
Send you a small red flower to help you get rid of dampness and health

author:Golden Sheep Net

Text/Figure Yangcheng Evening News All-Media Reporter Yu Yanhong Correspondent Xu Yongyi Wang Ruolun

Kapok blooms, and winter does not come again. On both sides of the streets of Guangzhou, kapok blooms quietly in this early spring February. Every year, when kapok blooms, many citizens will pick up some of the fallen kapok under the kapok trees and flowers, and take it back to dry and boil soup to drink. The "five-flower tea" that Lao Guang is familiar with, one of the flowers is kapok.

Send you a small red flower to help you get rid of dampness and health


Zhan Huiyu, a Chinese medicine practitioner in charge of the Department of Pharmacy of the Second Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University, introduced that kapok can not only be rewarded, but also eaten, and has good medicinal value. Modern studies have shown that kapok mainly contains flavonoids, phenylpropan compounds and volatile components, etc., with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory, anti-tumor, diuretic and other pharmacological effects.

Chinese medicine believes that kapok has a sweet, light, cool taste, and is attributed to the spleen meridian and the large intestine meridian, which has the effect of clearing heat, dampness, detoxification and hemostasis. It can be used to treat diarrhea, diarrhea, food stagnation and other gastrointestinal damp fever. Wet is yin and evil, easy to hurt yang qi, and hinder the gas machine. Lingnan is located in the subtropics, the climate is hot and humid, people are mostly feeding on fish and meat, so they are very susceptible to gastrointestinal damp and hot diseases, joint pain, limbs are heavy, head weight is wrapped, indigestion, vomiting, diarrhea and other symptoms, which is mainly due to wet evil spleen.

Kapok can be medicinal and edible, easy to use, has a good effect of dampness and spleen, and is often used by laoGuang to boil soup and tea. "Damp tea" and "wet soup" are the authentic spleen wet food therapy in Guangdong.

Send you a small red flower to help you get rid of dampness and health

Dietary remedies are recommended

Kapok lentils stewed pork bones

Ingredients: 60 grams of kapok, 50 grams of fried lentils, 3 dates, 1/3 orange peel, 500 grams of pork backbone, 3 slices of ginger.

Directions: Soak kapok in rice water or brine for a while, then soak with sautéed lentils and tangerine peel; pitted dates; crack the pork spine; join the ginger under the clay pot, add 2500 ml of water (about 10 bowls), boil over high heat and then change to a simmer for about 2 hours, then salt can be used. For 3-4 people.

Efficacy: Clear and mellow, can remove dampness, water, spleen, men and women of all ages.

Kapok chicken bone grass pig cross

Ingredients: 50 grams of dried kapok, appropriate amount of chicken bone grass, 3 dates, 1 pork cross,100 grams of minced pork bones, 3 slices of ginger.

Method: Soak the herbs slightly; pit the dates; remove the "roots" of the pig's crosshairs and wash them; wash the broken bones of the pigs; put the ginger into a clay pot together, add 2500 ml of water (about 10 bowls), boil over high heat and change the heat to simmer for about 2 hours, and the salt can be used, for 3-4 people.

Effect: Clear humidity and heat, choleretic and yellow, healthy spleen and remove sleepiness.

Kapok three-flower drink

Ingredients: dried kapok petals 15 g, honeysuckle 10 g, white chrysanthemum flower 10 g.

Directions: Wash the kapok petals, honeysuckle and white chrysanthemum flowers, add water and bring to a boil for tea.

Effect: Clears heat and cools blood, clears liver and eyes. Drink it in the summer, and it has the effect of relieving the heat.

Kapok three-star soup

Ingredients: Kapok 10g + Samsung soup (10g fried grain sprouts, fried malt 10g, fried hawthorn 5g)

Directions: Boil soup or boil water to drink.

Benefits: Relieves dampness and aids digestion. If your child is found to be wet, thick tongue, and yellowish white, you can drink for 1-3 days.

Kapok tangerine peel porridge

Ingredients: Kapok 30 g, Tangerine Peel 10 g, Japonica Rice 100 g, Honey to taste.

Directions: Kapok and tangerine peel, add water to fry the juice, remove the dregs and set aside; wash the japonica rice, add water and kapok tangerine peel juice to cook the porridge. When the porridge is almost ready, add an appropriate amount of honey.

Effect: Healthy spleen and dampness, cool blood to stop bleeding, moisturize the lungs and relieve cough.

Precautions for eating kapok

1, the road next to the kapok is more polluted, so the kapok on the road should not be picked up and eaten at home, you should go to the regular medicinal material store to buy dried kapok, so that it is more hygienic and safe.

2, kapok soup porridge should not be eaten frequently, it is best not to exceed 2 times a week.

3, kapok is cold and cold, the elderly and weak and pregnant women should not eat. Because the elderly who are weak should be warm, it is generally not suitable for drinking cold products; kapok is cold, and it is not suitable for pregnant women with weak spleen and stomach.

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