
The BLS annual ceremony came to an end, and Feng Timo won the championship of the all-station general selection, followed by Xiao Shen'er!

At the beginning of 2022, each live streaming platform has begun to carry out its own annual gala event. This kind of grand ceremony is actually the most eye-catching, for the platform, this is a summary of the past year, which anchor's contribution is the largest from the data can be seen at a glance. For the UP Lord, this is the result of a year of hard work, and this honor is very much desired by everyone.

For the attentive audience, the situation in 2021 can be analyzed from the annual festival to judge the trend in 2022. In 2021, if you want to ask who the dark horse in the live broadcast field is, then Station B is definitely on the list!

The BLS annual ceremony came to an end, and Feng Timo won the championship of the all-station general selection, followed by Xiao Shen'er!

Looking back on the entire year of 2021, Station B has also begun to push its strength to the field of live broadcasting while deeply cultivating content, and has achieved obvious results. At the annual BLS live broadcast ceremony held on January 8, senior viewers can peek into the leopard, and station B is a surprise for everyone.

From 2017 to 2022, this is already the fifth BLS festival, compared to previous years, Station B has gained greater development, but also received recognition from the audience and the industry. The success of the B station is inseparable from the efforts of the UP master and the love of the audience.

The BLS annual ceremony came to an end, and Feng Timo won the championship of the all-station general selection, followed by Xiao Shen'er!

The roster for the 2021 All-Tournament Finals has been released, with Feng Timo winning the championship, followed by Xiao Shen'er, who won the overall runner-up, and Kujo Tsukisei was the overall third runner-up. The small partners who like station B will certainly not be unfamiliar with these three young sisters, although they have their own characteristics and styles, but they all have one thing in common.

That is, their live broadcast can resonate with everyone, and can make people feel sincere and loving.

The BLS annual ceremony came to an end, and Feng Timo won the championship of the all-station general selection, followed by Xiao Shen'er!
The BLS annual ceremony came to an end, and Feng Timo won the championship of the all-station general selection, followed by Xiao Shen'er!

In addition to the all-circuit selection, Feng Timo and Xiao Shen'er are also single-track champions. At the same time, they are also on the list of other projects, and I have to say that girls with ability and talent will be liked by everyone.

Perhaps we can also see the trend of 2022, that is, we must have the real ability to win the audience, and the audience's appetite will become more and more picky, and we must keep pace with the times and follow the pace of the times to improve our talents, so as to continue to get the love of the audience.

The BLS annual ceremony came to an end, and Feng Timo won the championship of the all-station general selection, followed by Xiao Shen'er!
The BLS annual ceremony came to an end, and Feng Timo won the championship of the all-station general selection, followed by Xiao Shen'er!

It must also be mentioned that Hua Xiaobei won two high-energy single event championships, namely the popular idol of the year and the annual sailing lord. In Station B, as long as you have talent, as long as you have the ability, then you can find a foothold. The live broadcast ecology of Station B is very different from other platforms, whether you are the head anchor or not, you can benefit from it, perhaps this is the value of ecology.

The BLS annual ceremony came to an end, and Feng Timo won the championship of the all-station general selection, followed by Xiao Shen'er!

Looking forward to 2022, it will be a year of turbulence, looking forward to the B station can bring more wonderful content to young people, and also hope that more young people can feel love and care from the B station, and create a new culture together.

The BLS annual ceremony came to an end, and Feng Timo won the championship of the all-station general selection, followed by Xiao Shen'er!

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