
We all know that through the darkness will usher in the dawn, but not everyone is ready to survive the darkness

author:Old Spring
We all know that through the darkness will usher in the dawn, but not everyone is ready to survive the darkness

Text/Lao Chun (Original)

Yesterday afternoon, the newly opened copper hot pot restaurant in front of the entrance of our community posted a notice of foreign exchange. At this time, it is only a little more than a month before it opens.

Cruel, right? But that's the reality!

Without customers, it is not only the direct reason why many new stores are difficult to stick to at the moment of the epidemic, but also the fundamental reason why many old stores are difficult to sustain.

When the copper hot pot restaurant opened in the first place, I was sure that it would soon close. As a result, it was really unfortunate to be spoken of by me.

Last night, my wife was still teasing me about it, saying that my assertion was accurate. In fact, what she doesn't know is that this is not at all my assertion is very accurate, but the reality of society under the epidemic is like this. It's just that many people don't see it clearly, and still blindly think that the situation is very good, as long as it is related to eating, it will basically not be affected by the epidemic.

In this regard, I can only say that people with this kind of thinking are really too optimistic and have lost their basic observation of the public. Because the lack of money has become a common situation for the public.

But anyone with a little bit of observation knows that some of the famous old stores are struggling to maintain, let alone the newly opened stores?

We all know that through the darkness will usher in the dawn, but not everyone is ready to survive the darkness

One might ask, why is this happening?

Quite simply, because it's getting harder and harder to make money, it's getting easier to spend money. Now, even if you save more, the existing living expenses are enough to make you feel the pain of the flesh. Even the most basic utility bills are rising, and the prices of vegetables and fruits are even more important, not to mention the price of grain. The only thing that can make us feel relieved now is that the price of pork can still make people feel a little warm in this cold winter.

Moreover, since the beginning of e-commerce to the present, too many of us have developed the habit of browsing and placing orders in online stores. It seems that there is no courier every day, and this day is not very tasteful. The pleasure of buying, buying and buying naturally brings about an increase in expenditure and a lack of cash.

In the economic downturn, money will naturally become more and more difficult to earn. If you don't have money in your hands, everyone will cut back on their expenses. As a result, the most sought-after houses could not be sold, cars could not be sold, clothes and food could not be sold.

Why? Because people have no money in their pockets, people can't find more and better ways to make money! Factories are closed everywhere, layoffs are being laid off everywhere, it is even difficult to find a job, how can we talk about making money?

The epidemic has not disappeared, and there is little savings left in the hand, who dares to go to the hotel to spend? Who would dare to overdraft the future to buy a car or a house? This is the reality that most ordinary people face today.

So, when the copper hotpot restaurant opened, I decided it wouldn't last long. I'm not blushing at its opening, nor am I cursing its closure, I'm just giving the most basic judgment based on what I see and feel.

We all know that through the darkness will usher in the dawn, but not everyone is ready to survive the darkness

At present, as ordinary people, the most important thing for us as ordinary people is to tighten our wallets and be ready to respond to unexpected needs, rather than continuing to expand expenditures, or blindly investing, or buying something that is used very infrequently to meet our so-called sense of accomplishment.

Also, at present and in the next few years, if there is no better and more stable way to make money, don't look at this mountain and think about jumping ship all day. Even if you have stayed in your current unit enough, continue to be patient, because you cannot put yourself and your family into great uncertainty at this time.

No one knows how long this epidemic will last, and no one can predict when our economic situation will completely improve, the only thing we can do is to maintain our unique sobriety in this very uncertain era, and constantly improve ourselves to cope with the changes, nothing more.

Now, maintaining a consistently stable income is the number one priority. Not spending money indiscriminately is the key to ensuring that you and your family can survive the epidemic. Don't think that when the epidemic comes, someone will take care of it and not make any preparations, but anyone who has experienced some things knows that whether it is in the past, now, or in the future, in fact, in the end, you can only rely on yourself. This is best evidenced by the messages of citizens in cities that have experienced the impact of the epidemic calling for help.

Don't let yourself be the tearful person in the news report who goes around asking for help, and don't let yourself be the one who is so sad that even eating becomes a problem. Whether it's an outbreak or other accidents, you have to be the most prepared for yourself and your family.

As an adult, the family must have at least enough surplus grain to eat for a month or two, some canned, quick-frozen vegetables and other foods, and also reserve some medicines and emergency supplies such as flashlights and lighters. Because none of us can be sure which of the future and the unexpected will come first.

With these things, at least you can ensure that you and your family will not be unable to live because of sudden accidents. We all know that through the darkness, there will be dawn, but the problem is that not everyone is ready to survive the darkness.

In 2022, it is possible that the situation we face will be more difficult. To this end, we all need to be more prepared. The old man often says "umbrella on sunny days, clothes on hot days", only by taking precautions can we live better.

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