
Conflict escalation! The Australian deputy prime minister hit back at Deyo: You want to be above Australia, so get out

Beijing time on January 8 news, Djokovic incident is still escalating, after I voiced my gratitude to supporters, Australian Deputy Prime Minister Joyce has a tough attitude, "Djokovic wants to be above the whole of Australia, it is impossible, do not tell the truth then roll!" ”

Conflict escalation! The Australian deputy prime minister hit back at Deyo: You want to be above Australia, so get out

Now, the truth of the matter is actually very clear, the Australian side does have a rule, like Djokovic, who has not been vaccinated, can not enter Australia. However, the Australian Open gave Deyo medical immunity. In short, it is the Australian Open that has done something wrong, which has put the world's first into such an embarrassing situation.

Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison said no one could be above the rules. Djokovic's family expressed solidarity in Belgrade, believing that the 9-time Australian Open champion had been persecuted.

Conflict escalation! The Australian deputy prime minister hit back at Deyo: You want to be above Australia, so get out

At present, Djokovic is basically under "house arrest" in Australia. He himself reported peace, "Thanks to people around the world for their continued support, I can feel it, and I am very grateful." ”

Conflict escalation! The Australian deputy prime minister hit back at Deyo: You want to be above Australia, so get out

But the Australian side is still strong, deputy prime minister Joyce said, "Djokovic is making fun of the whole of Australia, you are talented, but it does not mean that you can be above the whole of Australia!" If you don't tell us the truth, get out of Australia! ”

Conflict escalation! The Australian deputy prime minister hit back at Deyo: You want to be above Australia, so get out

Joyce also said, "Don't think that if you have a lot of money, you can ignore the rules and do whatever you want!" ”

Many fans accused the Australian Open, "Such a ability to run a tournament is not worthy of a Grand Slam event!" ”

Conflict escalation! The Australian deputy prime minister hit back at Deyo: You want to be above Australia, so get out

Djokovic, 34, is world number one and has won the Australian Open nine times in his career, which is his best Grand Slam tournament. Djokovic won a total of 20 Grand Slams, tied for first place in men's tennis with Nadal and Federer. Originally, Djokovic was a big hit at the Australian Open and had the opportunity to become the first person in history. But now, Djokovic is in trouble.

As for the final result of the incident, it is likely that the australian open official apology, Djokovic can not participate, and even in the future, Djokovic will not come back to Australia to compete.

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