
The Japanese prime minister, who claims to be a descendant of China, wore a Zhongshan suit to recognize his ancestors in China and was ousted from power within 64 days

The Japanese prime minister, who claims to be a descendant of China, wore a Zhongshan suit to recognize his ancestors in China and was ousted from power within 64 days

Considering that Chengdu was once the famous capital of the Shu kingdom in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Abe appealed: "The Three Kingdoms (China, Japan and South Korea) are not the Wei, Wu, and Shu of the Three Kingdoms era, and they are not a strife relationship."

We hope to work together to build a 'new era of the Three Kingdoms'. Indeed, Japan and China are not in contention, and even former Japanese Prime Minister Shigeru Haneda insists that he is a descendant of China. This is not an empty phrase, and it also begins with Qin Shi Huang sending Xu Fudong to Japan to find elixirs.

Descendants of Xu Fu

Japan's "Sankei Shimbun" once said: "China and Japan not only have the same species, but also have the same lineage." According to Chinese and Japanese rumors, after the founding emperor of the Qin Dynasty unified China, in order to be able to live forever, he searched for elixirs everywhere, at this time, Xu Fu, the imperial physician of Qin Shi Huang and a famous alchemist of the Qin Dynasty, wrote to say that there were three immortal mountains in the sea: Penglai, Abbot and Yingzhou.

The Japanese prime minister, who claims to be a descendant of China, wore a Zhongshan suit to recognize his ancestors in China and was ousted from power within 64 days

There are gods and immortals living in it, there must be immortal Bulwark, blindly thinking that the immortal Qin Shi Huang believed it to be true, so he sent Xu Fu to lead more than 3,000 virgin boys and girls to cross to Japan to find immortal Bulaodan, but after arriving in Japan for a long time, Xu Fu, who had no results and did not dare to return without success, simply stayed in Japan.

At this time, Japan is still in the Stone Age, that is, the primitive era, the local Japanese still knotted rope memories, retain the most primitive way of life, Xu Fu stayed in the local education of the people, Japan's "Miyashita Fuji Ancient Documents" on Xu Fu came to Japan a lot of records, thousands of years, the Japanese are very revered Xu Fu.

Most Japanese people now think that Xu Fu is Japan's Emperor Shenmu, japan's first emperor, and former Japanese Prime Minister Haneda Shigeru has always believed so. Haneda, the 80th prime minister of Japan, has repeatedly publicly acknowledged himself as a descendant of Xu Fu and the 65th generation of his grandson, considering himself a descendant of Chinese.

The Japanese prime minister, who claims to be a descendant of China, wore a Zhongshan suit to recognize his ancestors in China and was ousted from power within 64 days

In interviews with the outside world and inside Japan, he bluntly said that he was a descendant of Xu Fu's entourage who traveled east to Japan during the Qin Dynasty in China to find the elixir of immortality for Qin Shi Huang, saying: "My ancestor's surname is Qin, as a descendant of Xu Fu, I feel very proud."

As for why he is now not surnamed Qin but surnamed Haneda, Haneda Zi said that his ancestors came to Japan with Xu Fu, and in the Warring States period of Japan, they were the second boss of Nagano Prefecture, and later committed suicide for various reasons, so his ancestors' family and descendants gave up the "Qin" surname and changed their surname to "Haneda".

Prime Minister in february

Haneda Has always been committed to the development of relations with China, and is one of the few "pro-China factions" among japan's successive prime ministers, and Haneda says that he is willing to do whatever is related to China. Haneda's words and deeds were opposed by Japan's right-wing forces, which always maintained a tough attitude toward China, and because of this, the Haneda cabinet was impeached and removed from power after only 64 days in power, becoming the shortest-serving prime minister in Japanese history.

Even after Haneda was impeached and stepped down, he still adhered to his life creed, devoted himself to promoting the friendly development of Sino-Japanese relations, and never backed down to compromise, so even after stepping down, he was still suppressed by Japanese right-wingers for a long time. Haneda has always had a Chinese plot and still maintains a record of visiting China at least 4 times a year.

