
Deep friendship with "simple" people is the best health

Deep friendship with "simple" people is the best health

Source | Stone of Wisdom (ID: AiZhiHuiDeShiTou)

Author | stone

People of low levels, complex; people of high realms, simple.

In life, we always can't avoid dealing with people.

Some people, seemingly enthusiastic, are actually selfish; some people, seemingly cold, have a warm heart.

The ancients said: "To water the tree, you must water the roots, and you must give it to the people." ”

If you are blinded by the surface of the other party, then it is likely to fall into the trap of the other party in the end.

To make friends with people, it is better to have deep friendships with simple and stupid people, and to try to avoid interacting with "clever ghosts" with improper mental skills.


Those who make clever remarks, fresh and benevolent.

Some people speak of conscience, and their words can impress most people and make others believe in their "good" conduct.

When such people talk, they often make truly good people feel guilty.


Because what they say is too selfless, too much for the sake of others.

Very few people can meet such high standards. For example, in order to show their nobility, they say some words of revenge with virtue to make others feel good about them.

There are people who complain with virtue, but very few.

They use words to show their tolerance and kindness, but they never practice it.

Truly kind people are not very good at saying beautiful things, and they don't have to say beautiful things, because they will prove it with actions.

Those who make clever remarks only try to deceive others with words, and even demand others with their own high standards, but they themselves never practice.

Such bad people in the guise of goodness should be vigilant.


Those who take the heart as a chip are the most unsentimental.

Sometimes, we treat each other as relatives and friends, but the other party treats this sincerity as a chip that they can use.


You will find that the more you think about them, even sacrifice yourself to fulfill them, the more they will gain inches and take it for granted.

If you refuse, they will label you as a widow.

However, if you think about it, this thin and widowed hat is obviously the most suitable for them to wear.

If you make a request to them, they will reject you under ridiculous excuses. But when you turn your head, you still have to use "we are relatives" and "we are friends" to make all kinds of demands on you, which makes you embarrassed to offend.

Wake up.

For such people, how did they ever know how to write the word "love and righteousness"? In their eyes, there is nothing but interest.

The "righteousness" they say is not an obligation they have to fulfill, but a chip they want to blackmail others.

For such superficially affectionate relatives and friends, let's be absolutely affectionate. If you should refuse, you will resolutely refuse.

Remember, for those who are mercenary, there is no need for sentiment.


Deep friendship with simple minds, the most healthy.

The ancients said: "To make friends with good people, such as entering the room of Zhilan, and not smelling its fragrance for a long time, that is, dissolving with it." ”

People with simple minds are not stupid, but because they have their own principles and bottom lines, and they disdain to play tricks.

With such people, you will unconsciously be assimilated by their noble character and become noble yourself.

The so-called "gentleman is frank, and the villain is long-standing."

Gentlemen do things frankly, act simply, and have no shame, so they will not cause unnecessary troubles;

Villains see profit and forget righteousness, always thinking of harming others and benefiting themselves, and if they succeed, they are resented by others, and if they fail, they are discouraged.

In this way, how can we be in a stable state of mind?

Get along with people with deep hearts and wrong hearts, you need to always be wary of them, and you are tired;

With people with simple hearts and pure hearts, you don't need to worry about it all the time, as long as you hand over a piece of sincerity, you can get their richest return and sincerity.

Someone said, "People of low levels are complex; people of high realms are simple." ”


The so-called "avenue to simplicity". When people get along with each other, why should they deceive me?

Any opportunistic trick, there will be a day when the water will come out, then, how to deal with themselves?

Treat others with sincerity, not only easy for yourself, but also easy for others. In the end, they can also get each other's respect and closeness, why not enjoy it?

May you and I both choose to have deep friendships with simple people, and we can also be simple people.

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Source: Confucian everyone

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