
"Burning the Yuanmingyuan", why did one of the largest royal gardens disappear?

Mention the Yuanmingyuan believe that many people know, it is a symbol of a generation of history, today's Yuanmingyuan only has some ruins and broken walls, this is the price of backwardness, today we will take a look at the history of this garden.

"Burning the Yuanmingyuan", why did one of the largest royal gardens disappear?

Located in the northwestern suburbs of Beijing, the Yuanmingyuan was first built in the 46th year of the Kangxi Dynasty, after five generations of emperors of the Qing Dynasty, and spent more than 150 years concentrating many skilled craftsmen to establish an imperial garden.

"Burning the Yuanmingyuan", why did one of the largest royal gardens disappear?

But it was such a garden that witnessed one of the worst destruction operations of the Qing Dynasty, in October 1860, the French invaders in the Anglo-French coalition first broke into the garden for a crazy robbery, they could take it all, entered the garden empty-handed, and when they came out, every soldier was filled with all kinds of treasures, and then the British invaders also went in, filled their pockets with treasures, and the treasures they could not take away were smashed. In order not to let others know of their crimes, he set fire to the garden.

"Burning the Yuanmingyuan", why did one of the largest royal gardens disappear?

The story of the garden did not end in 1900, when the Eight-Nation Alliance entered the garden again and once again set fire to the remaining buildings in the garden.

"Burning the Yuanmingyuan", why did one of the largest royal gardens disappear?

A magnificent, palatial royal garden has fallen, the reason why this garden will experience this catastrophe, in fact, all should be attributed to the rulers at that time, blindly closed to the country, our people are prosperous, but how can the flesh and blood withstand the guns and cannons of those invaders, the country is now prosperous, no one dares to bully us is because our country's national strength has become stronger, the weapons are advanced, who dares to bully us?

"Burning the Yuanmingyuan", why did one of the largest royal gardens disappear?

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