of the civil aviation industry, the impact of the epidemic on the industry's transportation production will be more controllable. Second, under the strong guidance of the central government's policy of "steady words and steady progress", China's economic operation will remain in a reasonable range in 2022, which will provide a good macro environment for the recovery and development of civil aviation, especially for international air cargo to maintain a high level of operation. Third, relying on the super-large-scale domestic demand market formed by 1.4 billion people, including more than 400 million middle-income groups, China's aviation market space still has great potential to be tapped, as long as civil aviation takes the initiative to sink the market and launch products that are more in line with market demand, market vitality will be fully stimulated. Fourth, with the successive arrival of national support policies and funds for the civil aviation industry, a series of powerful policies will support civil aviation to tide over difficulties and usher in recovery faster. Fifth, China's civil aviation has strong development strength, and under the impact of the epidemic, China's civil aviation has shown strong resilience and great potential. This makes us firmly believe that the current difficulties encountered in the operation of civil aviation are objective, special, and staged, as long as the external environment improves, the industry's supply capacity will be released rapidly, and transportation production can be strongly restored.

The root of these confidences is the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee, and our civil aviation has always listened to the Party, followed the Party, and always advanced in the correct political direction. The more difficult it is and the more we face risks and challenges, the more we must adhere to and strengthen the party's leadership, which is not only told by the party's century-long struggle, but also proved by the history of the development of China's civil aviation, especially the actual struggle of China's civil aviation in the past year. We firmly believe that in 2022, under the strong leadership of the CPC Central Committee, under the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, and with the joint efforts of the whole industry, the civil aviation industry will be able to get out of the predicament as soon as possible, tide over the difficulties, and make greater contributions to serving the national strategy and economic and social development.

6. Reporter: The Central Economic Work Conference put forward the idea of "steady words and steady progress", how will civil aviation do a good job in implementing it in 2022 and greet the 20th National Congress of the Party with excellent results?

Feng Zhenglin: Adhering to the principle of "taking the lead in steady words and seeking progress in stability" is not only the general tone of civil aviation work in 2022, but also the methodology of civil aviation work. Stability is the foundation and premise, progress is the goal and direction, and the two complement each other. The convening of the 20th National Congress of the Party is a major event in the political life of the Party and the State, and the Party Central Committee emphasizes the need to "maintain a stable and healthy economic environment, a social environment of National Peace and Security, and a clean and healthy political environment", to ensure the safe and stable operation of civil aviation is related to the "great power of the country", and civil aviation personnel have great responsibilities and missions on their shoulders. The party group of the Civil Aviation Administration of China adheres to strategic thinking, systematic thinking and bottom-line thinking, and on the basis of systematically summarizing the civil aviation work in 2021 and on the basis of in-depth analysis of the development situation of the industry, put forward the "two crosses" work guidelines of "keeping the bottom line, stabilizing expectations, strengthening the foundation, tapping potential, improving quality and efficiency, and innovating performance", which is the concretization of the general tone of seeking progress in stability in the practice of civil aviation work, and is a comprehensive strategy for comprehensively promoting epidemic prevention and control and industry recovery and development. It is a comprehensive strategy to systematically cope with various risks and challenges that may be encountered in the development of the industry.

Around these two crosses, civil aviation must grasp six key tasks. The first is to adhere to the bottom line of aviation safety. It is necessary to thoroughly implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's series of important instructions on civil aviation safety work and important expositions on safe production, use the concept of system safety, and normalize safety work to promote China's civil aviation to continuously create new achievements in safe development on the basis of crossing the 100 million-hour mark of safe flight of transport aviation. The second is to coordinate the recovery of transport production. Adhere to the principle of "serious, scientific and calm", adhere to the general strategy of "external prevention of import, internal prevention of rebound, and character prevention", and scientifically and accurately prevent and control the epidemic. Coordinate resources inside and outside the industry, and increase the efforts to help enterprises bail out. Promote the quality and upgrading of "paperless" travel services, promote the "one-card pass" service, support hub airports to explore "brush face customs clearance", accelerate the application of "easy security inspection" in airports across the country, accelerate the reform of electronic itinerary receipts, and optimize and improve service quality. The third is to improve the ability to provide operational support. Increase the intensity of infrastructure to make up for shortcomings, and promote the construction of key projects. Strive to issue 256 transport airports by the end of 2022, and the annual fixed asset investment is not less than the 2021 level. Optimize the supply of airspace resources, promote the release of the dividends of national air traffic control reform, improve the level of coordinated operation, and strive to upgrade the operation guarantee capacity to a new level. The fourth is to deepen innovation in civil aviation science and education. Highlight the construction of smart civil aviation, print and distribute the roadmap for the construction of smart civil aviation and do a good job of publicity and implementation, organize and carry out soft science research, create a new ecology for smart civil aviation construction, and actively carry out pilot demonstrations of typical scenarios. Enhance the ability of independent innovation, optimize the layout of the talent structure, accelerate the layout and construction of three teams of scientific and technological innovation talents, professional and technical talents, and international talents, and strengthen the cultivation of international talents. Fifth, systematically promote the deepening of reform. Give full play to the driving force role of reform, focus on making breakthroughs in key areas and key links of civil aviation development, vigorously improve the efficiency of resource allocation such as air traffic rights, moments, and transportation capacity, solidly promote the reform of key areas such as civil aviation price charges and general aviation, continue to promote the construction of civil aviation rule of law, and solidly promote the modernization of civil aviation governance system and governance capabilities. Sixth, strengthen the leading guarantee of party building. Deeply study and implement the spirit of the Sixth Plenary Session of the Nineteenth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, consolidate and expand the achievements of party history study and education, deeply promote the comprehensive and strict management of the party, and deeply promote the party's political construction. Efforts should be made to do a good job in building leading bodies and cadre contingents, and constantly improve political judgment, political understanding, and political execution. We should thoroughly carry out the building of a sound party style and a clean and honest government and the anti-corruption struggle, and conscientiously do a good job in meeting the study, publicity, and implementation of all aspects of the party's twenty national congresses

In 2022, all civil aviation personnel will strengthen their confidence and determination, maintain strategic determination, keep in mind the great power of the country, stabilize the mentality, stabilize the pace, stabilize the goal, do not forget the risks and challenges, do not forget the precise policy, do not forget the innovative performance, have the courage to persevere, work hard, take safety and stability as the top priority of the work, make civil aviation contributions to maintaining a stable and healthy economic environment, the social environment of Guotai and the people, and the clean and healthy political environment, and greet the victory of the party's 20th National Congress with excellent results. (China Civil Aviation News, China Civil Aviation Network reporter Xiao Min)

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