
Why did Ming Yingzong kill Yu Qian?

Why did Ming Yingzong kill Yu Qian?

In 1449, the fourteenth year of Ming Yingzong's orthodoxy, just 81 years after the establishment of the Ming Dynasty, under the charm of the eunuch Wang Zhen, In September of this year, Ming Yingzong Zhu Qizhen led a 500,000-strong northern expedition, including the three battalions of the most elite troops of the Ming Dynasty.

As a result, under the blind command of Wang Zheng, almost the entire army was destroyed, and 66 ministers such as Shangshu Kuang Ye and Hubu Shangshu Wang Zuo were killed in battle, Wang Zhen was also killed by the angry crowd, and the most tragic thing was that even Emperor Zhu Qizhen was captured by the Wala people.

The Wala people took advantage of this great victory and led the iron horse to the south, and for a time the biggest crisis of the Ming Dynasty since the founding of the Country appeared, and if it was not good, the country would be destroyed, and for a time the whole Daming was in turmoil.

Many of the ministers who remained in the capital advocated moving the capital, but moving the capital meant losing a large area of territory in the north, which would become the Eastern Jin Dynasty or the Southern Song Dynasty, and may even directly lead to the complete destruction of the country.

At the moment of life and death, a voice shouted loudly, advocating that those who moved south should be killed, and the person who said this was Yu Qian, who was now a soldier waiter, and this sharp rebuke was extremely similar to the scene many years ago.

Why did Ming Yingzong kill Yu Qian?

Hard stubble in humility

The Ming Dynasty is a very important era of the imperial examination, reading this matter, since the beginning of the Ming Dynasty, has become a ruler of Chinese society, no matter what it is examined, how to test, the examination system is a talent screening machine, he can screen out the diligent and intelligent in the crowd.

Born in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, Yu Qian, the family ancestors also served as officials, although his father did not live in his life, but it is a typical cultivation and reading family, from less than Qian to read hard, inspiration to become a person who serves the country.

In the nineteenth year of Yongle, Yu Qian entered the military in the examination and entered the career path from then on, and Yu Qian's honesty and courage to speak out also gave the emperor a deep impression, so he gave a position that was very suitable for him, Yushi.

Why did Ming Yingzong kill Yu Qian?

Ancient imperial history is an official position with a long history, the role is to supervise hundreds of officials, such a position, the general oily tongue people can not do, the will is not firm can not do, after all, the work is to offend people.

However, Yu Qian did a good job in this post, and also "became famous in the First World War", which is to scold Zhu Gaoxu, which became a good story in history, when Yu Qian followed Zhu Zhanji on the imperial conquest, and soon Zhu Gaoxu surrendered.

As a result, Yu Qian was ordered to read out Zhu Gaoxu's guilt, which was supposed to be just a procedural work, but yu Qian did not expect that Yu Qian had made a high degree, Yu Qian's voice was like Hong Zhong, righteous words, and zhu Gaoxu, who had actually licked the head of the knife for decades, was trembling.

Yu Qian was a very upright person, during Wang Zhen's reign, the magistrate went into Kyoto to give him gifts, but Yu Qian just wouldn't send it, and wang Zheng, who was angry, wanted to cure this hard bone well, and as a result, he did not expect that there were many people who explained clearly for Yu Qian, and even Wang Zheng did not expect that Yu Qian, who seemed to be ordinary, could actually get so many people to appreciate, so he did not find Yu Qian trouble again.

Yu Qian was able to do such a thing at that time, and he could see that he was a person who could adhere to his ideals and beliefs, and as long as he thought it was right, he would definitely insist on it, no matter what kind of difficulties he encountered.

Why did Ming Yingzong kill Yu Qian?

Fierce Man Wang Zhen

What kind of person in the official arena is the most hateful, corrupt officials are not the most hateful, the most hateful is the person who collects money and does not do things, and still messes things up, Wang Zhen is a typical villain image, and he is also a eunuch, which is in line with all our imaginations about bad eunuchs.

Wang Zhen is a fierce character, originally a fallen xiucai, teaching in a private school, in ancient times, but anyone who could read, the family was at least a well-off condition, but Wang Zhen felt that his life like this was completely hopeless, and he could not be rich and noble.

The so-called wealth and wealth are in danger, and what changes the fate is a recruitment notice in the palace, the content is very simple, recruiting knowledgeable people, and asking the palace eunuch to read and write.

Wang Zhen's level is average, it is reasonable to say that the palace personnel to find a teacher, how to say that it must be a national selection, the best of the best, but because this job treatment is too rich, it is a package to eat and live.

Why did Ming Yingzong kill Yu Qian?

That said that the bag eats and lives he is not fragrant, the key is that the place to live is too good, this bag to eat and live directly in the palace, so if you want to apply for this beautiful job, you must become a eunuch.

For the sake of glory and wealth, for the sake of Guangzong Yaozu, this is Wang Zhen's true thoughts, and many of Wang Zhen's later abnormal behaviors are related to his original grand ideals.

