
Always sweating when you fall asleep at night, is it really hot? There are 2 reasons behind it that you should know

Sweating is a natural physiological phenomenon, which is the way the body regulates body temperature and excretion. Especially when the human body is in a hot or sweltering environment, and when the amount of exercise is too large, a lot of sweating will occur.

As long as you pay attention to the ambient temperature adjustment and pay attention to rest, this sweating phenomenon will soon ease and disappear.

It's just that in daily life, many people will have a particularly easy sweating behavior when sleeping at night, what is going on? Below, let's take a closer look at it.

Always sweating when you fall asleep at night, is it really hot? There are 2 reasons behind it that you should know

What are the reasons for sleeping and sweating at night?

First, caused by external environmental factors

If you sweat at night, but there is no other discomfort, it is generally caused by external environmental factors, such as excessive indoor temperature.

Especially after entering the autumn and winter season, the temperature will gradually drop, and many people are worried about the cold when sleeping, so they will close the doors and windows all day, and they will use various heating equipment when sleeping.

In this way, the indoor temperature will be relatively high, and the air will not circulate, which will make people sweat when sleeping, as well as dry mouth and tongue after waking up.

Always sweating when you fall asleep at night, is it really hot? There are 2 reasons behind it that you should know

 In addition, many people like to use electric blankets when sleeping after entering the winter. The temperature of the electric blanket is relatively high, which will cause a large amount of water in the human body to evaporate.

Not only is it easy to sweat a lot when sleeping, but when you wake up the next day, you will also have problems such as sore throat, mouth ulcers, and dry nasal cavity.

If this phenomenon occurs many times, it will not only cause a lot of sweating when sleeping, but also cause the internal fire to be too strong.

Always sweating when you fall asleep at night, is it really hot? There are 2 reasons behind it that you should know

2. Caused by pathological factors

There are many diseases that cause the body to sweat a lot after falling asleep, such as diabetes. Due to the repeated increase in blood glucose levels, it can lead to disturbances in central nervous system function.

Abnormal nerves that regulate body temperature can cause sweating during sleep at night. In particular, the patient's upper body, such as the front chest, back, and head, face and neck sweating problems are more obvious.

And when such people sleep at night, they will also wake up easily in the early morning, as well as dry mouth and tongue, more urine and other phenomena.

Always sweating when you fall asleep at night, is it really hot? There are 2 reasons behind it that you should know

In addition, if you have tuberculosis, the patient may also sweat while sleeping. Tuberculosis is a respiratory disease caused by infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis, which is more obviously contagious.

Once suffering from tuberculosis, the patient will have a fever in the afternoon in addition to coughing, sputum, or coughing up blood in the afternoon. At night, the body temperature drops, but there will be abnormal sweating, which is called night sweats.

Always sweating when you fall asleep at night, is it really hot? There are 2 reasons behind it that you should know

Hypocalcemia can also cause this phenomenon. Hypocalcemia is a metabolic disorder caused by low levels of calcium ions in the serum. Calcium ions maintain the normal development of bones and teeth, as well as control blood pressure, heart rate, and muscle contractility.

In addition, it can also regulate thyroid function. Once a large amount of calcium is deficient, it will cause people to have osteoarthritis, muscle irregular spasms, arrhythmias and other phenomena, and will also make thyroid function abnormal, which will cause people to sweat when sleeping. Especially for children, this situation is very common.

Always sweating when you fall asleep at night, is it really hot? There are 2 reasons behind it that you should know

All in all, if the body sweats during sleep, it is generally caused by the above two factors. If it is caused by a series of pathological factors, then the patient should quickly go to a regular hospital for a series of examinations and give corresponding treatment according to the cause.

And after sweating, be sure to wash away the sweat with warm water or wipe it off with a clean towel to prevent cold or skin infections.

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