
The Winter Olympics have my | Ma Jifei: from athletics to skating, train the golden eye of fire to direct the Winter Olympics!

When he first met Ma Jifei, he was instructing graduate students to practice track and field sprinting on the playground of Hebei Normal University, and it is difficult to imagine that this professional track and field teacher is also a national skating referee and the only member of the Chinese Speed Skating Committee in Hebei Province, who is about to go to the Beijing Winter Olympics to direct the speed skating competition.

The Winter Olympics have my | Ma Jifei: from athletics to skating, train the golden eye of fire to direct the Winter Olympics!

Ma Jifei, who teaches speed skating knowledge

"After the successful bid for the Olympic Games in 15 years, Hebei Province promoted ice and snow sports, let me choose the project to participate, speed skating is a relatively weak short board in our country, I wonder if we can give us a little strength to our weaknesses, and this speed skating is also a 400-meter track, which is basically very similar to the track I was engaged in before, so I chose speed skating."

In 2016, through the recommendation of the Hebei Provincial Sports Bureau, after layers of examinations, Ma Jifei became the referee of the speed skating competition and began his career as a referee in the ice and snow competition, the initial speed skating competition was held outdoors on the ice, under the extremely cold conditions of more than thirty degrees below zero, Ma Jifei and his colleagues were lying on the ice and manually drawing a track line, and so far the two little fingers still left frostbite. With the popularization of ice and snow sports, many cities in Hebei Province have built skating halls, competitions have been moved from outdoor to indoor, and the enthusiasm of the masses to participate in ice and snow has become higher and higher.

While doing a good job as a speed skating referee, Ma Jifei also opened an elective course on speed skating to promote the knowledge of speed skating competition among college students, in addition, he and his colleagues are also conducting scientific research on ice and snow sports, using biomechanics, kinesiology, muscle electricity, including physiology, so that athletes can have a better competition performance.

The Winter Olympics have my | Ma Jifei: from athletics to skating, train the golden eye of fire to direct the Winter Olympics!

Teach in the classroom to solve puzzles

Different from the rules of short track speed skating competitions, speed skating competitions are divided into races, and the length of the game is used to determine the win or loss, but in the process of the game, there are still strict rules of punishment, once violated, the results will be canceled, which requires the referee to know the rules of the game and make timely judgments.

"These fleeting moments, you must have attention and attention and have a golden eye, as a referee on the field, this day may have to cut eight hours, these eight hours you can not lose your mind for a second, once there is a wandering mind, it may be just a mistake for the referee, may be an irreparable loss for the athlete."

The Winter Olympics have my | Ma Jifei: from athletics to skating, train the golden eye of fire to direct the Winter Olympics!

Since the successful bid for the Olympic Games, Ma Jifei has participated in more than 100 domestic and foreign and international competitions, accumulating a lot of experience, and he said that he has made full preparations for the refereeing work of the Winter Olympic Games.

"Our English orders, including the language we use on various venues and the specification of these gestures of the referee, are basically in accordance with the procedures of the Olympic Games, and I believe that these experiences will definitely be shown to us on the Olympic field, so that we can better serve the Olympic Games and make the Olympic Games the most satisfactory."

Source: Hebei Sports culture network

Organizers: Shijiazhuang Municipal Sports Bureau, Shijiazhuang Municipal Sports Federation

Editors: Xing Jing and Wang Yuan

Producer: Zhang Man

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