
After Zhu Yuanzhang founded the country, what was the reason for slaughtering so many founding heroes?

After Zhu Yuanzhang founded the country, what was the reason for slaughtering so many founding heroes?

Zhu Yuanzhang's ultimate goal of slaughtering the founding heroes had only one, that is, to consolidate the rule of the Zhu family dynasty. It is true that founding heroes such as Lan Yu and Hu Weiyong helped Zhu Yuanzhang drive out the Mongols and destroy the Yuan Dynasty, and it is indeed Xu Da and Li Shancheng and others who assisted Zhu Yuanzhang in establishing the Ming Dynasty, but the founding heroes who made great contributions were also a threat to the rule of the Zhu Ming Dynasty. Too much power of the heroes threatens the imperial power, too much influence of the heroes threatens the authority of the Zhu family, and the quality of the heroes is too low to affect social stability.

After Zhu Yuanzhang founded the country, what was the reason for slaughtering so many founding heroes?

The "empty seal case" that broke out in the ninth year of Hongwu was that a considerable number of officials used blank stamps to print official documents in order to embezzle the money and grain handed over to the imperial court and the money and grain shipped to the border passes, because these were all transported in kind, which gave them the opportunity to get up and down their hands and make a fortune in the name of attrition. The "Guo Huan Case" that broke out in Hongwu in the eighteenth year was also a similar corruption case, in which officials organized to steal and sell official grain, the number of which was as high as 24 million quintals, and twelve of the thirteen political departments in the country were implicated by officials, which showed the wide range of influence.

After Zhu Yuanzhang founded the country, what was the reason for slaughtering so many founding heroes?

It is said that Xiucai rebelled, and it will not be successful in ten years. However, those intellectuals who had been following Zhu Yuanzhang, such as Li Shanchang, Tao Kai, and Tao An, had no intention of rebellion at all, but there were few good endeavors. In addition to Tao An's early death, Li Shanchang was beheaded by the door, Tao Kai was called "Durable Daoist" after he gave shi, and Zhu Yuanzhang "smelled evil" and found an excuse to catch and kill him.

After Zhu Yuanzhang founded the country, what was the reason for slaughtering so many founding heroes?

However, as the saying goes, people are not as good as heaven, Zhu Biao died young, and his beloved grandson Zhu Yunjiao was eventually taken away by the fourth elder Zhu Di. He slaughtered all the heroes and no one was able to stand up for the tide in times of crisis. It is true that everything has a fixed number, and it cannot be forced by manpower.

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