
January 10 Monday The eighth day of December What are the auspicious zodiac signs?

The traditional yellow calendar system is the academic achievement of the sages to observe the heavens and the earth, and it is also a concrete manifestation of the unity of heaven and man. On Monday, January 10, the eighth day of the first month of the twelfth month of the lunar calendar, the combination of dry branches is the xin ugly year xin ugly moon dechai day, decoction water is the essence of rain and dew, pregnant with vitality, born in the ugly moon in winter, official protection, easy to get the help of nobles, division commander to carry, career development. Tiangan Xinjin reveals the moon dry, the Indian star is helpful, it is advisable to recognize the direction, be proactive, and be suitable for internal communication, help dredging, and job application. At the end of the sixty kosai, he avoided litigation and taboos about marriage. Under such a combination, which genus is auspicious today?

January 10 Monday The eighth day of December What are the auspicious zodiac signs?

First of all, the sheep is auspicious. The ungoat hides the fire, gentle and elegant, full of enthusiasm, located in the Kun Palace, five lines of earth, thick and inclusive. Born in the cold and ugly months, the food wounds are thoroughly dried, which is conducive to showing talents, overcoming difficulties, and developing careers. On the day of the decoction, the wealth star is thoroughly dried, and the earth and the sea are not compatible, which is conducive to outward expansion, wealth acquisition, teamwork and construction.

January 10 Monday The eighth day of December What are the auspicious zodiac signs?

Second, Yin Hu is auspicious. The tiger is brave and bold, and has an enterprising spirit, which is directly related to its five lines of wood and its position in the Gong Palace. Born in the cold and ugly months, the official star is revealed, which is conducive to the advancement of work, investment profits, and work advancement. On the day of the decay, the water body of the heavenly dry decoction is conducive to the help of nobles and the implementation of the plan, and the integration of the earth and the yinhai is conducive to team building, communication and coordination, and ideological sorting.

January 10 Monday The eighth day of December What are the auspicious zodiac signs?

Third, the rabbit is auspicious. The rabbit is delicate and easy-going, and is good at communication, which is directly related to its position in the Earthquake Palace and the five lines of wood. Born in the cold winter and ugly months, the official star Xin Jin revealed, which is conducive to career development, work advancement, wealth acquisition, and career success. On the day of the decay, the water vapor is exuberant, the indian star reveals the dry sky, and the earth branches and the sea are combined, which is conducive to learning progress, noble people helping each other, plan implementation, and organizational construction.

Note: This article is published one day in advance.

January 10 Monday The eighth day of December What are the auspicious zodiac signs?

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