
Empress Dowager Cixi's three strange rules for taking the train frightened the driver into wanting to run home

Today's interesting history xiaobian brings you a story about Empress Dowager Cixi taking the train, welcome to read Oh~

As the last feudal dynasty in China, the strength of the Qing Dynasty after so many years of feudal rule was far from the strength of the countries of the world at that time, and after experiencing prosperity and decline, the power of the Qing Dynasty came to Cixi. Only after being hurt did I know the development, in the Qing Dynasty period, there have been modern industries into me, the train for the Qing Dynasty is a new product of this era.

Empress Dowager Cixi's three strange rules for taking the train frightened the driver into wanting to run home

In fact, the train had entered China in the early 20th century, and the conservative Qing Dynasty's de facto controller had also taken the train, and when she first took the train, she set three very strange rules that made the train driver on duty at that time want to cry without tears.

At that time Cixi wanted to go to Shenyang to worship the ancestors to know that the distance from Beijing to Shenyang is not far, if you take a carriage, the road is far away, the road is still very bumpy, at that time there were officials who proposed, it is better to take the train to go, Cixi reluctantly agreed after several considerations, and finally the Ministry of Internal Affairs began to take care of this matter, the imperial family of the Qing Dynasty took yellow as the color of honor, the Ministry of Internal Affairs ordered people to dye all the locomotives yellow, in order to ensure the safety of travel, Cixi also ordered people to drive this train from Beijing to Shenyang back and forth several times, But do you think that's the end of it?

Empress Dowager Cixi's three strange rules for taking the train frightened the driver into wanting to run home

The three stipulations made by Cixi made the train drivers at that time want to cry without tears, and they almost wanted to jump into the river. What a laughing dead man!

The first strange rule, who gets on the bus first? Friends who have taken the train know that this is naturally the driver and the attendant go up first to get ready, but Cixi herself is honored, how can anyone get on the train before her? Therefore, before leaving, the order: all the drivers and flight attendants on the car get off the car first and kneel in line to greet Cixi, and wait for Cixi to get on the car after the driver and the attendant get on the car, although this provision is strange, but if it is in trouble, it will not kill people, and the next two provisions simply make the driver frightened and want to run home.

Empress Dowager Cixi's three strange rules for taking the train frightened the driver into wanting to run home

The second is who will drive? You know, in ancient times, men and women were very strict, the eunuchs who served in the Cixi harem were eunuchs, but the drivers of the trains were all men, and at that time, officials proposed that it was better to let these train drivers clean up, scaring all the drivers almost to strike. Finally, combined, the train drivers put on the clothes of eunuchs before giving up.

Empress Dowager Cixi's three strange rules for taking the train frightened the driver into wanting to run home

The third provision is a question of who sits and who stands. Cixi admitted that how could those drivers who served his father be honorable be able to sit? So along the way, these drivers could only stand and drive the train the whole time, but did not dare to sit down secretly, and Cixi sent eunuchs to watch the whole time. These three strange rules could make the train drivers at that time cry without tears, but fortunately, cixi did not travel by train much after that.

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