
Fate Fandom: Who would have thought that the girl who was still waiting for Li Xiang years later would be her

Fate Fandom: Who would have thought that the girl who was still waiting for Li Xiang years later would be her

When the world returned to its original state, Fujimaru Tachika chose to return to Tokyo to live,

I thought that the suffering was over, and the rest should be happiness and sweetness.

However, everything backfired.

Even if the world is at peace, even if important people live together,

The suffering that should be suffered will continue to be suffered.

"It's really useless, just ran 20,000 meters and was too tired to walk."

Skaha's face was expressionless, and he looked coldly at Fujimaru Tachika, who was lying on the ground unable to move.

"Yes, I'm sorry, but that's my limit."

"Dare to argue, my disciple, how can he not even run down a mere 20,000 meters?"


"Well, since you don't want to move, don't you train today?"

After saying this, Skaha turned his back and walked away without turning his head.


While treating the abrasions on her body, Fujimaru Tachika sighed unconsciously.

"I'm sorry, senior, did I hurt you?"

Matthew, holding disinfectant alcohol and cotton, asked apologetically.

"No, no, Matthew, you're doing a great job, I was just thinking about things."

"Thinking of things? That, seniors... If you don't mind, please say your troubles, I want to share them with you. ”

Sister Mathew said this in the same gentle tone as ever.

Looking at her beautiful face, Fujimaru Tachika's heart felt a little better,

So the guess that had been lurking in my mind for a long time blurted out.

"Matthew, do you say Miss Skaha hates me?"

Not only during training, but even on weekdays, I either hit or scolded..."

Matthew's originally calm expression became shocked as these words entered his ears.

"You said Miss Skaha... Hate you? ”

To her, it seemed like an impossible thing to happen.

But since the predecessors put forward it, it must have his basis.

As an outsider, she is not easy to make assertions.

“...... Maybe it's the seniors who are too tired to have this kind of thinking during this time.

Well, tomorrow I'll take a leave of absence from Miss Skaha on behalf of my seniors.

Go out for a walk, the mood of the seniors will definitely be much better. ”

"Distraction... Well, it's okay to be distracted, thank you, Matthew. ”

Li Xiang thought about it and felt that it made sense,

Maybe now, I really need to take a break.

The next day, when it was still dark, Fujimaru Tachika went out alone.

He wanted to be alone, so he chose to go out into the uninhabited mountains.

The higher you go, the thicker the fog around you,

Li Xiang did not feel that there was anything wrong, because this was a natural phenomenon.

I don't know how long he walked, but he finally reached the top of the mountain.

It seems that because of the increasing intensity of the sun, the fog began to gradually dissipate,

Everything around me finally showed its true face.

At the foot is a sea of clouds, and there are pines beside you to welcome guests,

There are also many strange plants at the foot that Tachibana has never seen before,

All of this makes Fujimaru Tachika feel both novel and interesting.

It was not easy to climb to the top of the mountain, and Li Xiang was naturally reluctant to go down the mountain so easily.

He began to wander around the mountains, thinking by the way about Miss Skaha.

Snap, snap, snap —"

"Well, what's going on here?"

Suddenly a strange voice came from afar, and Li Xiang could not contain his curiosity,

Following the direction where the sound came from, step by step, he walked carefully.

When he walked to a dense forest, Li Xiang was a little hesitant to go in,

The sound is indeed coming from here,

But no one can guarantee that there is no danger in the dense forest.

What if you encounter a beast or an evil person?

He wanted to dispel his thoughts, but the voice coming from inside somehow made Li Xiang have a strong curiosity.

What's in it?

He was eager to find out.

"It should... There won't be any danger. ”

In the end, curiosity overcame the sense of crisis, and he, who had always been cautious, decided to take a risk this time.

Li Xiang used his hand to brush away the vines that blocked the way, and then took a cautious step.

...... Well, there is no danger, move on.

After confirming the surrounding environment,

Li Xiang was slightly relieved.

However, he was not careless, still like walking on a mine array, taking a step to look at it, afraid of other people's ways.

It turned out that his previous hunch was right.

There are no traps in the jungle, and there are no beasts of prey.

After walking back to the end step by step, what appeared in front of him were two old men sitting at a stone table playing against each other.

Seeing this scene, Fujimaru Tachika suddenly realized.

The movement just now turned out to be the sound of two old men playing against each other, when they landed.

“...... Rather, in the world of ordinary people, there will be so many irrational things. ”

The boy smiled self-deprecatingly, and it was only then that he suddenly realized,

It turned out that I was so nostalgic for the adventurous life of that year.

In line with the idea of coming and going, do not look at the idea of pity.

Fujimaru Tachika walked over to the two old men with white hair and looking very fairy-like.

"Excuse me, can you let me see it too?"

