
2021 "Bookish Family" | Gao Wenxiu Family

Loyalty has been passed down from generation to generation, and poetry has been passed down for a long time. When Gao Wenxiu was very young, there was no radio or TV at home, and the second sister read novels to the whole family every night, and the book she remembered was "Bitter Cow", and she listened to tears every time, worrying about the tragic fate of the bitter cow.

In elementary school, the first book recommended to her by her teacher was "Shining Red Star", which planted a red seed in her young heart. Later, she successively read a large number of books such as "Lin Hai Snow Field", "Island Female Militia", "Armed Workers Behind Enemy Lines" and so on. Whenever she finished her homework, she would tell her classmates about Pan Dongzi, Xiao Haixia, and Xiao Bai Pigeon, and the stories of the guerrillas in the Jizhong Plains who beat up devils and burned artillery buildings.

After getting married, mr. Li liked to read the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", "Water Margin" and the martial arts novels of Jin Yong and Gu Long, thus influencing him to be a chivalrous, bright and honest person.

My son likes to read science fiction novels, such as "Harry Potter", "The Lord of the Rings", etc., true, good, beautiful, false evil and ugly meet and duel, reverie a pure land in the soul.

The daughter-in-law likes to read inspirational novels such as "Gone with the Wind" and "If You Give Me Three Days of Light", which motivates her to work hard, work hard, and be positive.

Granddaughter Zhao Yiwen was born, and her enlightenment education was put on the family's agenda, and every time she was coaxed to sleep, it was "the beginning of human nature is good, sexual proximity and habits are far away." Gou does not teach Sex is to move, the way of teaching is noble and specialized, and Xi Meng's mother chooses the neighbor", the child falls asleep in a rhythmic voice. A little older, fall asleep in stories such as "The Ugly Duckling", "The Crow Drinks Water", and "The Little Girl Who Sold Matches".

Reading is a golden key to open the child's young mind, and as we grow older, it becomes more and more powerful. Zhao Yiwen was able to recite many poems at an early age and was excellent in English, dance, singing, calligraphy and other aspects. Latin dance won the second prize in the children's group, the second prize in the rhythmic gymnastics primary school student group, the first prize in the calligraphy and painting competition, and the second prize in the national calligraphy competition. His academic performance has always been among the best, and he is currently a class leader, a squadron leader and other positions, and has been rated as a teenager of Chaoyang Virtue and a good student of Chaoyang District.

Reading can make a family vibrant, Gao Wenxiu has participated in the Beiqijia Town People's Propaganda Group for four consecutive years since 2018, and won the title of "Excellent Lecturer". In 2019, he participated in the "I have worked with old cadres for these years" micro-story collection activity issued by the Bureau of Veteran Cadres of the Beijing Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China, and won the "Excellent Story Award". In 2020, he participated in the "New Era Learning Road" propaganda group in Changping District. In 2021, he participated in the "New Era Learning Road" Party History Propaganda Group in Changping District.

The home is a small country, and the country is a million. I hope that every family can develop the good habit of loving reading and reading good books, then the degree of civilization of the whole society will be greatly improved. Reading can make your child both good and good, and reading can enrich your life experience. Let the sound of reading fill every family atmosphere, and let the fragrance of books drift into thousands of households.

Reviewer: Pan Qiwen

Editor: Sun Min Zhang Zixin

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