
First in history! First in history! James set two new records in a row, and Jordan's miracle was broken

In a previously concluded game, the Lakers welcomed the Hawks at home. At the beginning of the game, the Lakers were in good shape, scoring consecutive points, and at the end of the first quarter, the Lakers led by 6 points. In the second quarter, the Eagles began to wake up, and the Lakers were a little sluggish. In the second half, while strengthening their defense, the Lakers also used rapid counterattacks to continuously score points, and soon the point difference reached double digits. In the end, the Lakers won this game with a score of 134-118 at home, successfully winning four consecutive games. By the way, four consecutive wins is the Lakers' biggest winning streak this season.

First in history! First in history! James set two new records in a row, and Jordan's miracle was broken

In the game, James played 36 minutes, shot 24 shots and hit 13 goals, cut 32 points, 9 assists, 8 rebounds, 4 steals and 3 blocks, and performed eye-catchingly. In fact, at the beginning of the game, James's performance was average, how to shoot how not, and in the last quarter, James's feel suddenly found, hitting key balls continuously. It is also because of his goals that the Lakers have always held the lead. There is no doubt that James is one of the biggest contributors to the Lakers' victory. It is worth mentioning that in the last 10 games, James has scored 30+ points in 9 games.

First in history! First in history! James set two new records in a row, and Jordan's miracle was broken

With excellent statistics for this game, James has once again set two new records. First, James's career total score reached 36170 points, ranking third in history; James's total career assists reached 9881, ranking eighth in history; James's total career steals reached 2113, ranking tenth in history. As a result, James became the only player in history to score, assist and steal in the top ten in history. That said, James is number one in history!

First in history! First in history! James set two new records in a row, and Jordan's miracle was broken

Second, in the last 10 games, James has scored 25+ points in the game, as follows: against the Bulls, 31 points; against the Suns, 34 points; against the Spurs, 36 points; against the Nets, 39 points; against the Rockets, 32 points; against the Grizzlies, 37 points; against the Trail Blazers, 43 points; against the Timberwolves, 26 points; against the Kings, 31 points; against the Eagles, 32 points. Scoring 25+ in 10 consecutive games, James, 37, became the oldest player in history to accomplish the feat, a record holder who previously held the record in 1997 when he was 34.

First in history! First in history! James set two new records in a row, and Jordan's miracle was broken

What else can be said? In James's body, there is always a kind of light that always guides countless people to move forward! At 37 years old, he can continue to write legends, so why shouldn't you be younger?

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