"..."The old men did not show displeasure at his proximity,

In fact, they only cared about playing chess, and didn't even look at Li Xiang.

Snap, snap, snap.

Kuroko whites are still alternately falling on the chessboard,

It looks a bit boring, but strangely,

Li Xiang, who knew nothing about Go, found it more and more interesting the more she watched it, and unconsciously became addicted to it.

Wait until the end of the round to come back to life.

It is somewhat embarrassing that the first sentence of the old man after playing chess is to drive people away.

"Young man, it's time for you to go back."

One of the old men in white said so.

"Exactly, this is not the place for you to come."

Another old man dressed in black spoke more directly.

Being driven away so bluntly, even Fujimaru Tachika felt a little hanging on to her face.

He smiled sheepishly, then asked tentatively,

"Can you, can you show me a little longer?

For some reason, it's so much fun to watch you play chess. ”

"Oh, you like to watch chess?"

These words seemed to move the old man in white, and this was the first time he had looked at Li Xiang squarely.

“...... As it is, you are qualified to stand here. ”

"If you want to see chess, you eat this."

The old man in black didn't give a crap either, and directly took out the red jujube from his arms and handed it to Li Xiang.

"Hmm... Thank you. ”

Coincidentally, after a game of chess, Li Xiang also felt a little hungry.

So he picked up the red date and ate it with relish.

When the two old men saw him eating, they said no more,

He started the next game of chess.


Unconsciously, the game between the two old men ended again.

This time, the old man in black spoke first.

"You should go back, young man."

"Even you shouldn't stay here for long."

The old man in white then added.

“...... To put it bluntly, it feels like I've been out for a long time and it's time to go back. ”

Looking at the game of chess, Fujimaru Tachika can also be considered satisfied,

So he said goodbye to the two old men and came down from the mountain.

But there is a little Bit of Li Xiang who can't figure it out,

The two games before and after are obviously huge at the beginning, why do they end with chess in the end?

Fate Fandom: Who would have thought that the girl who was still waiting for Li Xiang years later would be her

As the saying goes, it is easy to go up the mountain and difficult to go down.

This sentence does not apply to Fujimaru Tachika.

Obviously, when I went up the mountain, I walked a long mountain road, but somehow, the road down the mountain was unusually short,

He only took a few steps and came to the side of the road down the hill.

But Fujimaru Tachika still didn't think much about it, only felt that it was just his own delusion.

What really made him creepy was the TV on the side of the road.

Rather, it was the news programs on TV that scared him.

"Hello audience friends, today is June 6, 2221, the main content of today's news is ..."

“...... Oh, when did the host of the news broadcast change, it is really obvious that it was very good before."

He wiped the sweat from his forehead and, with a sense of luck, went to the convenience store on the side of the road.

"Boss, I ask you something..."

After taking a bottle of soda from the shelf, he asked with a casual look,

"Do you know what day of the month it is?"

"Today, it should be June 6th."

"That... What year? ”

Hearing this question, the boss looked at LiXiang suspiciously and replied with some displeasure,

"You shouldn't be playing me, this year is of course 2221, even children know things you still ask me." 」

The boss's complaining words are still saying,

But Fujimaru Tachika couldn't listen to it at all,

After pulling out his wallet and paying, he left in despair.

"Hey, you're really kidding me, fooling me with banknotes from two hundred years ago, this thing can't be used for a long time.

...... Hey, did you hear me, hey! ”

Behind him, the boss was still shouting.

In the vicissitudes of the sea, everything is indeed human.

Frustrated teenagers walking on the road, looking at random,

There is no familiar place, and there is no familiar person.

What's going on, I just watched two games of chess, why the time has passed two hundred years later.

Fujimaru Tachika couldn't think straight, and she didn't want to think about it again.

I wanted to turn back and ask the two old men,

But who knows turn around and look at what big mountains are behind you, and some only have reinforced concrete that can't see the head.

With one last glimmer of hope,

Li Xiang relied on his memory and walked in the direction of home.

Although this road has changed a lot, I like that the overall layout has not changed significantly.

This is probably a blessing in disguise.

But...... What if you find your original home?

Two hundred years later, those familiar people should not be there.

Oh, this is really, it is desperate.

The teenager's footsteps did not stop, but his face was with a bitter smile like crying.

Fate Fandom: Who would have thought that the girl who was still waiting for Li Xiang years later would be her

The sunset hanging in the sky has been calming little by little,

Thousands of households have lit up the lights in their homes,

Then, the aroma of the meal comes out.

Fujimaru Tachika's pace quickened, as if fleeing, afraid of the night coming.

It's getting dark and it's time to go home for dinner.

This is the truth that children remember.

But now, he may not even have a home.

Sun, when I find home, will you fall again?

Of course, the sun will not change its itinerary for the sake of a mere human being.

