
Arenas: I've pulled a gun in front of my teammates before, and a lot of players carry guns

Arenas: I've pulled a gun in front of my teammates before, and a lot of players carry guns

Live Bar January 9 News Recently, Arenas made a guest appearance on a show, which talked about the gun-holding incident that year.

Reporters said Crittanton was carrying a loaded gun. Arenas responded, "It was a very small gun, and I told him to take that thing away." ”

When asked why we were carrying a gun, Arenas replied: "We all do this, it may be difficult for the outside world to believe that there is a gun that can be used in the locker room, it can be said to be right but it can be said to be wrong, because the stadium is safer than our home, and the nightclub is in the city, the arena is also in the city green, we have a high chance of being stopped with a gun on the road, where the security is not as good as the stadium, so the players usually drive to the stadium to put the gun there, and then go to the nightclub and then go back to the nightclub to get the gun home." ”

Arenas added: "A lot of players are like that, but I won't say names. I have paintball guns and BB guns in my dressing room. I've drawn a gun in front of my teammates before, and a lot of players carry guns. When I was a rookie they tried to throw me in a bucket and I rushed home to get my gun and joked to them, 'Fuck me again' and they me again. ”

Arenas made 552 career regular-season appearances, averaging 20.7 points, 3.9 rebounds, 5.3 assists and 1.6 steals per game.

(Grade 5)

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