
Comparison of Ancient Greek and Chinese Civilizations: Why Are the Two Highly Coincidental in the Course of History?

Ancient Greek civilization is the foundation of European and American civilization, once silently disappeared for thousands of years, but it is said that during the Renaissance, a variety of ancient Greek masters who had been stored for thousands of years and no one cared about spewed out, so Europe re-inherited the ancient Greek civilization, and then evolved the modern civilization of Europe and the United States.

Since ancient times, although the Chinese civilization has experienced hardships and hardships and fierce foreign attacks, the Chinese civilization, with its tenacious vitality and strong assimilation force, has finally continued to this day, becoming the only civilization in the world that has not been interrupted.

Looking around the world, other ancient Egyptian, ancient Indian, and Lianghe civilizations have long been cut off, and only Chinese civilization and ancient Greek civilization have been passed down. What is less known is that although the Chinese civilization and the ancient Greek civilization are separated by thousands of mountains and rivers, the two have a mysterious connection, and there is a series of amazing coincidences that are very difficult to understand.

Comparison of Ancient Greek and Chinese Civilizations: Why Are the Two Highly Coincidental in the Course of History?

The Yellow Emperor is 4700 years old, and the Minoan civilization is 4850 years old

The Yellow Emperor is known as the "ancestor of humanities" and is a key figure in the era of civilization for the Chinese nation. According to ancient records, the Yellow Emperor was born in 2717 BC, that is, in 2697 BC, about 4700 years ago. China has always said that the history of civilization up and down 5,000 years, the starting source is the Yellow Emperor, he led the Chinese nation into the era of civilization.

But 150 years before the Yellow Emperor, the prelude to ancient Greek civilization began to appear. According to Western archaeological conclusions, before the ancient Greek civilization, there were three main stages in the evolution of civilization in the Greek region, namely the Minoan civilization, the Mycenaean civilization, and the Dark Age (Homer's era), of which the Minoan civilization (also known as the Cretan civilization) began in 2850 BC and is located on the island of Crete in present-day Greece.

In 1878, Greek experts found a pottery vase storage warehouse on the island, so it was called "Minoan Palace". At the beginning of the 20th century, British experts excavated the ruins of the ancient royal palace (now the Museum of the Palace of Northos) and believed that this was the Minoan labyrinth of ancient Greek mythology and legend. Later, on the island of Crete, the ruins of the Maria Palace, the ruins of Gurnia, the linear script A (which has not been cracked so far), etc., European experts called the civilization represented by these archaeological findings "Minoan civilization".

That is to say, around 4800 years ago, the East and the West ushered in major changes at the same time, but from the perspective of time, it seems that the West was earlier than China.

Comparison of Ancient Greek and Chinese Civilizations: Why Are the Two Highly Coincidental in the Course of History?

About 4,000 years ago, the East and the West ushered in another coincidence

Around 4,000 years ago, The Great Yu of China ruled the water and was admired by all the people, thus establishing the Xia Dynasty and opening the dynastic era of China's "family world".

Around 3900 years ago, the Minoan civilization also ushered in major changes, and it is said that archaeology has discovered the ruins of the royal palaces of this period, which confirms that the Minoan civilization, like China, underwent a metamorphosis.

That is to say, around 4,000 years ago, after more than a thousand years of gestation, the civilizations of the East and the West ushered in great changes almost at the same time, and the result was the emergence of the Xia Dynasty of China and the emergence of the Minoan Kingdom in the West.

Comparison of Ancient Greek and Chinese Civilizations: Why Are the Two Highly Coincidental in the Course of History?

About 3600 years ago, the East and the West ushered in another coincidence

Around 3600, the last emperor of the Xia Dynasty, Xia Jie, was desolate and unscrupulous, and the Shang Clan Shang Tang defeated Xia Jie in the Battle of Mingtiao in place of Tianxingdao, thus overthrowing the Xia Dynasty and establishing the Shang Dynasty.

But at about the same time, in the Peloponnese Peninsula of Greece, the Mycenaeans began to establish a state. Western history tells us that around 1900 BC, the Mycenaeans began to settle in the Peloponnese, officially established a state in 1600 BC, occupied Crete and destroyed the Minoan civilization in about 1450 BC, and declined itself in about 1200 BC, followed by the Dorian invasion and the demise of the Mycenaean civilization, and the Greek region entered a quiet "dark age", and no one knows what really happened during this period.

Regarding the founding time of the Mycenaean civilization, some Western scholars at that time said that it may be 1605 BC, which is earlier than the Chinese Shang Dynasty. Of course, this attempt to study the precise time of ancient civilizations three thousand years ago, while respectable, was eventually teased and abandoned.

Comparison of Ancient Greek and Chinese Civilizations: Why Are the Two Highly Coincidental in the Course of History?

During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, China and ancient Greece simultaneously competed with each other

During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, a group of sages represented by Laozi, Confucius, Mozi, Mencius, etc. emerged in China, and a group of masters represented by Plato, Euclid, Aristotle, Archimedes, etc. also emerged in ancient Greece, both of which were extremely dazzling and had a profound impact on future generations. It can even be said that the differences between Eastern and Western civilizations to this day have been laid down as early as the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period. (Above, Plato Academy)

What is even more amazing is that there are even some inexplicable coincidences in the personal achievements of chinese sons and ancient Greek masters, such as the following examples of Chinese Huishi and ancient Greek Zeno.

Comparison of Ancient Greek and Chinese Civilizations: Why Are the Two Highly Coincidental in the Course of History?

Zhuangzi's friend Huishi, the founder of the famous school of mountains, a politician of the Song Dynasty, once put forward the two views of "one foot of the scepter, half of the day, inexhaustible" and "the shadow of the bird, not yet moved". The former explores the concept of limits, while the latter explores the concept of absolute stillness, that is, the shadow of the bird occupies a certain space at a certain moment and is absolutely stationary.

Zeno was an ancient Greek philosopher, Hegel believes that his dialectic originated from Zeno (actually from Lao Tzu, Hegel lied), the two most famous views of this person: one is that "Achilles can't run the turtle", assuming that the turtle is 100 meters in front of Achilles, after the runner Achilles chased 100 meters, the turtle has run 10 meters, when Achilles caught up with 10 meters, the turtle ran 1 meter, when Achilles caught up with 1 meter, The turtle has run another 0.1 meters, and when Achilles catches up with 0.1 meters, the turtle runs out of 0.01 meters, so Achilles can never catch up with the turtle, and his other similar view is that "a person goes from point A to point B, first walk 1/2 of the distance, then walk 1/2 of the total distance, and then walk the remaining 1/2... The cycle continues like this, and it can never reach the end"; the second is the paradox of "flying arrows do not move", he asks the students, "Is an arrow moving or not moving?" Replacing "Flying Arrow" with "Shadow of the Bird" is the same as Huishi's view.

It is not difficult to find that Zeno and Huishi's views are highly similar, among which "the flying arrow does not move" and "the shadow of the bird, not yet moved" are almost the same, why is it such a coincidence?

Comparison of Ancient Greek and Chinese Civilizations: Why Are the Two Highly Coincidental in the Course of History?

There is a proverb in ancient Greece that "people cannot step into the same river twice", and the ancient Greek civilization and the Chinese civilization in a broad sense have almost agreed in many places at the time point of major historical processes, and even the views of the masters have many similarities, and I really don't know how to explain.

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