
The president's wife and daughter were killed by the butcher's knife of the Japanese army, and after the claim for 8 billion yuan was rejected, all Japanese prisoners of war were executed

What is history: it is the echo of the past to the future, the reflection of the future on the past. - Hugo

During the Second World War, As one of the invading countries, Japan not only extended the butcher's knife to the land of China, they also infected innocent people in many areas, as long as friends who know this history know that the Japanese invaders at that time dared to do this, mainly because they faced a country that was not very strong, basically belonged to a relatively backward state, plus their ambitions were indeed like jackals that could not be fed, so they extended the battle line to many places, and the Philippines was one of them. The president's wife and daughter were killed by the butcher's knife of the Japanese army, and after the claim for 8 billion yuan was rejected, all Japanese prisoners of war were executed.

The president's wife and daughter were killed by the butcher's knife of the Japanese army, and after the claim for 8 billion yuan was rejected, all Japanese prisoners of war were executed

As long as it is a friend who really understands the intention of war, he knows that the main reason for launching a war is for resources, and attacking the Philippines can not only obtain the resources needed by the Japanese army at that time, but also have considerable advantages in the strategic sense. The end result was that, as mentioned at the beginning of the series, the Philippines was not a rival to the Japanese invaders, and Manila soon fell.

The president's wife and daughter were killed by the butcher's knife of the Japanese army, and after the claim for 8 billion yuan was rejected, all Japanese prisoners of war were executed

At that time, all the Manila soldiers who participated in the battle became prisoners of the Japanese army, and the Japanese army did not join the Geneva Convention at that time, so the provisions of the convention were empty talk for them, so these Filipino prisoners at that time were not treated well by the Japanese army at that time. In order to drive the captives to the prepared place of detention, the invaders let them travel 120 kilometers on foot in the scorching sun, without giving a mouthful of food or even drinking water.

At that time, many people were violently killed in this migration, and everywhere the Japanese army went, they implemented cruel acts similar to the "Three Lights Policy", and many innocent people died under their butcher knives, even the wife and daughter of the Philippine president at that time were not spared, all of them died under the butcher knives of the Japanese army. Since ancient times, evil has prevailed over righteousness, and in the end victory has sided with justice, and the Japanese troops who remained in the Philippines after the war naturally became prisoners.

The president's wife and daughter were killed by the butcher's knife of the Japanese army, and after the claim for 8 billion yuan was rejected, all Japanese prisoners of war were executed

Later, after Japan surrendered, the Philippines submitted a claim of 8 billion yuan to Japan, but in the face of such a demand, the dime-ahead Japan chose not to admit the account, directly saying that there was no money, not to give compensation, to know that the Japanese invaders committed many heinous crimes on their land, the Filipino people were particularly angry, the result was still such an attitude, angry they executed all the Japanese prisoners of war, and finally the United States came forward to calm down the matter.

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