
Essential for web writers? This keyboard is more than thirty thousand a day

This thing looks strange.

It looks more like a handle, but this key is also too much... Can this thing also type?

Yes, you read that right, this new typewriter (CharaChorder) does not have buttons, but relies on 9 joysticks on each handrail to enter characters.

Essential for web writers? This keyboard is more than thirty thousand a day

You can push each stick in a different direction to enter a different word. The maximum speed can reach more than 500 words per minute, and it is necessary to know that ordinary people type 40 per minute.

unbelief? Let's take a look at the TikTok posted by Chirp, CEO of CharaChorder:

Essential for web writers? This keyboard is more than thirty thousand a day

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In simple terms, CharaChorder is fast because it does not strictly follow the letter spelling of the word when entering the word, but uses the key combination plus software association to quickly generate the word, which is somewhat similar to some shorthand typewriters.

For example, a chestnut, like "responsible", requires pressing 11 keys in turn on a normal keyboard, while using the shorthand typing method, only five keys of "SPIBL" are pressed at the same time.

Another example is when encountering some phrases, such as "how many", "how long", and the shorthand will be written as "HOUM", "HOUNG".

Using special equipment + such a special spelling method, coupled with the same chord-like key press, the stenographer can achieve much faster typing speed than pressing the ordinary keyboard.

However, unlike the shorthand typewriter, Chara Chorder went further in form, making the keys into a joystick.

Each of these joysticks can detect three-dimensional motion, dialing in four different directions to represent different characters entered, just like the joysticks on a video game console:

These joystick presses can be combined to output more than 300 different characters, covering all the keys on a traditional keyboard.

Similarly, it has a set of spellings that represent words. Therefore, if you want to learn the typing speed of 500 words per minute, you can only do it with your hands, and you must also learn it (dog head).

Typing in shorthand is not a beautiful thing

After witnessing this super-high-speed typing video, netizens also had a heated discussion.

Most people think that although it is fast to type, it is not practical and not suitable for popularization.

For example, this netizen said that typing with CharaChorder will have a learning curve problem, which means that you must first learn how to spell its words:

One notable difference between a traditional keyboard and a shorthand keyboard is that a traditional keyboard is capable of outputting all the text we normally enter, while a shorthand machine cannot. Shorthand typing must have some pre-work (such as dictionary development of proper names) and post-work (converting the proprietary spelling back to "human speech").

Think of online writers and various editors, the normal input speed is only ten words in a minute... This thing is really an artifact, especially the number of words for online writers to eat, learn to understand this, and 30,000 days is not a dream.


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