
Advantages and disadvantages of third-generation IVF

Three generations of IVF are favored by many people, and many people only see the good side, but pay little attention to its drawbacks. Today Hengjian Overseas will explain the advantages and disadvantages of IVF to everyone, so that everyone can realize that everything has its two sides.

Three-generation IVF advantage

You may not be very clear, three generations of test tube technology refers to PGD, that is, pre-implantation DNA diagnosis, select well-developed embryos during breeding, determine that there is no problem and then transfer into the mother, so that it will be more accurate than the normal survival of the fittest, after going through this process, women can conceive excellent individuals, remove genetic diseases that have been in the parents or family, and truly achieve eugenics.

Advantages and disadvantages of third-generation IVF

Three generations of IVF drawbacks

On the one hand, three generations of IVF are not suitable for patients of all ages. Although the success rate of doing three generations of IVF is relatively high, but it is not suitable for people of all ages, the study found that women over 35 years old do IVF, the success rate will decline with age, the higher the age, the fertility gradually declines, the greater the impact, and the technical problems of IVF will be limited by age. As women age, the number of follicles in a woman's ovaries decreases, and the success rate for IVF will be great.

On the other hand, the cost of doing three generations of IVF is higher. No matter where it is, the price of three generations of IVF is relatively high, and it also costs a part of the cost of living, the cost is much higher than in the country, in addition, in doing three generations of IVF also have to face problems such as different languages, but also need to find translators, hotels, etc., so in terms of doing three generations of IVF costs, it is more expensive, which is also one of its drawbacks.

Advantages and disadvantages of third-generation IVF

For patients who want to do three generations of IVF, we must choose from a comprehensive combination of pros and cons, and we may wish to think calmly before deciding, three generations of IVF involve more factors, and you need to be prepared before you go. Secondly, if you want to do three generations of IVF, you need to consider the cost of the problem, for families with good economic conditions, it is natural to focus on the success rate, but ordinary families still have to consider the cost performance, according to their own conditions to choose.

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