
Tofu is boiled with it, supplemented with ginseng and fresh chicken soup

author:Brother Zhang came to care

Not a health care jun wrote his own boast, when it comes to nutritious and delicious food, tofu should not let go -

Tofu has the reputation of "plant meat", not only rich in protein, calcium content, but also helps to prevent cardiovascular disease and bowel cancer.

Moreover, Chinese medicine believes that tofu tastes sweet and cool, enters the spleen and stomach and the large intestine meridian, and has the effect of beneficial qi and neutralizing and detoxifying.

Although tofu is versatile, if you want to get a better health effect, you must also find a "good partner" for it

Tofu is cooked with it and is more nourishing than chicken soup

Tofu is boiled with it, supplemented with ginseng and fresh chicken soup

Add yam: civilian ginseng, kidney tonic eat it

Huaishan is recognized as a good tonic, with the reputation of "the food of the gods", which can nourish the lungs, supplement the kidneys, and supplement the spleen and stomach.

It should be noted that yam can help wet, some wet fills and stagnation is the best not to eat, such as indigestion, bloating, hiccup patients, taking yam will aggravate these symptoms.

Health recommendation: Yam tofu soup

Directions: Peel and wash the yam, cut into chunks and set aside; wash and cut the tofu into small pieces; fry the pesto in a frying pan, sauté the yam until fragrant; then add water and cook until boiling; pour in the tofu, then add salt to taste, and finally boil.

Tofu is boiled with it, supplemented with ginseng and fresh chicken soup

Add oysters: more delicious than chicken soup, zinc supplementation is a must

Next, we will introduce the next "contestant", the oyster.

Speaking of the benefits of this oyster, ten fingers can not be counted: delicious and delicious, nourishing yin appetizer, beauty and beauty, tonic tone...

Tofu is boiled with it, supplemented with ginseng and fresh chicken soup

It is worth mentioning, it is worth mentioning that oysters are also a large zinc-containing household.

Among the many foods that are commonly eaten, each 100 grams of oysters contains 100 mg of zinc, while beef is 4 to 8 mg, pork is 2.7 mg, chicken lean meat is 3 mg...

It can be said that the zinc content of oysters can really be the leader and far ahead.

Health Recommendation: Tofu oyster soup

Directions: Wash and dice the tofu, wash and cut the oyster meat into thin slices for later use; start the oil pot, add garlic slices to simmer, then add water to boil; then add tofu and salt; add oyster meat and green onions after boiling water; finally bring to a boil.

Tofu is boiled with it, supplemented with ginseng and fresh chicken soup

Add pork liver: the taste is strong, and the blood is tonic

When it comes to blood-replenishing food, pork liver is a no-brainer.

Among the many foods, pork liver has a far leading iron content and is one of the most ideal blood tonic foods.

Many people may be worried about the high cholesterol of pork liver, so it is right to accompany tofu.

Because tofu contains cholesterol, it can compete with cholesterol in the intestine, thereby reducing the absorption of cholesterol.

Therefore, if the pork liver and tofu are boiled together, eat pork liver 3 to 4 times a week, 50 grams each time, generally will not cause the cholesterol intake of the day to be too high.

Of course, we still have to remind everyone that pork liver should not be eaten every day, especially people with high blood pressure, coronary heart disease, and high blood lipids should eat less.

Tofu is boiled with it, supplemented with ginseng and fresh chicken soup

Add mushrooms: delicious and delicious, the child next door is crying

Mushrooms have always been a popular vegetarian dish.

The combination of mushrooms and tofu can best be summed up in one word: fresh!

Tofu is boiled with it, supplemented with ginseng and fresh chicken soup

By the way, teach everyone a little trick, so that the mushroom nutrition is not lost and doubled: before eating mushrooms, first dry.

Health recommendation: Mushroom tofu soup

Ingredients: 250 g of tender tofu, 100 g of fresh mushrooms.

Directions: Take the tender tofu, wash and cut into small pieces, wash and slice the fresh mushrooms; pour the tofu and mushrooms into the casserole, then add salt and water to immerse the tofu; first boil over medium heat, then simmer for 15 minutes; finally add soy sauce, monosodium glutamate, drizzle with sesame oil.

Tofu is boiled with it, supplemented with ginseng and fresh chicken soup

Add shrimp: light and delicious, with a barable protein content

As we said above, tofu has a high protein and calcium content, and shrimp is also a high-protein food, containing about 20% protein.

Tofu is boiled with it, supplemented with ginseng and fresh chicken soup

Tofu and shrimp are cooked together, which is a "strong combination" to make up for protein and calcium.

Health recommendation: shrimp fried tofu

Method: Remove the shrimp from the shrimp head and shrimp line, wash and set aside; add the shrimp to the corn starch, soy sauce, cooking wine and marinate for 15 minutes; then pour the marinated shrimp into the oil pot and stir-fry for about 1 minute, take out the reserve; dice the tofu, pour it into the oil pot, stir-fry slightly, add the fried shrimp; after stir-frying together, add the appropriate amount of salt, you can get out of the pot.

Know these 4 things and eat tofu healthily

Tofu is boiled with it, supplemented with ginseng and fresh chicken soup



The color of the tofu itself is slightly yellowish, if the color is too white, you can polish your eyes, it is likely to add bleach, it is best not to buy.

Tofu is boiled with it, supplemented with ginseng and fresh chicken soup



Tofu is easier to spoil, so it is healthier to preserve:

Stored in the refrigerated area, generally 2 to 4 days is appropriate, be sure to eat early; if you can't finish eating, you can put the remaining part into the freezer room and make frozen tofu.

Tofu is boiled with it, supplemented with ginseng and fresh chicken soup
Tofu is boiled with it, supplemented with ginseng and fresh chicken soup



Tofu usually has a faint bitter and fishy taste, teach everyone a good trick to remove:

Divide the tofu into small pieces of the same size, put it in a pot, and heat it at the same time as the cold water; when the water starts to boil, switch to low heat and cook, slowly see the tofu floating; then pick up the tofu and immerse it in cold water.

In addition, frying the tofu in oil before cooking can also remove the bean smell.

Tofu is boiled with it, supplemented with ginseng and fresh chicken soup



There are two types of people who are better off keeping their mouths shut:

Tofu contains more purines, gout patients with abnormal purine metabolism and those with increased blood uric acid concentrations cannot eat; those with weak spleen and stomach and frequent diarrhea and loose stools must not eat.

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