As soon as the eyes were closed, the heart was horizontal, the knife went down, and from then on, it was clean, and Wang Zhen also successfully entered the palace, also teaching, changing places, and the future was unlimited.

There are many people who castrated themselves in the Ming Dynasty, everyone sees the advantages of being a eunuch, close to the emperor, it is possible to obtain the highest power, Wang Zheng is very clear in his heart, with many years of experience mixed into the bottom of society and compared with the blind group of the palace Chinese, Mr. Wang's cultural level is still relatively high.

Why did Ming Yingzong kill Yu Qian?

In the end, Wang Zhen and the little emperor Zhu Qizhen hooked up with each other, which is what Wang Zhen dreamed of, if it is an ordinary person, it is very satisfying to do this step, become the most powerful eunuch, be a mighty eunuch, what to do, and even marry the most beautiful palace girl (about whether the conditions for marriage after becoming a eunuch are still beautiful, this is really not known), in a word, the Ming Dynasty wants to do whatever he wants.

However, Wang Zhen had read books for several years, and he pretended that he was not an ordinary person, and he must leave his name in history and vigorously encourage Zhu Qizhen's Northern Expedition, so that he Wang Zhen could also realize his ideal of commanding thousands of troops and horses.

The most hateful of the bad guys is Wang Zhen, the bad things that have a great impact, the entire Ming Dynasty hundreds of thousands of elite troops were wiped out, dozens of important ministers were killed, the emperor was captured, it didn't matter if he died himself, pulling Daming to accompany him to the funeral, this is too hateful.

Why did Ming Yingzong kill Yu Qian?

Defense of Beijing

The Ming Dynasty has always had the saying that tianzi guards the gate of the country, open the map and you will find that Beijing's geographical location is really too far north, especially in ancient times, it was completely the front line of nomadic and agricultural battles, the change of tumu fort spread to Beijing, leaving little time for Daming, and the army of Walla will soon be fighting.

Yu Qian, as a soldier's attendant, resolutely opposed the relocation of the capital, and was obliged to shoulder the defense system of the capital, he had to face the charge of hundreds of thousands of iron horses of the Wallachians not long after, and the main force of the Ming army was lost in the recent Battle of Tumu Fort.

Yu Qian is the kind of person who must do it if he is determined, but Yu Qian is not a hard worker, and there must be means to have determination, and at this moment in Beijing and Daming, one thing is more important than defending the city, that is, there must be a new emperor.

Why did Ming Yingzong kill Yu Qian?

The country can not be a day without a master, after Zhu Qi town was captured, although not dead, but the emperor in the hands of others, how to fight this battle, when Zhu Di rebelled, the famous defender Tie Xuan only hung the name of Emperor Taizu Hongwu to the head of the city, Zhu Di did not dare to fight the city wall, now the emperor is in the hands of others, there must be a new emperor, otherwise this battle can not be fought at all.

Yu Qian, as the actual supreme person in charge of the capital at that time, finally consulted with the empress dowager to make Zhu Qizhen's younger brother Zhu Qiyu the emperor, so that the trump card in the hands of the Wallachians was suddenly worthless, and the possibility that the later defense of Beijing would win the victory, and also laid the groundwork for Yu Qian's future killing.

This is a feat in the history of Chinese warfare, Yu Qian does not have many cards in his hand, although the Qinwang troops everywhere are already starry and night, but it is really the time of decisive battle, and everyone's hearts are hanging.

Why did Ming Yingzong kill Yu Qian?

In ancient times, all the big cities must have been high and strong walls, using a small number of people and horses to defend against the enemy invasion, when Zhu Di rebelled, it was precisely by relying on the incomparable strength of the city of Beijing that it was not taken by The troops of Emperor Jianwen, otherwise history would have to be rewritten.

In the battle to defend the city, if properly guarded, there was still a glimmer of hope in the face of a powerful enemy, but Yu Qian made a decision that made everyone drop their jaws, and all the troops were listed outside beijing, and those who dared to retreat like a city pool would not be spared.

Yu Qianmo is not crazy, at this moment he is possessed by the God of War, it is Xiang Yu's broken cauldron, it is Han Xin's backwater array, this battle must be won, otherwise Daming will be finished.

Yu Qian did not hide in the city, and when he saw whoever retreated, he clicked a knife, but left the north gate with the heaviest defensive task to himself, and the other guards stood outside the city and directly faced the fierce Mongol cavalry.

The Walla was a branch of Mongolia, and they all remembered that it was once the capital of the Yuan Dynasty, and in their hearts, Mongolia had never died, they had just left Beijing.

In the face of such a fierce army, under the firm belief and effective command of The Beijing Defense, the defense of Beijing was victorious, and the Ming Army, so nakedly resisting the onslaught of the northern cavalry, did not flinch, because behind them were their relatives, their glory, and their everything.

The Wala people couldn't understand how the main force of the Ming army not long ago was like a lamb to be slaughtered, how now the lambs had all become fierce tigers, what they didn't know was that the general had changed, and everything was different.

Why did Ming Yingzong kill Yu Qian?