When it should fall, it falls,

Then came the endless night.

At this moment, Fujimaru Tachika finally had a sense of loneliness in the world where only she was left.

He wanted to cry, but he felt that it was too humiliating to cry, so he held back.

Go ahead, go on.

Even in the dark of night, Fujimaru Tachika did not forget to move forward.

Obviously there is little hope, obviously after the effort may also be disappointed,

But he still didn't give up.

Finally, he reached his destination and was stunned.

Who would have thought that two hundred years had passed,

His own home is still the same as he remembered.

However, the house has not changed, and people cannot still be there.

Thinking of this, the teenager's excited heart immediately cooled down.

But anyway, you still have to go in and see what it is,

...... Just let yourself die.

He didn't have much hope, pushed the door open and went in, ready to be kicked out.

But unexpectedly, there was no one in the living room,

There is movement in the direction of the kitchen, and it should be someone cooking.

"Well, hello, is anyone here?"

The boy fidgeted and began to walk around,

It was the first time he had been so afraid to see a stranger.

Because he saw it, his last glimmer of hope was shattered.


Footsteps came from inside.

"Who is it, and what's the matter?"

Before anyone arrives, the sound arrives first.

“...... Oops, it's you coming back... Finally waiting for you. ”

The man stepped out, and with a faint smile, stood calmly in front of Li Xiang.

Koto Maru Tachika could not calm down anyway

It was a voice he had heard countless times.

It was a face he had seen countless times.

Fujimaru Tachika did not expect that two hundred years later, there are still people waiting for them,

The little one in my own heart

The strong teenager could no longer suppress his tears at this moment,

Trotting towards the beautiful woman.

"Skaha, it's great to see you."

“...... Really, it's only two hundred years, and you're crying like this, it seems that exercise is not enough. ”

Although she said this, when she held Li Xiang, her eyes were quietly soaked with tears.

Ah, two hundred years, finally waiting for you.

No one knows how anxious and remorseful she is after learning the news of Fujimaru Tachika's disappearance.

No one knows what it is like to wait day and night for two hundred years.

But it was all worth it, just because her guy was really back.

After hugging each other, the mood of both of them calmed down a little.

Fujimaru Tachika told Skaha about his encounter in the mountains,

Skaha also told Rika what had happened after his disappearance.

After his disappearance, his followers were forced to return to Valingiant not long after they had no anchor in the world.

All that was left were Matthew, a human, and the immortal Skaha.

Over the years, it is precisely because of Skaha's persistence,

The layout of this area has not changed significantly.

It is also because of Skaha's insistence that this house has always maintained the appearance of Fujimaru Tachika when she disappeared.

"Because of this, you won't feel lonely when you come back."

She took Li Xiang's hand and said softly.

"Miss Skaha..."

Li Xiang was already choking up to the point where he couldn't even speak.

"Ah, yes..."

After a moment of silence, Skaha said as if remembering something,

"Matthew left her shield before she left... That, until the last moment, believed you would come back. ”

"..."Mentioning Matthew, Li Xiang was even more heartbroken, such a good girl, because of herself and waited for a lifetime...

"You don't have to be so upset." Skaha patted Li Xiang's shoulder and continued,

"Matthew left his shield not just to commemorate, but also to see him again one day."

“...... See you again? What does that really mean? ”

"Oh, do you remember the Heroic Spirit Summoning System?"

"Yes, there is still this hand!"

Fujimaru Tachika's dim eyes finally glowed.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

As long as they are summoned again, they will not be able to live together again.

"Without further ado, where is the shield, let's get it quickly."

"In Matthew's room, you can see it when you go in."

"Oh, got it."

The boy was elated and stood up and was about to rush to Matthew's room.

But after two steps, he suddenly stopped again.

"Huh? What's wrong, aren't you in a hurry to see them? ”

Skaha looked at Li Xiang questioningly.

“...... Miss Skaha, why have you been so good to me and done so well for me? ”

Fujimaru Tachibana was in place, his mind full of two diametrically opposed impressions of Skaja.

Why are you treating me so harshly, but you are willing to stay here for me for two hundred years?

Skaha opened his eyes slightly, surprised that he would ask himself this question at this time.

But she replied, as if she were talking about someone else's business, and said calmly,

"I, whether I'm strict with you or stay here and wait for you, I have only one reason for everything I do, do you know what it is?"

Li Xiang looked at her stupidly and shook his head unsurprisingly.

Seeing that he was still in this dazed state, Skaha covered his mouth and smiled softly, and then walked up to him and said,

"Fool, I did all this because I loved you."

When he finished, he held his head and gave him a deep kiss full of love.

—End of The Flower—

Fate Fandom: Who would have thought that the girl who was still waiting for Li Xiang years later would be her

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