
It's blown up! 29+21! 11 three-pointers in a single game! The Lakers' Splash Brothers were born...

On January 8, Beijing time, the Lakers played at home against the Eagles. Before the game began, the Lakers regularized Bradley and Reeves' unsecured contracts, and both became guaranteed contracts. Bradley averaged 6.4 points, 2.5 rebounds and 0.9 steals per game and 39.4 percent from three-point range, while Reeves averaged 5.6 points, 2.5 rebounds and 1.1 assists per game and 37 percent from three-point range.

It's blown up! 29+21! 11 three-pointers in a single game! The Lakers' Splash Brothers were born...

In the last 10 games, James has scored a total of 327 points, surpassing Jordan (317 points) and becoming the highest score in 10 consecutive games for a player over the age of 35 in the NBA. In addition to James, the Lakers have another player who has excelled — Munch, who has scored 15+ in six consecutive games. He averaged 11.6 points, 2.8 rebounds and 2.2 assists per game and 38.4 percent from three-point range.

It's blown up! 29+21! 11 three-pointers in a single game! The Lakers' Splash Brothers were born...

The Lakers are currently 20-19, ranking 6th in the West, the Hawks 17-20 and 12th in the East. The Hawks' last game against the Blazers, Trae Young scored 56 points, 4 boards and 14 assists on 17-of-26 shooting! Not only did it create a career-high score, but it also set a new NBA personal scoring record this season! What kind of performance can Trae Young play today?

It's blown up! 29+21! 11 three-pointers in a single game! The Lakers' Splash Brothers were born...

The Lakers started the game: Westbrook, Bradley, Munch, Stanley Johnson and James; The Eagles started: Trae Young, Rowayu, Bogda, Collins and Capela. The Lakers and Stanley Johnson signed another 10-day contract where the team needed his defense. Unsurprisingly, the Lakers will then renew his signing until the end of the season.

It's blown up! 29+21! 11 three-pointers in a single game! The Lakers' Splash Brothers were born...

After the game began, the Lakers blossomed in full bloom, and a wave of 15-6 stopped the Eagles. In the first quarter, the Lakers led the Hawks 34-28, bradley scored 13 points on 5-of-6 shooting, and just turned right. Munch scored 7 points on 3-of-3, and the Los Angeles Splash Brothers were born! The Hawks scored 2-of-10 from three-point range and Trae Young scored four points on 3-of-3.

It's blown up! 29+21! 11 three-pointers in a single game! The Lakers' Splash Brothers were born...

Munch exploded in the second quarter, scoring 14 points on 5-of-7 in a single quarter. The Lakers led by 19 points at one point, and after Tucker came on, the Lakers' offense struggled, and the Eagles took the opportunity to narrow the point gap. The Lakers also had problems rebounding, losing 6 22-28 and losing 3 rebounds in the frontcourt. Trae Young kept going to the basket and scored 12 points and 4 assists in a single quarter.

It's blown up! 29+21! 11 three-pointers in a single game! The Lakers' Splash Brothers were born...

At halftime, the Lakers led the Hawks by three points 64-61. Munch scored 21 points on 8-of-10 shooting, 5-of-6 from three-point range, Bradley 6-of-7, 3-of-4 from three-point range, James scored 9 points, 3 boards, 6 assists and 3 steals, Westbrook 1-of-7 with 3 points, 7 boards and 8 assists, Trae Young had 16 points and 8 assists on 5-of-111 shooting, Hult had 12 points and Capela had 8 points and 7 rebounds.

It's blown up! 29+21! 11 three-pointers in a single game! The Lakers' Splash Brothers were born...

Munch is making $1.79 million this season and Bradley is $2.64 million, which together are only $4.43 million. Yi Bian fought again, and Munch hit 2 three-pointers again. If he continues like this, Munch will get a big contract with an average salary of $20 million! By comparison, Tucker, who has made $9.5 million in salary this season, is 22-of-2 on three-pointers in his last nine games.

It's blown up! 29+21! 11 three-pointers in a single game! The Lakers' Splash Brothers were born...

There is a saying that although Tucker pulled his crotch with a three-pointer, he played a role in Trae Young's defense in this game, blowing the sheep in the third quarter and making 7 mistakes. Tucker scored 10 points in the third quarter and Anthony 8 in the quarter. At the end of the third quarter, the Lakers led by 14 points 101-87. Munch scored 7 of 10 from three in the first three quarters and scored 27 points!

It's blown up! 29+21! 11 three-pointers in a single game! The Lakers' Splash Brothers were born...

In the final quarter, James took over the game and scored 7 points in about 2 minutes! Old Zhan scored 15 points in the first three quarters, only fourth in the Lakers. The Hawks didn't take advantage of the inside today, the defense was useless, and with the three-point misalignment, there was no suspense in the game. Tucker connects James, the old Jan air to pick up the dunk, this is 37 years old?

It's blown up! 29+21! 11 three-pointers in a single game! The Lakers' Splash Brothers were born...

At the end of the game, the Lakers beat the Hawks 134-118. James shot 13-of-24 and blasted down 32 points, 8 boards, 9 assists, 4 steals and 3 blocks; Munch 29 points, 4 boards, 3 assists, 2 steals; Bradley 21 points and 6 rebounds! The two brothers' three-pointers totaled 11 of 19! Tucker had 21 points, 5 assists and 2 steals, Anthony had 17 points and 7 boards, and Westbrook had 9 points, 11 boards, 13 assists and 6 assists to leave the game.

It's blown up! 29+21! 11 three-pointers in a single game! The Lakers' Splash Brothers were born...

Munch not only has three points, but also a wonderful bonus in the last quarter! Netizens joked: The Lakers should give Munch 40 million! Hawks Trae Young 25 points, 9 boards and 14 assists, 17 consecutive games to score 25+, the first person in The Eagles' history. Collins had 21 points and 8 boards, Hult 16 points, Capela 9 points and 11 boards, and Bogda 15 points.

It's blown up! 29+21! 11 three-pointers in a single game! The Lakers' Splash Brothers were born...

How many people are fanned by Munch? Gather now!

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