
After Japan's defeat, China had planned to send 50,000 soldiers to Japan, but it was finally over

After Japan's defeat, China had planned to send 50,000 soldiers to Japan, but it was finally over

World War II was the most widespread and largest war in human history, and the world caused huge casualties. As the culprits of World War II, Japan and Germany, the League of Nations at that time in order to punish Germany and Japan and prevent their resurgence, formulated a plan of partition occupation. At that time, after The surrender of Japan, the United States set aside a large area of land for China to occupy, why did it not go in the end?

After Japan's defeat, China had planned to send 50,000 soldiers to Japan, but it was finally over

This is mainly to learn from the German model. In order to prevent The comeback of Germany, the divisional occupation of Germany by the Allies at that time was mainly occupied by the United States, the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom, and France! In Japan, the Allies agreed to also prepare for a partition occupation, which would avoid its resurgence. The agreed countries at that time were mainly Britain, China, the United States and the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union occupied northern Japan, the United States occupied Honshu, China occupied Shikoku Islands and the Ryukyu Islands, and the British occupation of the rest was basically the state of Shikoku's dismemberment of Japan.

After Japan's defeat, China had planned to send 50,000 soldiers to Japan, but it was finally over

At that time, the Honorary Second Division was under the command of Lu Han on the task of surrendering the Japanese invaders in the area north of the 16th parallel, and after receiving the Nationalist government's mission to occupy Japan, he immediately reorganized the Honorary Second Division and the Honorary First Division into the Sixty-seventh Division. The Honorary Second Division was a unit of Chiang Kai-shek's concubine, with division commander Dai Jian and the rank of major general. The division had a complete structure, sufficient soldiers, and sophisticated American equipment, and was an ideal unit for going to Japan at that time. After receiving the order in February 1946, the division immediately sailed to Jiangwan, Shanghai, to be stationed, waiting for a plane to Japan.

After Japan's defeat, China had planned to send 50,000 soldiers to Japan, but it was finally over

Tragically, the 67th Division was again ordered to cross the Yangtze River to participate in the interior. As a result of the battle, heavy losses were inflicted, and the army was defeated, and a very ideal occupation army stationed in Japan was destroyed. As the situation of the civil war worsened, Chiang Kai-shek, who was not keen on occupying Japan, was even more unwilling and powerless, so he sent a note to the United States to cancel the plan to stay in Japan, missing the opportunity to occupy Japan in vain.

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