
Basking in the Spring Breeze March 21-27 Next week luck knows early

The root of our traditional culture is the unity of heaven and man, emphasizing the harmonious unity of man and nature. In the next week, the sky is still running in the spring equinox, the wood is rising, with the warmth of the spring wind, everything is also accelerating the recovery, it is the time to show our talents, let us live up to the good season, plan in advance. Let's take a look at the horoscope of the next week from March 21 to 27 from the perspective of the traditional yellow calendar, and what do we need to pay special attention to?

Basking in the Spring Breeze March 21-27 Next week luck knows early

Monday, March 21, the 19th day of the 19th month of the lunar calendar

Dry decanoate water, the attribute is yin, born in the decoction month, the state is not good, it is advisable to be open-minded and introverted, and to remain stable. It is not advisable to rush to do things in a hurry. We must walk with the times, seek advantages and avoid harms, and do not be reckless and impulsive. It is not appropriate to cooperate with others, celebrate parties, investment transactions, career expansion, opening and construction, long-distance moving, etc. We must be open-minded and tolerant, take the overall situation into consideration, and beware of changes in behavior, conflicts and injuries, and losses. The zodiac signs are rabbits, chickens and dogs, and it is advisable to be firm and quiet, and to be cautious.

Tuesday, March 22, the 20th day of the 20th lunar month

Sun dry nail wood, the attribute is yang, born in the month of decay, should be open-minded and peaceful, maintain steady, should not rush out. It is suitable for sorting out preparations, financial management, planning and planning, learning and self-examination, etc. Sit down on the fortune star, plan carefully when things happen, and choose the opportunity. It is advisable to take into account the overall situation, communicate harmoniously, avoid high-profile arbitrariness, and beware of lawsuits and tongues, money and injuries, and right and wrong things. The zodiac signs are easy to contradict between dragons, sheep and chickens, and it is necessary to maintain caution and control risks.

Basking in the Spring Breeze March 21-27 Next week luck knows early

Wednesday, March 23, the 21st day of the 21st lunar month of the lunar calendar

Nichigan Otogi, the attribute is yin, soft and delicate, born in the spring equinox, to be bright and frank, to maintain concentration, it is not appropriate to rush to do things. We must keep the right path, aim for the long term, do not take advantage of the opportunity, and only seek profits. It is better to distinguish between good and evil, to seek advantage and avoid harm, to avoid litigation, gambling, marriage and marriage, and other things, and to beware of being stolen and lost, being deceived, and being deceived by lawsuits. The zodiac sign is easy to contradict the snake, monkey and pig, and it is advisable to keep it firm and cautious.

Thursday, March 24, the twenty-second day of the lunar month of February

Sun dry and fire, the attribute is yang, the image of authority, born in the spring, easy to get the help of nobles, conducive to the display of talents, and smooth behavior. It is advisable to adapt to local conditions, focus on goals, and be proactive. It is suitable for meeting the teacher, cooperation and exchange, career expansion, financial management, learning and planning, etc. Officials and stars are thorough, they must be open-minded and harmonious, and strive to improve themselves. If the fire is too strong, it is forbidden to build or repair the kitchen, stove, etc. The zodiac signs are easy to block horses, rabbits and sheep, so be more careful.

Basking in the Spring Breeze March 21-27 Next week luck knows early

Friday, March 25, the twenty-third day of the second month of the lunar calendar

Sun dry Ding fire, the attribute is yin, there is the image of civilization, born in the month of decay, it is advisable to be open-minded and calm, stable and quiet, and it is not appropriate to do great things. In order to take precautions, we must take precautions, advance and retreat reasonably, and do not rush to achieve quick success. The official star is thoroughly dry, and Ding Huo sits in the place of the tomb, and it is necessary to stay away from right and wrong, it is not appropriate to cooperate and exchange, career expansion, and financial management, and avoid construction and burial. Beware of officials not fighting, breaking money and hurting, etc. The zodiac signs are easy to be entangled in sheep, horses and dogs, and it is necessary to remain calm and cautious to avoid harm.

Saturday, March 26, the twenty-fourth day of the second month of the lunar calendar

Sun dry penta soil, the attribute is yang, born in the spring of the year of Nongyin, the benefit of the time, easy to win support, conducive to harvesting progress, act smoothly, it is advisable to recognize the direction, careful planning. It is suitable for visiting the elders, dredging friendship, exchange and consultation, business and wealth, career expansion, job application, study examination, etc. Fortune star is dry and fit, open-minded and humble, and maintain harmony. Penta soil is thoroughly dried, avoid buying land and real estate. The zodiac sign is a monkey and a snake, and it is necessary to remain vigilant.

Basking in the Spring Breeze March 21-27 Next week luck knows early

Sunday, March 27, the twenty-fifth day of the second month of the lunar calendar

The sun is dry in its own soil, the attribute is yin, good at planning, born in the spring moon of decay, the wealth star is dry, it is easy to get the help of noble people, which is conducive to the implementation of the plan and the expansion of the cause. It is advisable to be open-minded and humble, adapt to the times, and make a good plan. It is suitable for visiting the elders, asking for help and dredging, cooperation and exchange, job application, business expansion, publicity and training, study and planning, etc. Sit down on the official star, see the sages, often think insufficiently, and avoid rushing to achieve results. The zodiac sign is easy to be entangled in rats, dragons and rats, and it is necessary to take precautions.

Summary: The way of all benefits, with the times. Heaven and time are a manifestation of law, and we can only have good harvests if we conform to nature. Overall, this week's Thursday March 24, Saturday March 26 and Sunday March 27 these three days of luck is better, but the auspicious are relative, friends still have to combine the actual situation, make arrangements.

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