
The girl went up to the link: "one person, one bowl and one pot", Xiu Cai came out of the lower link, and finally hugged the beauty

Couplets, also known as Yang Lian, are a unique form of culture and art of the Chinese nation, which is rooted in the fertile soil of China's ancient Han culture.

Although the couplet is only a simple two-line word, it can contain unlimited wisdom and sentiment, and it is suitable for all ages, and it is appreciated by both elegant and customary.

The girl went up to the link: "one person, one bowl and one pot", Xiu Cai came out of the lower link, and finally hugged the beauty

The ancients often used to make fun of couplets.

During the Song Dynasty, Su Dongpo often had fun with the Buddhist monk and the talented daughter Su Xiaomei.

During the Ming Dynasty, there were also many couplet masters, such as the great talent Xie Jin, and Tang Bohu, who was both excellent in poetry and painting. Zhu Yuanzhang is also a couplet, and he even calls on everyone to post couplets at the door of their homes.

During the Qing Dynasty, couplets spread more widely and were more elegant and appreciated.

Today we will tell a small story of the Qing Dynasty couplet.

It is said that during the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty, there was a Xiucai surnamed Wang, who had an ordinary family background, but was very talented and learned, and was famous in the township.

In addition, Wang Xiucai looks handsome, and is very enthusiastic, often write couplets to the villagers, everyone thinks that this young man is good, plus the age of more than twenty years old, Wang Xiucai is a potential stock.

The girl went up to the link: "one person, one bowl and one pot", Xiu Cai came out of the lower link, and finally hugged the beauty

Soon it was the year of catching up with the exam, and Wang Xiucai's family was very supportive of him to go to the exam, but because his family was poor, Wang Xiucai could not afford to buy a horse and could only walk to the capital.

Originally, he was traveling with others, but Wang Xiucai estimated that he usually exercised less and his physical strength was very poor, so he gradually fell out of the team.

Wang Xiucai was not in a hurry, but within a few days, Wang Xiucai was walking alone, but he had not seen the inn.

As we all know, the ancient security conditions were not good, even in the taiping and prosperous world, there were often robbers, in the "Journey to the West", Tang Monk's father Chen Guangrui was robbed by robbers.

The girl went up to the link: "one person, one bowl and one pot", Xiu Cai came out of the lower link, and finally hugged the beauty

Therefore, in ancient times, it was very dangerous to stay in the wild, let alone if there were wolves?

Returning to the truth, Wang Xiucai had no choice but to bury his head and go forward, hoping to find an inn. But it wasn't until the evening that Wang Xiucai didn't find an inn or a station, and when it was almost dark, Wang Xiu finally saw the smoke in the distance.

Walking in, Wang Xiu found that this was not an inn, but a residence, and Wang Xiucai couldn't take care of so much, so he could only knock on the door.

The person who opened the door was a kind old man, Wang Xiucai was afraid of being rejected, and quickly reported himself to the door, indicating that he was a xiucai, this time he entered Beijing to take the exam, and it was getting late and he stayed.

When the old man saw Wang Xiucai's appearance as a reader, he let down his guard and beckoned his daughter to bring food to entertain Xiucai.

It didn't take long for a girl with a sign of appearance to come out.

After understanding the ins and outs, the girl said that Wang Xiu had only passed her father's pass, and she had to pass her own pass, otherwise she would not be able to eat this meal.

The girl went up to the link: "one person, one bowl and one pot", Xiu Cai came out of the lower link, and finally hugged the beauty

How do you get through it? The girl usually likes to read, especially loves the couplet, so she proposed to test it with the couplet, if he is a show talent, he will definitely be able to come out.

Wang Xiucai saw that the girl was embarrassed by herself, but she was not annoyed, after all, she had to ask for others, and the couplet was also her own good play.

The girl stroked her chin with her hand, thought about it, and then came out with an upper link:

One pot for one person and one bowl for each person.

Say it and smile.

Where wang Xiucai did not understand, although the couplet was not difficult to match, it was clear that the girl felt that she was shabby, and there were no pairs of pairs, making fun of herself.

Wang Xiucai was not angry, he got up and took a few steps to make a neat downward link:

Single sheet sheet body person.

When the girl listened, she was shy and annoyed, and originally wanted to make fun of this downcast talent, but she was turned against the general, and after the girl was ashamed to walk away, she also had some admiration for Xiucai's decency and learning.

The girl went up to the link: "one person, one bowl and one pot", Xiu Cai came out of the lower link, and finally hugged the beauty

Wang Xiucai saw the situation and knew that the girl was not angry with him, so he generously stayed.

After a day, Wang Xiu said goodbye to the old man and the girl, and the old man's family also wished Xiu Cai a golden list title.

Unexpectedly, Wang Xiucai really had great talent, and actually won the first and second place in the first place.

On the way back to his hometown, Wang Xiucai rode a high-headed horse to the old man's house, and everyone thought that he had come to thank him. But in addition, Wang Xiucai also has an important purpose, that is, to raise relatives, it turns out that Wang Xiucai has long been attracted by the girl's talent and appearance.

Seeing the gentleman, Yun Hu did not like it, and the girl was not waiting for his gentleman.

The girl went up to the link: "one person, one bowl and one pot", Xiu Cai came out of the lower link, and finally hugged the beauty

In the end, the two married and wrote a perfect ending for the couplet, and the two were no longer

One bowl and one pot for one person, single sheet by person


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