
Rational discussion, can Gu Ailing be like Yang Qian, who became popular in the Olympic Games?

2021 is a big year of sports, the Tokyo Olympic Games, Shaanxi National Games and other important events have been held, Chinese athletes have achieved good results, and years of hard work have finally paid off. For young athletes, participating in heavyweight events such as the Olympic Games may be the best opportunity for their careers, and leaders in their respective fields such as Quan Hongchan, Yang Qian, Zhang Yufei, etc., who have bloomed on the Olympic stage, have won Olympic gold medals and become the pride in everyone's heart.

Rational discussion, can Gu Ailing be like Yang Qian, who became popular in the Olympic Games?

Looking back at 2021, who are the hottest athletes? Quan Hongchan and Yang Qian and Su Bingtian are all hotly discussed by the outside world, and they are often on the hot search. However, Quan Hongchan is only 14 years old, she has not yet completely opened the commercial market, after the age of 18, Quan Hongchan can expand her influence and independently take endorsements. Su Bingtian became famous earlier, in fact, before 2021, Su Bingtian was already the best sprinter in China, and after running in the Olympic Games with a score of 9.83 seconds, Su Shen was even more popular.

The post-00 shooting champion Yang Qian has achieved great success in 2021, and she may also be the athlete who benefits the most, because, before the Olympic Games, Yang Qian was unknown, and even, she participated in shooting competitions, and there were not many people who paid attention, but after winning gold in the Olympic Games, Yang Qian completely became popular.

Yang Qian won the gold + heart at the Olympic Games, which became a very classic moment. Because it is the first gold of the Chinese delegation, it is particularly precious. After the Tokyo Olympic Games, Yang Qian became the most commercially valuable athlete, and she became the spokesperson of many businesses and the representative of positive energy. Yang Qian also participated in a variety show, complaining, sitting in the middle of Jin Chen and Di Li Reba, the limelight was unique.

Rational discussion, can Gu Ailing be like Yang Qian, who became popular in the Olympic Games?

Yang Qian's success is achieved by hard work, she is already one of the highest commercial value athletes in China, Yang Qian is very smart, she knows how to seize opportunities, and has achieved great success in all aspects. Therefore, the 2021 Olympic Games will be very memorable for Yang Qian. Even Yang Qian herself couldn't help but whisper joy when she was interviewed, she said that she could not ask for more, and if she asked for too much, she would be too greedy.

After the Tokyo Summer Olympics, after half a year, there will be an Olympic Games, that is, the Beijing Olympic Games on our doorstep, for Chinese athletes, there is no need to travel a long distance, participate in the competition at home, the chance of winning gold is greater, because the audience of all China will cheer for Chinese athletes.

Rational discussion, can Gu Ailing be like Yang Qian, who became popular in the Olympic Games?

The Beijing Winter Olympics were held in early February, coinciding with the Chinese New Year, and it is believed that the Winter Olympics will receive more attention than the Tokyo Olympics. And the Chinese Winter Olympic athletes are also actively preparing for the competition, like Wu Dajing, Gu Ailing, etc., they are all gold-winning favorites and are world champions.

The achievements of the Chinese delegation at the Winter Olympics were not as brilliant as those achieved at the Summer Olympics. The Chinese delegation began to participate in the Winter Olympic games in 1980, and by the 2018 Pyeongchang Winter Olympics, the Chinese delegation had won a total of 13 gold, 28 silver and 21 bronze results, and at the PyeongChang Olympic Games, we won 1 gold, 6 silver and 2 bronze.

At the Beijing Winter Olympics, mixed-race skier Gu Ailing will attract much attention. Gu Ailing, who is a naturalized Chinese player who plays for Chinese teams and whose mother is from Beijing, speaks fluent Mandarin. Although only 18 years old, Gu Ailing has already become famous, she has become a world champion 2 years ago, and now during the preparation for the Beijing Winter Olympics, she has won many world championships, achieving coverage, CCTV also reported.

Rational discussion, can Gu Ailing be like Yang Qian, who became popular in the Olympic Games?

Gu Ailing has won all the sub-stations of this season's World Cup. In the final leg of the FIS Freestyle Ski U-Field World Cup, Gu Ailing successfully completed two difficult maneuvers of the air turn, winning the championship with the highest score of the season with 97.5 points, which was a perfect ending. Next, Gu Ailing will prepare for the Tokyo Olympic Games and play for China.

Rational discussion, can Gu Ailing be like Yang Qian, who became popular in the Olympic Games?

Gu Ailing has won almost all the awards, but she has not yet won the Olympic championship, and if she can win the championship at her doorstep, she may become the hottest Chinese athlete in the Winter Olympics, and even become a household name. If Gu Ailing really won the gold, who would have more influence between her and Yang Qian? Your views are welcome.

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