
It is suspected that the iPhone 14 model appears, or will be replaced by a centered opening screen

Following Apple's launch of the iPhone X in September 2017, the special-shaped full-screen design it is equipped with has continued to this day, compared with the increasingly high screen ratio of Android models in recent years, there has been obviously a certain difference. After there have been rumors exposing the information about the next generation of iPhone flagship products, a few days ago, some sources also announced the actual picture of the model that is said to be the iPhone 14, which shows that this model will be replaced by the design of the center opening screen.

It is suspected that the iPhone 14 model appears, or will be replaced by a centered opening screen

According to the exposed model, the iPhone 14 is suspected of switching to a cut-out screen with a higher screen ratio, the opening position is located in the center of the top of the screen, but its opening area is obviously larger than the single camera module, but despite this, the screen ratio is also significantly higher than the current model. However, there have been rumors that the lower positioning of the iPhone 14 series unveiled this fall will continue the design of the special-shaped full-screen, and the Pro version may be replaced by a cut-out screen.

It is suspected that the iPhone 14 model appears, or will be replaced by a centered opening screen

In fact, if the current rumors are true, it means that Apple needs to place many sensors, including front cameras, TrueDepth, etc., in the smaller size of the iPhone 14 series, and the integration is bound to be greater improved. However, since there has not been much relevant information about the screen form of the next generation of iPhone models so far, whether the recently exposed model is true also needs to be confirmed by further information, and interested friends may wish to continue to pay attention.

【The picture of this article comes from the network】

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