
The 8th Gulangyu Poetry Festival opens The New Year Poetry Festival will be seen tomorrow

The 8th Gulangyu Poetry Festival opens The New Year Poetry Festival will be seen tomorrow

■ Actor Liu Changchun, who has participated in many film and television works such as "The Gate of the Great House" and "Railway Guerrilla", led the recitation.

The wind blows the waves, and the hundred years of peering. Last night, the 8th Gulangyu Poetry Festival opened at the Gulangyu Concert Hall. As a classic case in the Chinese poetry industry, this year's poetry festival pioneered the combination of the online "Cloud Poetry Festival" and local poetry cultural activities, with the participation of hundreds of well-known poets, poetry critics and thousands of "love poets", forming a fresh and vivid cultural scene.

Gulangyu Poetry Festival is a characteristic cultural activity of Gulangyu Island, founded in 2006. This year, the poetry festival "real-time online", the online duration will be as long as 3 months, not only to hold the original poetry recitation evening, poetry academic seminar and excavate the local culture of the "Xiamen Poetry Geography", but also to link up with a number of institutions of higher learning and global netizens, at the same time to carry out the cloud poetry festival, including "cloud in the note" youth poetry collection, "cloud dialogue", "famous artists talk about poetry", "famous artists read poetry", "netizens read poetry" and other five major sections.

During the event, a seminar on "Research on the Synthesis of Modern Poetic Elements" will also be held, and dozens of Xiamen poets will have an original "Xiamen Poetry Geography" session, showing the intrinsic relationship between poetry and geographical context. On the 9th, the "Poetry Xiamen, Culture Xiamen" New Year Poetry Conference will be held, integrating poetry recitation, performance, theme music and talents.

This year's Gulangyu Poetry Festival is guided by the Chinese Writers Association and the Xiamen Municipal People's Government, and sponsored by the Gulangyu Island Management Committee, the Chinese Poetry Society and the Xiamen Municipal Federation of Literature.


Pianist Yin Chengzong plays the Yellow River Boatman's Song

Last night, a piano and a Chinese drum were placed on the stage of the Gulangyu Concert Hall, implying the history of the combination of East and West in Gulangyu Island, and opening the curtain of the original musical performance "Qinfeng Gulang • Centennial Peers".

Several Gulangyu people of different eras "met" with the audience in the poetry recitation, and the deeds of Lu Shuzhang, Lin Yutang, Lin Qiaozhi, Li Shutong, Hu Youyi, Zhong Nanshan and others were deeply understood by the audience through the recitation and performance of the actors, plus video cooperation.

When Yin Chengzong, a gulangyu native and famous pianist, appeared on the stage, the concert hall burst into applause. He created and premiered the world-famous piano concerto "Yellow River", and last night he played the first movement of "Yellow River", "Yellow River Boatman's Song".

Peking University Professor Xie Mian "Message in the Clouds"

In the evening, one of the most influential poetry awards in China, the "Rougang Poetry Award", held an award ceremony. The 29th Rougang Poetry Award and Special Honor Award was presented to Xie Mian, professor of the Department of Chinese of Peking University, the main prize of the Rougang Poetry Award was won by the poet Sun Wenbo, and Wang Jiaming won the Campus Award.

This year, the Gulangyu Poetry Festival also played a video of Xie Mian's interview. Xie Mian said that the new Chinese poetry for a hundred years and the history of Chinese poetry for a thousand years are connected, and the new poems should draw nourishment from the old poetry. He suggested that we should vigorously recommend outstanding contemporary poets and poems so that more people can read and appreciate them.

(Xiamen Evening News reporter Lin Xiaoyun)

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