
Why was Cheng Blind awarded the rank of lieutenant general and Li Yunlong only received the rank of major general?

Cheng granted the rank of lieutenant general, which made Li Yunlong very dissatisfied. Because Li Yunlong is just a major general. When the Battle of Lijiapo was fought, Li Yunlong said: Let you 772 Regiment see how our independent regiment fought. I think how Lao Tzu taught the blind man to fight a gun now how to teach him to fight. It was obvious that Li Yunlong did not take Cheng Blind seriously.

Later, Li Yunlong said to political commissar Zhao Gang: Look at the blind 772 regiment of Cheng and be coaxed. That is to say, the 772 Regiment has always been the object of Comparison by Li Yunlong, and Li Yunlong is comparing himself with the blind man of Cheng.

Why was Cheng Blind awarded the rank of lieutenant general and Li Yunlong only received the rank of major general?

So is Li Yunlong really more cattle than Cheng Blind? This is not the case. Chen Geng's 386th Brigade was formed on the red fourth front,especially considering that Chen Geng had held important positions in the red fourth front and was able to control these thorn heads.

When the 386th Brigade was first formed, there were only 771 regiments and 772 regiments. These two were organized on the side of the National Government, and they could also be paid by the leader, at the end of 1937.

Why was Cheng Blind awarded the rank of lieutenant general and Li Yunlong only received the rank of major general?

The new regiment was formed in early 1939, and Li Yunlong may have been the first regimental commander. The independent regiment may be formed a little later, so the foundation is also relatively thin.

But whether it was a new regiment or an independent regiment, these troops were not recognized by the National Government, which is often referred to as the Pheasant Regiment. During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the Japanese often said that Tuba Road almost referred to such an army.

Why was Cheng Blind awarded the rank of lieutenant general and Li Yunlong only received the rank of major general?

Cheng's blind 772nd Regiment was not at all inferior, and the Shentouling Ambush In March 1938 was a battle mainly launched by the 772nd Regiment, which destroyed 1500 Japanese troops at the cost of 240 casualties. The later ambush battle in Qiqi Village was also mainly launched by the 772nd Regiment, which can be said to be outstanding.

When the 772nd Regiment achieved these merits, Li Yunlong was most likely no more than a deputy regimental commander. When Li Yunlong was the commander of the regiment, the 772nd Regiment drew out some cadres and veterans to help him form an army.

Why was Cheng Blind awarded the rank of lieutenant general and Li Yunlong only received the rank of major general?

It should be said that Cheng's blind qualifications are older than Li Yunlong's, otherwise he would not have been able to serve as the leader of the main regiment. Of course, Cheng Blind is likely to be Li Yunlong's comrade-in-arms, all of whom came from the Red Fourth Front.

Li Yunlong is always squeezing Cheng Blind, which is obviously made up in the novel. In order to highlight Li Yunlong, the novel will deliberately belittle Cheng Blind. In fact, Cheng's blind military command ability is not worse than Li Yunlong's, but the novel always highlights the protagonist.

Why was Cheng Blind awarded the rank of lieutenant general and Li Yunlong only received the rank of major general?

It is generally awarded to lieutenant general during the Red Army period, and it is obvious that Li Yunlong was a regimental commander during the Red Army period. But this regimental commander was also eliminated many times because of his mistakes, and it was not bad to finally be able to give a major general.

In fact, when awarding military ranks, there are more factors to consider. First of all. All field armies and all aspects of the Red Army must be balanced, and a comprehensive assessment should be conducted not only in terms of their duties during the Red Army period, but also during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the War of Liberation, plus their military achievements on real topics.

Why was Cheng Blind awarded the rank of lieutenant general and Li Yunlong only received the rank of major general?

For example, Su Yu served as the chief of staff of the regiment during the Red Army period, and commanded the Huaihai Campaign during the Liberation War, and it was no problem to award the marshal to the general, but in the end it was only given to the general. Pi Dingjun was only a battalion commander during the Red Army period, but he had outstanding achievements during the War of Resistance Against Japan and the War of Liberation, and he was awarded the title of lieutenant general.

Li Yunlong was originally a dirt bun and never took advantage of a guy who never suffered losses. He certainly hoped to be able to confer the rank of lieutenant general on himself, but he could not exert any influence on such a thing at all, and in the end he could only accept it honestly.

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