Wear a mountain suit

Haneda Not only worships his ancestor Xu Fu, but also prefers Chinese culture and loves to eat Chinese food in Zhongshan costumes. He told reporters many times that my ancestors were Chinese, which I do not deny, I do not believe that you can see the Zhongshan suit I wear. China is rich in historical materials and numerous classics.

The Japanese prime minister, who claims to be a descendant of China, wore a Zhongshan suit to recognize his ancestors in China and was ousted from power within 64 days

But there are very few records of Xu Fu, after all, it is only a small alchemist of the Qin Dynasty, who has made little contribution to history, and it is not possible to go on forever by crossing Japan to find immortal medicine, but The study of Xu Fu in Japan is quite deep, there is a Xu Fu Association in Japan that specializes in Xu Fu culture, and Haneda Zi was also the president of the Xu Fu Association in Japan.

He said that more than two thousand years ago, Xu Fu brought agriculture, handicrafts and iron smelting technology to Japan, which promoted the development of Japan, and the Japanese people are grateful to him. He also specifically mentioned that he had been to Xufu Village in China and liked to eat Chinese food, especially xufu village meals.

At present, the right-leaning forces in Japan are becoming more and more serious, and in order to express his ideas and ideas, Haneda Always wears a Nakayama suit to attend various meetings and venues. Zhongshan suits are rarely worn in China today, but there are dozens of Zhongshan suits in Haneda's home.

Haneda thought he was very proud to wear a Nakayama suit, and he proudly boasted that he had worn a Nakayama suit to attend the national meeting and meet the emperor, which could not find a second person in Japan.

Confess your ancestors

Haneda not only pays lip service to himself as a descendant of Chinese, but even goes to China at least four times a year, a record that has not been broken among the japanese prime ministers, who not only visited China many times, but also visited Xu Fu's hometown twice, and recognized his ancestors in the local area.

The Japanese prime minister, who claims to be a descendant of China, wore a Zhongshan suit to recognize his ancestors in China and was ousted from power within 64 days

The first time he came to Xu Fu's hometown in Ganyu County, Jiangsu Province, was in June 2002, when Haneda Zi came to China with his young son, and with the help of Chinese friends, he traveled many times to come to Xu Fu's hometown in Ganyu, and was warmly received by the local mayor, and the local citizens also welcomed Haneda Zi to come here to recognize his ancestors. Accompanied by local officials and others, Haneda Zi came to Xu Fu Temple to pay respects.

The trip was specially arranged by Haneda Toshi to find and sacrifice his ancestor, Xu Fu. After the visit, he also splashed ink, wrote down the words "Xu Fu, the ancestor of Japan-China friendship", and personally planted a ginkgo tree to show friendly relations with China.

After coming to Xufu Village, the local villagers were very excited, the scene of greeting Haneda Zi was really a gong and drum, firecrackers were fired in unison, Haneda Zi was also very excited, walked into the villagers and local villagers to talk together, and said that he and the villagers are xu Fu's descendants. After a gap of five years, Haneda Came to Ganyu again. Participated in a series of activities about Xu Fu organized by the local Xu Fu Temple, and accompanied by local leaders, went to the square where Xu Fu statue was built to present flower baskets to Xu Fu Statue, and after participating in the Xu Fu Festival series of activities, the unveiling ceremony of the Stone Carving of The Haneda Zi Inscription was also held.

Tracing back to the roots, falling leaves back to the roots, first of all, "returning" to the eternal and unchanging feelings in the heart, it condenses the nostalgia of countless wandering wanderers at home and abroad, and is also the highest realm of life pursued by literati and inkers. Fallen leaves are not heartless, but turn into spring mud and stronger roots.

The fallen leaves fall into mud, and the fragrance of the leaves is the same. Fallen leaves need to be returned to the roots, solidify the foundation with a strong foundation, gather the soul with condensation, and promote beauty with great virtue to inspire life. The yellowed calendar tells the story of the years, time is passing, the fallen leaves must eventually return to the roots, born as a human being, and can not forget the original.

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