
Don't offend a cultured person, the consequences are more "terrible"

Cultivate the most interesting and practical psychology every day

In life, there are always some practical people who look down on the academic school and think that the academic school will only talk on paper.

Wu Zhihong, a famous psychologist in China, once had such an experience, when attending a classmate gathering, a classmate wantonly belittled academic psychologists and scholars, and his words were not far from irony. As a master of psychology at Peking University, Wu Zhihong naturally developed feelings of disgust.

Subsequently, Wu Zhihong said to others: "If you don't believe it, I can analyze everyone here with academic things." ”

Don't offend a cultured person, the consequences are more "terrible"

However, when Wu Zhihong analyzed the people present more than once, the scholar who insisted on belittling the academic school said, "If I really have a psychological problem and want to see a doctor, I will not look for a psychologist like you." ”

So, let's look at how Wu Zhihong analyzed this radical scholar first, first of all, he loves to drive and likes to ride.

Second, his quality of life is poor and he cannot meet his own needs. In the end, his relationship with his own mother was terrible. The basis for Supporting Wu Zhihong's judgment is this person's performance at the dinner table.

The psychoanalytic view holds that the individual's current relationship pattern reflects his internal relationship pattern and reflects the relationship pattern of his childhood.

Don't offend a cultured person, the consequences are more "terrible"

How you eat as an adult represents how you breastfeed in your childhood, but it also reflects the relationship between you and your family, especially your mother, and ultimately, your relationship with other women.

A person seems to be very restrained when eating, so it can be inferred that he is a person with a strong desire to control, and most people with strong control like to drive and like to manipulate the feeling of other things, so for a man, others can well satisfy his desire for control.

Secondly, such a strong desire for control will cause him to like to control women in the process of sexual life, and it will definitely cause women to resent it for a long time.

Don't offend a cultured person, the consequences are more "terrible"

Many people who do not understand psychology believe that studying psychology can see through whether others are lying, and the essence of psychology is to see through the most real human nature.

Related to this, there are also disciplines that can understand human nature, such as sociology, anthropology, logic, philosophy, etc., as long as you can master one of them, you can see the truest human nature behind the hidden human nature.

Therefore, whether it is academic or practical, we should not offend cultured people, and we should also do our best in life to become a cultured person.

First, you can practice and accumulate your culture

Those who can become the top people in various industries are people with great wisdom and great ideals, they always have some different characteristics and characters, and the "cultural level" is extremely high, which should be one of the few common characteristics of them.

Don't offend a cultured person, the consequences are more "terrible"

The "cultural level" here refers not only to academic qualifications, some people may have only attended junior high school, but they can produce achievements that many high-talented students can not reach.

Culture refers more to one's perception of the world, one's view of something, and one's own profound view of a certain aspect.

Like Ted Sarandos, Netflix's chief content officer, he was able to get into this position without any college degree, but entirely by his accumulation as a video store clerk.

When Ted was just a small clerk, he would watch more than 4 hours of film every day, which had a greater impact on Ted than the MBA program at film school. Therefore, culture actually comes from a kind of accumulation, from your continuous cultivation.

Don't offend a cultured person, the consequences are more "terrible"

Second, creativity comes from accumulation

Creativity is something that everyone is born with, but some people are more creative, even if their ideas are sometimes too fanciful, but it makes sense and makes sense to think about it carefully.

Creation is not a kind of imagining a thing out of thin air, there is no difference between imagination and wild thinking, the real creation is to borrow elements of a field into a new field.

Only when you have enough understanding of one field and have accumulated enough information can you successfully borrow elements from another field. This is different from a flash of inspiration, which is a change made after being fully prepared and thinking about the causes and consequences.

Don't offend a cultured person, the consequences are more "terrible"

Third, culture is learned

Living to learn is always a popular saying among people, and learning is always an important way to improve yourself.

The Curve of Creation, written by Alan Gannett, chronicles a large number of Gannett interviews, most of whom were people known for their unique creativity.

Based on these interviews, he summed up a principle: if you want to maintain and improve your cultural level, you must spend twenty percent of your waking time every day to absorb and understand your knowledge in related fields.

Don't offend a cultured person, the consequences are more "terrible"

In other words, if you sleep 6 hours a day, you need 4 hours to study. It sounds difficult, but without a thorough chill, how can plum blossoms smell fragrant.

- The End -

Author | Tommy

Edit | Rain

The First Psychological Writing Group | A group of young people who like to look up at the stars

参考资料:Bruk, A., Scholl, S. G., & Bless, H. (2018). Beautiful mess effect: Self–other differences in evaluation of showing vulnerability. Journal of personality and social psychology, 115(2), 192-205

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