Legendary Zhu Qizhen

The Wallachians left unwillingly, and his commander was also angry to death, and what he had to do at the moment was to immediately kill the completely useless Zhu QiZhen and relieve the hatred in his heart.

But what I didn't expect was that Ye Xian's younger brother actually interceded for Zhu Qizhen, so as a prisoner, Zhu Qizhen actually survived, as a former emperor, living in Zhu qi town in a cold place, like the second emperor of Hui Qin, you must know that they all died in the land outside the Sai.

Zhu Qizhen this person is very special, traditional Chinese politics, in fact, does not need the emperor to have a high ability, Zhu Qizhen belongs to such a person, the ability is not high, the heart is not bad, can be around the people friendly, if this is an ordinary colleague, it must be a group favorite, but as an emperor, he too sincerely believe in the people around him, this is a fatal shortcoming.

Zhu Qizhen seems to have a magical power, when he is in adversity, let the people around him be willing to help him, in the cold place, such a burden, or the former emperor of the dead rival Daming, Zhu Qizhen is actually alive and well, it is a miracle.

Why did Ming Yingzong kill Yu Qian?

More magical places are still behind, why rulers like Confucianism, because Confucianism is very face-saving, etiquette- and benevolent, you can say that it has opened its face, and it is full of male thieves and female prostitutes, but what is interesting is that this seemingly unimportant face must be there for Daming.

The Southern Song Dynasty failed to return to Hui Qin Erzong, that is, the Southern Song Court was incompetent, the Ming Dynasty could not do so, although the new emperor Zhu Qiyu was very reluctant, but the face still had to pass, so it sent a very low-level official to deal with how to bring Zhu Qiyu back.

No one expected that this would actually happen, but Zhu Qi Town, who returned to Daming again, could not be happy at all, and he would definitely not die in Vala, but in this palace, it was not necessarily.

Sure enough, there was no flesh and blood affection in front of the imperial power, and Zhu Qiyu hated that he could not kill Zhu Qizhen immediately, but he still wanted face, and this former emperor was locked up in a desolate nangong.

This pass is 7 years, 7 years is a long time, a lot of things have happened, the most important thing is that Zhu Qiyu has actually been alive, which for many careerists, this is the same as Wang Zhen's knife to himself, it is a shortcut to glory and wealth.

Why did Ming Yingzong kill Yu Qian?

Yu Qian must die

Zhu Qiyu has been living very comfortably for eight years, except for one thing, that is, his brother Zhu Qizhen has always been alive, although the eunuch palace ladies in the palace have already treated this emperor in the most harsh way, and they almost stabbed directly with a knife, but after all, face is still needed, so Zhu Qizhen has always been alive.

Unfortunately, Zhu Qiyu was almost unable to bear it, it is reasonable to say that Zhu Qizhen was a prisoner, and his health should be worse, but it may be that the harsh living conditions and the life of pure heart and widowhood in these years have made Zhu Qizhen's health have always been very good.

In the eighth year of Jingtai, Zhu Qiyu suddenly fell ill, and several careerists, led by Xu Youzhen, jointly launched a palace coup d'état with Zhu Qizhen, which was also more dramatic and funny to say, and actually took advantage of Zhu Qiyu's illness to release Zhu Qizhen, stand on the top of the court, and declare that it was restored.

This was successful, just like Zhu Di in that year, the sneak attack was successful, and there was no point in resisting in other places, departments, and rebellion, so Zhu Qizhen magically became the emperor of the Ming Empire again after 8 years of being a prisoner.

Why did Ming Yingzong kill Yu Qian?

In fact, speaking of this, why Yu Qian was killed is already very clear, Zhu Qizhen is seizing power, not inheritance, and the logical relationship between this must be clear.

Zhu Qizhen overthrew the legitimacy of Zhu Qiyu's succession, and without acknowledging the eight years, he restored his own throne instead of inheriting Zhu Qiyu's throne.

Under such a logic, Yu Qian must die, because the person who advocated Zhu Qiyu as emperor was Yu Qian, so many people focused on Xu Youzhen, saying that he had a festival with Yu Qian, and the person who loudly rebuked Yu Qian for moving south was him.

But this is not the key to the matter, Yu Qian has merit, everyone knows this, but Yu Qian must die, he is not, Zhu Qizhen this throne is unstable, it is difficult to make sense, Xu Youzhen is bad, but killing Yu Qian, is completely a conspiracy between Zhu Qizhen and Xu Youzhen, this pot, can not let Xu Youzhen alone.

Perhaps personally, Zhu Qizhen does not hate Yu Qian, but he must die, in addition, Zhu Qiyu's dynasty, there are many people who must also die, he wants to completely deny this history, for the throne, anything can be done.

Yu Qian died, he died without complaint or regret, the defense of Beijing saved Daming, Yu Qian's oath to leave innocence in the human world was fulfilled, Qing Shi left his name iron bone Zhengzheng, this is Yu Qian, his death is completely under the imperial power, a most painful tragedy.

Why did Ming Yingzong kill Yu Qian?

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